PCOD PCOS Women's health

PCOS and Hypothyroidism

Relation of PCOS and Hypothyroidism

Polycystic ovary syndrome and hypothyroidism are two of the most common diseases among middle-aged women. And the fact is that these both are co-related to each other. Hypothyroidism, an advanced stage of the thyroid is the hidden effect of PCOS. A study says that almost 25 percent of women in the world who are suffering from PCOS have the thyroid condition too, but due to the negligence and lack of knowledge, the disease goes undiagnosed.  

What is thyroid

It is very important to figure out the phenomenon of thyroid before discussing the relation between the two. The thyroid is simply a gland, which is placed on the base of your neck and functionalizes and controls the fastness and slowness of your metabolism. 

If you are suffering from an underactive thyroid, which is popularly pronounced as hypothyroidism, then simply you are dealing with a low rate of metabolism and this will cause high weight gain. It doesn’t matter whether you are on a diet, it will affect your body and it will disturb the process of sex hormones, which leads to infertility. The fact is that infertility and weight gain are also the main symptoms of PCOS. That is why women think all these things are happing because of PCOS and it goes undiagnosed. 

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Dysfunction and imbalance of reproductive hormones are the biggest reasons for PCOS and it is one of the common diseases among the childbearing women. A study says that around 10 to 12 percent of women are suffering from PCOS around the globe. So, do not think that you are the only one.

What are the problems of PCOS?

1) Type 2 diabetes 

2) High cholesterol and blood pressure 

3) Mood swings and depression

4)Sleep apnea 

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism 

1) Hair loss 

2) The slow rate of metabolism 

3) Stress and depression 

4) Muscles weakness and fatigue 

5) The low temperature of the body 

6) Dryness in skin and hair

7) Coldness in feet and hand 

Causes of hypothyroidism 

There are a number of reasons which are responsible for this disease such as, in the United States, a disease called Hashimoto thyroiditis is one of the most specified cause for Hypothyroidism.  

A person who is suffering from Hashimoto’s disease, his/her antibodies attacks the cells of thyroid glands and makes them incapable to function properly. 

1) Post-surgical hypothyroidism 

It refers to the insufficient hormone of the thyroid gland because of the removal of the thyroid part. It is also known as the thyroidectomy.

2) Radiation-induced hypothyroidism 

This occurs because of the Radioactive iodine therapy (RAI) which is being used to treat the thyroid cancer or advanced stage of the thyroid. It happens because of the exposure of head and neck with the radiation treatment.

3) Certain medicines can also be the reason of this disease such as: 

1) Lithium

2) Amiodarone

3) Interferon alpha

4) Interleukin-2


So, these are various aspects of PCOS and Hypothyroidism and their causes and symptoms. However, you can control this disease with a natural diet and exercises. But if you want some extra aid, then you can take capsules from Furocyst. These capsules can manage all PCOS/PCOD  Symptoms and can be taken in the normal daily routine to provide relief.


PCOD PCOS Symptoms Women's health


Dry Eye Syndrome is an addition to a long list of complications associated with PCOS. PCOS & Dry Eye Disease is a common condition, affecting an estimated 9 million women. Those with dry eyes know that this condition can affect the quality of life because dry eyes can impact work and every aspect of life. If not treated and managed, people with dry eyes can develop repeated eye infections that can eventually lead to the damage of an important part of eye i.e. cornea and cause vision problems.

Common signs and symptoms of dry eyes

  • All time dryness
  • Discomfort
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Vision problems 
  • Burning or pain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Scratchy grainy sensation
  • Heavy or tired eyes

Causes of dry eye disease

There are two reasons due to which dry eyes develop:
  • Not enough oil production by the glands in the inner eyelids
  • Excessive evaporation of the tears. 
These two conditions originate due to following risk factors: 
  • Increasing age
  • Contact lenses
  • Hormonal changes
  • Diabetes
  • Taking medications that can cause dry eyes such as birth control pills, antihistamines, etc 
  • Having laser eye surgery
  • Undergoing radiation therapy
  • Eating a diet that is low in omega-3 fatty acids and high in omega-6 fats

      How is dry eye disease related to PCOS

PCOS & Dry Eye Disease: Eye health of women with PCOS has been compared with the non-PCOS women in many studies and it has been confirmed that women with PCOS have drier eyes than women without the syndrome. The reason is because of an imbalance of hormones, which can affect eye surface and the function of tear glands (responsible for making eyes wet). It has been observed that the structure of eye is under hormonal control. High androgens (testosterones – male hormone) in women affect the lipid layers of tear glands making eyes dry. This takes the patient to a higher risk of an eye infection, because the fluids in the eye can’t carry the debris away to protect your eye.
PCOS is also associated with inflammation which can cause inflammation in the eyes as well. If the eyes remain dry for a long period of time then inflammation is experienced by the patient. The immune response releases inflammatory substances that make the eyes become red, itchy and swollen.

How can we manage both the conditions simultaneously?

Below are some natural ways to manage PCOS & Dry Eye Disease.

The best long-term way to do regain a healthy hormonal balance is to improve diet, get more exercise and reduce chronic stress.
Studies have shown that women with polycystic ovary syndrome consume a diet with a higher glycemic index than other women do. They also eat less legumes and vegetables. This poorer quality diet contributes to all kinds of health problems.
Increase the consumption of either fenugreek or fenugreek-based supplements such as Furocyst™ which is clinically proven to effectively and safely manage PCOS.

  • Take natural treatment: Natural treatment for dry eyes include following:
    Apply warm compresses to eyes frequently throughout the day 

 Carefully wash your eyelids with a mild soap (baby shampoo is frequently recommended)
Use artificial tears (rewetting drops). This remedy provides great relief. 

Limit contact lens use as much as possible. Contact lenses can soak up the fluid in your eye and they also collect proteins on the surface, which further irritates the eyes. Keep lenses clean, and try not to wear them all the time. If you need to use eye drops, check the label, as not all drops are made to be used with contacts. 

Get more sleep. This will provide your eyes the rest they need and will also help reduce the stress that contributes to imbalance in your hormones. Your body repairs its cells and detoxifies while you sleep, which in turn also helps decrease inflammation. 

Don’t forget to blink! Try to blink every five seconds, especially when staring at your computer screen or TV. Take breaks from TV and computer screens.
Avoid sitting in direct contact with heat vents, air conditioners or fans
Increase intake of omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats which are found in fish, walnuts, egg yolk and avocado can reduce inflammation. Fish and fish oil is absorbed best. Many of our patients report more comfort and less dryness in a few weeks of taking fish oil. 

Check your medications: If you are on prescription drugs, talk to your healthcare provider to see if anything might be causing your dry eyes. There could be alternate medications. 

Avoid pollution and irritants: Smoke aggravates dry eyes. Avoid rubbing your eyes because that can disturb the tear film, remove tears, and transfer irritants to your eye. If you wear makeup it is suggested that you purchase hypoallergenic make-up.

If you feel you have dry eye, see an eye doctor for treatment and to avoid further eye damage! 


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Find Out if You Have PCOS with these 7 Signs

If you’re experiencing persistent weight gain and have skipped a period or two and are not pregnant, don’t be so quick to blame stress. In fact, experts believe that more than half of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) don’t even realize they have it. Find Out if You Have PCOS with these 7 Signs. PCOS, a hormonal disorder that often flies under the radar, is caused by a hormonal imbalance and marked by small cysts on the ovaries. 5 to 10 percent of women between the ages 20 to 40 are affected by the condition but less than half are actually diagnosed according to the PCOS Foundation.

To hopefully bring clarity to millions of women potentially affected by this disorder, we have compiled a list of the most common symptoms of PCOS that are often subtle and difficult to detect. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, get an evaluation from your gynaecologist and explore our other posts discussing lifestyle tips for PCOS and how you can naturally treat and even cure this disorder. PCOS with these 7 Signs:

1. Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Skipping periods and having an unpredictable menstrual cycle are hallmarks of PCOS. Dr. Maryam Siddiqui, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics-gynaecology at the University of Chicago Medicine says:

“Our menstrual cycle is like a vital sign. It tells us if our metabolism is in a good state; if you’re too thin, overweight, or stressed, that can throw your cycles off. Having irregular periods or more likely, skipping multiple periods could be a sign of hormonal imbalance like PCOS.”

Menstrual irregularities should be the first red flag and prompt you to visit a gynaecologist.

2. Abnormal Hair Growth

Hirsutism, or excessive hair growth on women on parts of the body where hair does not normally grow, is a common symptom of PCOS. The ovaries are producing excessive amounts of androgens, a hormone that can stimulate hair growth. Hair could grow on the face, chest, inner thighs and stomach, places where women do not normally see excessive hair growth.

3. Breaking out Like a Teenager

Elevated androgen levels can also cause breakouts. The hormone boosts sebum production and the combination of excess oil and old skin tissue clogs pores. Bacteria flourish on sebum triggering inflammation.

4. A Dark “ring” around Your Neck

That strange discoloration on your neck, also called acanthosis nigricans, is not from that cheap necklace you bought at a market. PCOS can cause stubborn dark patches of skin on the back of the neck that don’t wash off. This change in pigmentation can also appear under your arms and around the vulva.

5. Sudden and Persistent Weight Gain

Inexplicable weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, is a symptom of PCOS. More research is needed to understand why weight gain is often a sign of PCOS however, Dr. Siddiqui explains:

“With PCOS, you can have trouble metabolizing blood sugar, known as insulin resistance. When you have insulin resistance, your pancreas has to work really hard and make a lot of insulin just to lower your blood sugar. That is linked to weight gain and central obesity.”

As a result, women with PCOS are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

6. The Appearance of Skin Tags

Skin tags are common, small growths of flesh-colored skin on various parts of the body including the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds and under the breasts. These can be caused by friction and nearly everyone will develop one at some point in their life however, while not understood why, skin tags tend to crop up around the neck area and under the arms in women with PCOS.

7. Struggling with Fertility

The hormonal imbalance prevents normal ovulation which is essential for pregnancy to occur. It’s no surprise then that PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. In fact, according to the PCOS Foundation, 70 percent of infertility problems in women who have trouble ovulating are caused by PCOS.


if you have PCOS with these 7 Signs, If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, only your gynecologist or general doctor can tell you if you have PCOS. A diagnosis however is not the end of the world. Our other posts cover in detail life style changes you can make to treat and even cure PCOS naturally. More women are finding that proper nutrition, exercise and the right supplements are drastically improving their quality of life.

Furocyst, for example, is extracted from the Fenugreek seed without using chemicals and is rising in popularity as a beneficial supplement. Clinically proven safe and effective for managing PCOS, Furocyst is shown to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and improve insulin sensitivity. For more information, visit our website

So, talk to your doctor, maybe swap that sausage and egg McMuffin for a fat-burning bowl of oats, berries and coconut milk, walk for 30 minutes and add a supplement to your daily routine.

The statement and product have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Find Out if You Have PCOS with these 7 Signs

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Do You Follow a list of Healthy Habits for PCOS?

A PCOS diagnosis is overwhelming news to hear especially when you know that getting healthy can’t happen overnight. So we have compiled a list of Healthy Habits for PCOS that with patience and dedication, can transform the life of someone struggling with PCOS.

Healthy Habits for PCOS:

Love Carbohydrates:

Women struggling with PCOS benefit immensely when foods like gluten, dairy, and soy are eliminated. These foods cause inflammation which can exacerbate symptoms of PCOS. Meat, dairy and eggs can further increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a common concern of women with PCOS. Dr. Neal Barnard, founding president of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, and his colleagues report that a low-fat, plant based whole food vegan lifestyle free of animal products and refined oils can lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and help people lose weight.

In fact, Dr. Barnard’s program does not require any calorie counting, portion control or cutting out carbohydrates. That’s news to celebrate!

Move Your Body and Lift Heavy Stuff:

Exercise is a habit all women with PCOS must learn to adopt. Thankfully, “moving your body” every day means unlimited possibilities so find an activity you love and do it every day until it becomes a habit. We recommend jogging, cycling, swimming, elliptical machines and weight training.

Forget every time you have been told lifting weights will make you bulky and start building some fat-burning muscle. In fact, replacing ten pounds of fat with ten pounds of muscle can burn fifty more calories per day.

Don’t forget to stretch at least three times a week for thirty minutes to prevent injury.

Practice Self-Love:

Learn to love yourself now, not after you lose ten pounds or twenty or fifty. Being body positive does not mean waking up every morning and being satisfied with what you see in the mirror. After all, a majority of the population doesn’t feel satisfied which means we can be happy while striving to improve ourselves. So, don’t wait to move to Hawaii and bask in the sun on the beaches of Oahu wearing a bikini. Live the life you want to live now and treat your body with kindness and patience. After some time, this will be a habit and you will be a happier person.

Don’t be a Victim:

Instead, choose to take action. Women with PCOS are not victims of their disease. These women can overcome their symptoms of PCOS by taking ownership of their well being and journey to health and healing. Choosing the right attitude every day is habit forming and can make a huge difference in quality of life.

Educate to Empower:

Armed with the right attitude and mindset, it’s time to get educated. Physicians may have limited experience with PCOS and may opt for a treatment plan consisting of pills and a cookie-cutter low carb diet. Do your own research and be your best advocate.

Sleep until Refreshed:

If you live by the old adage “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” stop. If you find yourself about to say the words “but I don’t have time for sleep,” seriously, stop it. Balanced hormones and your endocrine system depend on adequate sleep as well as body and brain function. Maintaining healthy habits and a positive mindset is near impossible when you’re chronically tired and depend on a jolt of caffeine to get you through the day. Roughly two-thirds of citizens in the US are getting a less than adequate amount of sleep per night while obesity is still on the rise. No one, including you, benefits from brain fog.

So, no more excuses and no more feeling guilty about sleeping in. Make it happen.

Take Control of Stress:

Stress triggers the release of cortisol which can wreak havoc on the hormonal system and lead to weight gain. If this news alone is stressing you out, don’t panic. Women who are managing PCOS develop coping mechanisms to handle stress and learn to relax even in the worst of times.

Plan your Meals and Cook Often:

Planning and organization is key to a Healthy Habits for PCOS, consistent lifestyle. Work on this each day and an organized life will be second nature. Careful planning and cooking regularly can help reduce the amount of processed foods you consume and prevent cravings throughout the day because you didn’t prepare enough food and now you’re in the McDonald’s line.

Take High-Quality Supplements:

While there is no magic pill to cure your symptoms and while your long-term health depends on comprehensive lifestyle changes, a simple, healthful supplement for PCOS can be great to add to your diet while you transition to Healthy Habits for PCOS.

Furocyst, for example, is extracted from the Fenugreek seed through a patented process, without using chemicals and is rising in popularity as a beneficial supplement. Clinically proven safe and effective for managing PCOS, Furocyst is shown to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and improve insulin sensitivity. For more information, visit

Strive for Progress not Perfection:

Nobody is perfect yet we all too often strive for perfection in our work, relationships and bodies. We lose ten pounds, feel empowered, and then catch a look at our “jiggly thighs” in the mirror and instantly shower ourselves with self-deprecation and ridicule. This is a habit that women struggling with PCOS and weight gain must break. Dissatisfaction with your body during weight loss is normal but if you make a habit of putting your health first, and be kind to yourself when you feel inadequate, women with PCOS can have a much better quality of life. Soon, with patience and the right lifestyle changes, you will be the goddess you were born to be with an existence that literally hurts people’s feelings.

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Healthy Habits for PCOS

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6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder characterized by the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, elevated levels of the male hormone androgen, acne, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of infertility and Type-2 diabetes. While symptoms may vary, all women diagnosed with PCOS have irregular menstruation or an absence of menstrual periods. Here the the 6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS.

Finding the right medical treatment can depend on the age of the woman diagnosed although, since PCOS is a hormonal disorder, hormone therapy is often needed to treat PCOS. With the risk of infertility, treating this in addition to alleviating symptoms is often a primary goal of those affected.

While PCOS is the most common disorder diagnosed in women, it is difficult to hear. This, however, does not need to dampen your outlook on life. Below are 6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS you can use to manage you symptoms and treat your PCOS.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone treatment can include the use of contraceptive pills and medications for blocking the activity of androgen. Birth control can help regulate your menstrual cycle and may be needed to prevent endometrial cancer caused by the absence of periods.

Other symptoms related to elevated levels of androgen such as male pattern balding and hirsutism (abnormal hair growth in places with little to no hair) can be managed with hormone therapy and medications including cyproterone acetate,finasteride or spironolactone.

Fertility Treatment

The fertility drug clomifene is used to stimulate ovulation and works by treating hormonal imbalances that disrupt normal ovulation. When treatment with clomifene fails to stimulate the ovaries, hormonal therapy with the gonadotrophin hormone is recommended for restoring normal ovulating. This may, however, cause multiple pregnancies.


A more extreme method, infertility can also be treated with surgery. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is a minor surgical procedure that is recommended when ovulation cannot be stimulated with non-invasive processes and drugs. In this surgical procedure, the tissues in the ovaries that secrete male hormones are destroyed by laser or heat.

This helps to correct the hormonal imbalance by reducing testosterone levels and boosting the follicle-stimulating hormone level. LOD does not cause multiple pregnancies, therefore, it is considered an effective alternative to gonadotropin therapy.

Diabetes Medications

Reduced sensitivity to insulin is a common symptom of PCOS and can create rampant hormonal imbalances. Insulin sensitizers can help manage this symptom and improve the possibility of ovulation. Usually, insulin sensitizers are combined with the fertility drug clomifene.

Hair Removal Treatment

An often embarrassing side effect, PCOS patients with excess hair growth in places where hair does not normally grow can treat this symptom with eflornithine which slows down hair growth. It works by inhibiting the activities of an enzyme that stimulate hair growth. Hair depletion cream and other hair removal treatments are recommended for removing the excess hair from the face and body.

Restorative Supplements

After proper research, supplements can also be a great option. Consider adding Furocyst as a supplement to your healing journey. This product, extracted from the Fenugreek seed without using chemicals, is clinically proven safe and effective for managing PCOS and is shown to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and improve insulin sensitivity. For more information, visit our website

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6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS

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PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is disease attached to lots of complications such as increased weight, irregular menstrual cycle, hirsutism, acne development, etc. Along with these bodily changes, psychological health is also affected due to decreased quality of life which develops depression, stress, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc. In this article, we will explain 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS and its benefits.

In such situations, it is better to choose options which could contribute to relieving stress and helps to diminish the outcomes of PCOS. One such option is “exercise”. Exercising does not cure PCOS but it helps to handle the major complications related to PCOS such as (but not limited to),

  • Weight gain
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Depression

Medication alone could not cure any disease completely; it needs the addition of compromises such as lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, etc. Exercising can help to make these compromises easier. Some females avoid doing any kind of exercise in day-to-day life but if this approach is adopted, then, it can give many healthy results in the body.

All the physical changes came out of exercise are completely visible in the body but it also helps to benefit the body in a psychological way. It is suggested that engaging in a moderate amount of physical exercise can help to improve mood and emotional state of a person which are solely required for a PCOS-affecting female.


The goals of doing exercise during PCOS are:

  • Managing insulin resistance – Helps to transfer glucose into cells to convert it into energy
  • Increasing muscle mass – Helps to metabolize glucose effectively inside body

By targeting these goals, exercise can contribute greatly to reducing complications arising from PCOS. But it is also suggested that the over-exercising should be avoided during PCOS as it can imbalance the hormonal profile.

Below are the 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS which can be chosen specifically:

  1. Weight training

    • It is one of the 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS. Weight training or strength training is highly beneficial in PCOS. This does not mean to carry heavy weights of dumbbells or barbells because muscle build-up is not the only target.
    • Weight training means to lose extra fat from the body. It helps to perform day-to-day activities easily. Some PCOS women are overweight which interferes in the treatment. Thus, for those women, this strength training becomes aim to lose extra weight to meet the targets of getting healthy.
  2. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

  • This exercise is better for stress management in PCOS women. It is also clinically-proven for improving quality of life in those females. It helps to improve cardiovascular and metabolic profile of PCOS women.
  • HIIT also helps to improve the sensitivity of tissues towards insulin and prevents the development of insulin resistance.
  1. Low-intensity steady state cardio (LISS)

    • It is suggested that HIIT becomes more effective when it is combined with low impact steady state cardio. It involves performing a repetitive movement at a steady or moderate pace for a long time.
    • It helps to lower fasting insulin levels and fat mass in women. Steady-state cardio also helps to prevent physiological stress. Mental health professionals suggest outdoor steady-state cardio for improving mental health.
    • Thus, as the PCOS women highly get affected in the manner of mental health, outdoor steady-state cardio is really helpful.
  2. Swimming

    • Swimming is recommended by many doctors for maintaining a healthy body as it burns calories. For PCOS women too, swimming helps to maintain uterus health along with losing calories.
    • Managing weight in PCOS is a prime goal. Swimming can help lose weight in PCOS women and it also relieves the body & soul.
  3. Cycling

    • It is one of the 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS. In PCOS, cycling helps to lose weight and also burns more calories by increasing glucose absorption by tissues. When this glucose enters the cells, it gets converted to energy which is used to perform more physical activities.
    • Cycling is otherwise very healthy and easy-to-do exercise for the body. It has benefitted persons of every age-group. Cycling also helps to build and maintain muscle of the legs & thighs.
  4. Zumba

    • Zumba is a kind of cardio. It helps to lose weight. It is regarded as one of the best exercises in PCOS.
    • It helps to lose weight in PCOS women by burning extra fat and calorie. Regularity in Zumba performance prevents the formation of lumps of fat. Engaging in Zumba exercise is entertaining for a person and thus, helps to prevent stress development, too.
  5. Walking

    • Walking is also one of the best exercises for women as it can be done anywhere and at any time. But it should be done regularly and increased with time.
    • It helps to calm the mind and body and balances the fat profile and hormonal profile of the body is performed daily. It has been observed that daily brisk walk for 30-50 minutes can help to prevent weight gain even if the dietary habits are not changed.
  6. Pilates

    • It is suggested by doctors that performing pilates can really help in PCOS. Uterus in PCOS needs to strengthen with gentle exercises such as pilates.
    • It also helps to bring down the stress levels, prevents depression and improves the hormonal imbalance.
    • Pilates exercise has been observed to remove toxins from the body which might be involved in acne formation and hair fall.
  7. Stretching exercise

    • It is always confusing whether to stretch or not in PCOS. Stretching is recommended to be carefully done as the bodily tissues become very sensitive in PCOS. It specifically helps to lose weight in PCOS by removing excessive fats.
    • Stretching helps to strengthen the tissues inside the body, if done smartly. Those stretches should be picked which could target a specific tissue inside the body and make it strong.
    • Always make sure to be gentle with the body during stretching and it is recommended not to bounce much. Warm the muscles before stretching as it will help to stretch easily.
  8. Yoga

    • It helps to relieve stress which is highly noticed in females affected with PCOS. By managing stress, hormonal imbalance in PCOS can be directly targeted due to the link between stress and hormones.
    • It also helps to promote weight loss. Weight gain is the major effect of PCOS. Thus, yoga contributes to stabilizing the mind and losing weight by burning calories.
    • Another contribution of yoga in improving the health of PCOS-affecting females is the incorporation of fertility. Infertility is the major outcome of PCOS. But yoga helps to inhibit infertility by maintaining hormonal balance in the brain through enhancing blood supply.
    • Some of those yoga asanas that help to provide relief in PCOS include Badhakonasana (butterfly pose), Supta Badhakonasana (reclining butterfly pose), Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s twist), Bhuajangasana (cobra pose), Naukasana (boat pose), Dhanurasana (bow pose), Viparita shalabhasana (Superman pose), Balasana (child’s pose), Chakki achalasia (mill churning pose), Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and cow pose), etc.

These 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS women can do wonders if adopted in day-to-day life because only medications can’t make a person healthy for a life time. Moreover, medications alone can cure your disease once but combining with exercise can benefit you more for ages.


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New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS: Of the PCOS affected women that received the treatment, 94% reported positively.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of the women are affected with PCOS. Women with PCOS have various symptoms, which may be cosmetic, such as acne, facial hair and pigmentation, gynecological such as irregular periods, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, or endocrinological such as obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. PCOS is not a disease but a syndrome of multiple symptoms and signs and every woman might not have all the possible symptoms.

Till now there is no comprehensive treatment for the management of PCOS (Mind you, PCOS is not curable, whatever anyone says!). Doctors generally give a concoction of birth control pills, advice on lifestyle changes, diet plans, diabetes medications and as a last resort, surgery.

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS: The symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) usually become apparent in your teens or early twenties. Not all women with PCOS have all of the symptoms. Each symptom can vary from mild to severe. In many women, the only symptoms are menstrual problems or a failure to conceive.

Common symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Irregular periods or complete lack of periods
  • Difficulty getting pregnant (because of irregular ovulation or failure to ovulate), recurrent miscarriage
  •  Excessive hair growth (hirsutism) – usually on the face, chest, back or buttocks
  •  Weight problems – being overweight, rapid weight gain, difficulty losing weight
  • Thinning hair and hair loss from the head
  •  Oily skin or acne
  • Depression and mood changes
  •  Multiple, small cysts in the ovaries

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS: Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. The cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances.

Chemical Resources is a pioneer in innovative and natural dietary supplements. It has 13 patents for various innovations and the products have been clinically evaluated for safety and efficacy.
Furocyst is one such dietary supplement from Chemical Resources for management of PCOS. Furocyst is an innovative product (extracted and
developed through a novel & innovative U.S. patented process) involving separations of active ingredients from the natural plant without affecting chemical properties of the active fractions.

It has been clinically evaluated to prove its safety and efficacy.
Efficacy conclusions
➲ Fenugreek seed extract caused significant reduction in the ovary volume.
➲ 46% of the study population showed reduction in the cyst size.
➲ 36% of the study population showed complete dissolution of the cysts.
➲ 12% of the patients got pregnant.
➲ 71% of the patients reported regular menstrual cycle on completion of the
➲ Overall 94% of the patients reported positively or got benefited from the fenugreek extract dosing.

Safety conclusions
➲ Keeping hematological and biochemical results in view, investigational product was safe for consumption.
➲ No significant change in liver function tests was observed.
➲ No significant change in renal function tests was observed.

Mechanism of Action of Furocyst:
➲ Increase insulin sensitizing activity & peripheral utilization of insulin thus correcting increased androgen hormones, which are responsible for PCOS.
➲ Bring down the Hypercholesterolemia.

Furocyst is a one of its kind product, which offers a comprehensive solution for management of PCOS. It is a natural plant-based product and thus, has no known side effects, unlike other existing available options for PCOS.

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New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS

PCOD PCOS Women's health


The immune system exists in almost all complex life forms. The main function of the immune system is to defend the body from germs and other foreign invaders.  It produces antibodies to fight off such invaders. Any such substance that triggers an immune response in this way is referred to as an antigen. For the immune system to function appropriately, it must be able to distinguish cells that are internally formed substances from those that are non-self or foreign.

An autoimmune disease develops when the immune system, which defends body against disease, decides the body’s own cells as foreign. As a result, the immune system attacks body’s own cells. Autoimmunity is classified as organ specific and non-organ specific autoimmunity.

Depending on the type, an autoimmune disease can affect one or many different types of body tissue(s). It can also cause abnormal organ growth and changes in organ function. In this way, autoimmunity is also related to the Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome.



The following tests are helpful to diagnose an autoimmune disease:

Autoantibody test: Any of several tests that look for specific antibodies to your own tissues

Antinuclear antibody test: A type of autoantibody test that looks for antinuclear antibodies, which attack the nuclei of cells in your body

Complete blood count: Measures the number of red and white cells in your blood; when your immune system is actively fighting something, these numbers will vary from the normal

C-reactive protein (CRP): Elevated CRP is an indication of inflammation throughout your body

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: This test indirectly measures how much inflammation is in your body


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most prevalent endocrine disorder affecting females. It is a common cause of menstrual irregularities and infertility during reproductive age. Genetic and hormonal factors play crucial role in the pathogenesis of PCOS.

Low level of progesterone in PCOS causes overstimulation of immune system that produces more estrogen which leads to various autoantibodies. Different autoantibodies have been documented in PCOS, for example, anti-nuclear (ANA), anti-thyroid, anti-spermatic, anti-SM, anti-histone, anti-carbonic anhydrase, anti-ovarian, and anti-islet cell antibodies. There is an association between PCOS and autoimmune diseases such as ANA and anti-TPO that have been documented in systemic lupus erythematosus and Hashimoto thyroiditis, respectively, and it is suspected that there are autoantibodies that might affect the long term clinical management of these patients.

Insulin resistance, obesity and androgens as potential source of autoimmunity in PCOS.

PCOS is essentially a hormonal disorder and is worsened by insulin resistance (inability of cells to detect insulin) and hyperandrogenism (increase in male hormone). Researchers have reported many insertions, deletion and substitutions of genes in PCOS. They suggested that insulin resistance can affect sexual function unfavorably and may even cause PCOS.

The pathophysiologic linkage between PCOS and diabetes has been declared as autoimmune phenomenon. Insulin is provided from outside in this case as the treatment of type I diabetes which may contribute to the development of PCOS in the patients. Non-physiologically administered insulin can potentially stimulate the production of androgens by ovaries.

Obesity which is common in PCOS patients further increases the risk of insulin resistance which in turn causes hyperandrogenism and risk of developing PCOS. This further leads to autoimmunity.


An autoantibody is an antibody which is produced by the immune system that is directed against one or more of the individual’s own cells. Many autoimmune diseases are caused by such autoantibodies.

Autoantibodies play a nonpathological role i.e. they may help the body to destroy cancers and to eliminate waste products.

As told above, the immune system is able to recognize and ignore the body’s own healthy proteins, cells, and tissues, and to not overreact to non-threatening substances in the environment, such as foods. Sometimes, the immune system ceases to recognize one or more of the body’s normal constituents as “self,” leading to production of pathological autoantibodies. These autoantibodies attack the body’s own healthy cells, tissues, and/or organs, causing inflammation and damage. Thus, their action leads to the development of autoimmunity diseases.


  •        Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA)

  •        Anti-Thyroid Antibody

Researchers have suggested strong association of anti-thyroid antibodies with PCOS. According to them, autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) is three times more common in PCOS as compared to non-PCOS women of reproductive age. They observed strong association of infertility, miscarriages, and disturbed thyroid profile in pregnant females. Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism can lead to increased rate of miscarriages, fetal death, and late cognitive development of off springs.

  •         Anti-Islet Cell Antibody

Islet cell autoantibodies are produced when beta cells of pancreas are damaged and they can bind to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), protein tyrosine phosphatase, islet antigen-2 (IA-2), insulin, and zinc transporter (ZNT8) and lead to further destruction of islet cells of pancreas. These anti-islet cell antibodies have been reported in large population of PCOS patients.


The only management strategy associated with PCOS autoimmune disorder to control the pathogenesis of PCOS. This can be done as following:

Regular exercise: To make body free from other complications associated with PCOS.

Control body weight: To lessen the progress in PCOS as increase in body weight is a contributing factor towards PCOS.

Control blood sugar: As the insulin resistance is highly involved in PCOS progression, it is highly recommended that blood sugar levels should be maintained.

Oral contraceptive pills: To induce fertility and regularity in menstrual cycle.

Herbal medication: Consumption of herbal medication such as Furocyst (fenugreek seed extract) to manage all PCOS symptoms and cyst size as well as cyst number, to induce fertility, to induce regularity in menstrual cycle at once.


PCOD PCOS Women's health


PCOS is a disorder involving multiple cysts in the ovaries of women, which originates from hormonal imbalance inside the body. Among these hormones (testosterone, LH & FSH), one hormone is Leptin, which is also known as “satiety hormone”.
Leptin is made by adipose cells (fat cells) that help to regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. It works along with the hormone ghrelin inside the body, which is known as the “hunger hormone”. Thus, know how satiety hormone leptin is linked to PCOS and your fat cells produce hormones. This is one reason why women who have a lot of fat often have hormonal problems. Leptin signals the hypothalamus gland in the brain when fat cells are full. The hypothalamus uses this information to maintain energy balance in the body. Leptin is intimately involved in the long-term management of body weight and in regulating appetite.

In obesity, a decreased sensitivity to leptin takes place increasing serum leptin levels. This results in an inability to detect satiety despite of high energy stores. This situation increases body fat and thus, raises body weight.


PCOS is characterized by chronic anovulation, hyper-androgenemia, insulin resistance and a high incidence of obesity. These features are often linked to leptin and its receptor. Leptin, the product from the obesity gene (ob gene), correlates positively with BMI but also has variation during the menstrual cycle. Leptin levels peak in the luteal phase of the cycle, correlating with maximum progesterone. These changes suggest a direct physiological role for leptin in regulating ovarian function. Disruption of such an effect could play a role in menstrual irregularities generally observed in both obese and under-nourished women and may offer a pathophysiological mechanism in women with how satiety hormone leptin is linked to PCOS


Leptin is influenced by diet, genetics, gender, amount of fat weight and a substantial number of other hormones. You can improve your leptin balance by switching to a healthier diet, and getting more exercise.

Weight loss

can show improvement in both ovulation and insulin resistance.

can have a direct effect on hyperandrogenism and the resultant hirsutism by increasing the function of SHBG concentration, which binds to testosterone.

  •  Long-term weight loss

  • is the goal and needs to focus on a change of lifestyle rather than a restrictive diet plan.
  • Increase quality protein in your diet. High protein diets have shown good results in both insulin-resistant and PCOS women. Protein can improve satiety and have a regulating effect on blood sugar levels.
  • Increase vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds
  • Increase good fats (avocados, coconut oil, olive oil)
  • Consume plenty of water (8 glasses per day)
  • Limit foods high in sugar (e.g. cakes, pastries, soft drinks) and processed foods
  • Limit high fructose foods as these have been shown to increase leptin levels.


  •  Exercise appears to have a powerful influence on neurotransmitter and hormone levels.
  • Exercise and movement in general have a positive effect on leptin and insulin sensitivity.
  •  Exercise allows leptin to work properly, thereby reducing weight gain.
  •  Simply starting with a walking program with intervals should kick-start leptin switch into the proper mode. As this hormone begins operating more efficiently, energy and appetite are better regulated, making good health easier than ever to achieve.

Reduce stress

 Reducing stress will also help directly with PCOS and fertility. Stress stimulates the release of cortisol (steroid hormone released in response to stress) from the hypothalmic-pituitary axis. The ‘stress’ hormone cortisol promotes central obesity and insulin resistance and these are the two main concerns for increases in leptin levels.
 Stress exacerbates the vicious cycle of PCOS by promoting both androgen overproduction in the ovaries and also increasing cravings for carbohydrates, which can contribute to obesity.

Herbal treatment

Even as the above lifestyle factors should be the first line of defense in the treatment of PCOS and fertility and in addressing the leptin, insulin relationships in PCOS, there are herbs that may assist with PCOS.
One such herb is Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum grecum). This herb is reported to have a direct effect on PCOS. Furocyst™ is a supplement completely based on fenugreek seed extract. It is clinically proven to manage hormonal imbalances in PCOS and inducing fertility. As it is based on fenugreek, it does not have any side effect, which is also proved during the clinical study.
Another supplement to curb those hunger pangs in Furoslim. It’s an Irvingia Gabonensis (African Mango) seed extract. Irvingia Gabonensis is the molecule to improve the sensitivity of leptin, which is the main cause of obesity. It not only reverses leptin resistance, but also facilitates the breakdown of body fat by reducing an enzyme (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) that enables glucose to be stored as triglyceride in adipocytes. Irvingia Gabonensis also increases the insulin-sensitizing hormone adiponectin and inhibits the digestive enzyme amylase that allows ingested carbohydrates to be broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream and get cured from how satiety hormone leptin is linked to pcos.
Thus, instead of using harmful medications which either have side effects or produce a temporary effect, it is better to choose lifestyle modifications, dietary changes and herbal supplements such as Furocyst™ to manage PCOS naturally and devoid of any side effect.


PCOS Women's health


In India, Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of women in India are affected with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS have various symptoms which may be cosmetic; such as acne, facial hair and pigmentation, gynecological; such as irregular periods, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, or endocrinological; such as obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes.POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME MANAGEMENT

In PCOS, ovulation does not occur regularly, which prevents the rise and fall of progesterone hormone which is responsible for causing a woman’s period. Instead, the uterine lining is not shed and is exposed to estrogen for a longer period of time causing it to grow much thicker than normal. This can cause heavy and erratic bleeding. However, this is not a true period because ovulation has not occurred. Over time, lack of exposure to progesterone may cause endometrial hyperplasia which in rare cases can lead to endometrial cancer. Taking the oral contraceptives (birth control pills) regulates the menstrual cycle by providing the progesterone that body needs, causing the uterine lining to be shed frequently and reducing the risk of endometrial hyperplasia.

In a nutshell, oral contraceptives (birth control pills) release hormones into the body to create a highly regular menstrual cycle without ovulation. They contain various combinations and strengths of the hormones estrogen and progestin. Since irregular periods are the most common symptom of PCOS, taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills) is a way to force the body into a regular cycle. As a result of this hormonal influence, using oral contraceptives (birth control pills) helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce excessive hair growth and acne.

Oral contraceptive though, is not a definite treatment of PCOS. For most women the effect vanishes soon after the pill is stopped. There have been clinicians who have noticed that taking oral contraceptives can also lead to PCOS. (


But FUROCYST, a U.S. patented research-based innovative and clinically proven product, is effective in the POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME MANAGEMENT . It is completely plant-based and is an advanced form of Ayurveda, merging nature and science. It regulates the LH/FSH ratio as reported in various studies conducted on PCOS patients. Because of a decreased level of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) relative to Luteinizing Hormone (LH), the ovarian granulosa cells cannot aromatize the androgens to estrogens, which leads to decreased estrogen levels and consequently leads to an ovulation. It also lowers testosterone production, thus normalizes symptoms of acne, irregular menstrual cycles & slows the growth of abnormal hair. It works by blocking the effects of “male hormones” such as testosterone and suppresses production of these hormones by the ovaries. As per the clinical evaluation conducted on patients, Furocyst is a completely safe product with no side effects.

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