PCOD PCOS Symptoms Women's health

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS: Of the PCOS affected women that received the treatment, 94% reported positively.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of the women are affected with PCOS. Women with PCOS have various symptoms, which may be cosmetic, such as acne, facial hair and pigmentation, gynecological such as irregular periods, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, or endocrinological such as obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. PCOS is not a disease but a syndrome of multiple symptoms and signs and every woman might not have all the possible symptoms.

Till now there is no comprehensive treatment for the management of PCOS (Mind you, PCOS is not curable, whatever anyone says!). Doctors generally give a concoction of birth control pills, advice on lifestyle changes, diet plans, diabetes medications and as a last resort, surgery.

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS: The symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) usually become apparent in your teens or early twenties. Not all women with PCOS have all of the symptoms. Each symptom can vary from mild to severe. In many women, the only symptoms are menstrual problems or a failure to conceive.

Common symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Irregular periods or complete lack of periods
  • Difficulty getting pregnant (because of irregular ovulation or failure to ovulate), recurrent miscarriage
  •  Excessive hair growth (hirsutism) – usually on the face, chest, back or buttocks
  •  Weight problems – being overweight, rapid weight gain, difficulty losing weight
  • Thinning hair and hair loss from the head
  •  Oily skin or acne
  • Depression and mood changes
  •  Multiple, small cysts in the ovaries

New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS: Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. The cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances.

Chemical Resources is a pioneer in innovative and natural dietary supplements. It has 13 patents for various innovations and the products have been clinically evaluated for safety and efficacy.
Furocyst is one such dietary supplement from Chemical Resources for management of PCOS. Furocyst is an innovative product (extracted and
developed through a novel & innovative U.S. patented process) involving separations of active ingredients from the natural plant without affecting chemical properties of the active fractions.

It has been clinically evaluated to prove its safety and efficacy.
Efficacy conclusions
➲ Fenugreek seed extract caused significant reduction in the ovary volume.
➲ 46% of the study population showed reduction in the cyst size.
➲ 36% of the study population showed complete dissolution of the cysts.
➲ 12% of the patients got pregnant.
➲ 71% of the patients reported regular menstrual cycle on completion of the
➲ Overall 94% of the patients reported positively or got benefited from the fenugreek extract dosing.

Safety conclusions
➲ Keeping hematological and biochemical results in view, investigational product was safe for consumption.
➲ No significant change in liver function tests was observed.
➲ No significant change in renal function tests was observed.

Mechanism of Action of Furocyst:
➲ Increase insulin sensitizing activity & peripheral utilization of insulin thus correcting increased androgen hormones, which are responsible for PCOS.
➲ Bring down the Hypercholesterolemia.

Furocyst is a one of its kind product, which offers a comprehensive solution for management of PCOS. It is a natural plant-based product and thus, has no known side effects, unlike other existing available options for PCOS.

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New PCOS treatment fully reverses the symptoms of PCOS

PCOD PCOS Women's health

Solution to PCOS Problem -Insulin Resistance Easy solution to PCOS problem? What it could be?

Early Detection of Insulin Resistance Could be easy Solution to PCOS problems !

Do you wonder what is causing your PCOS?

If you could just identify what is causing it, possibly you could remove the cause and this disease would go away. Or at least be much easier to manage.

For the majority of women with poly-cystic ovary syndrome, a primary cause of symptoms is the presence of a medical condition called “insulin resistance”. Insulin resistance simply means your cells are “resistant” to or are under-responding to the hormone insulin. Therefore, insulin cannot efficiently tell the cells to store blood sugar or perform a multitude of other tasks. The result is that the entire body is thrown into a state of imbalance and distress, leading to weight gain, belly fat, ovulation problems, mood disorders, and skin and hair issues.

But here’s the tricky part. Not everyone with PCOS also has insulin resistance — or do they? It’s estimated that somewhere between 50%-80% of women with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome have insulin resistance. But why is there such a wide variation in these estimates? And how do you know if you have it?

It may be that part of the problem is in how insulin resistance is defined and how it is measured and diagnosed. We won’t go into the weeds on this complex issue but let’s cover a couple of high points.

It’s important to know whether you have insulin resistance because if it’s left unidentified and untreated, the long-term consequences could be disastrous. You could end up with diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s or any other degenerative disease.


As a first step –

  • A doctor can get a pretty good idea of insulin resistance by looking at you, your medical history and some simple blood test results. For example, if you have a lot of abdominal fat, darkened skin patches, high blood fats and high blood sugar levels, and a family history of diabetes, one might presume you have insulin resistance. But that’s a presumption. It would be nice if you could make health decisions based on more than just a presumption.

Second step –

  • It might be to run some additional lab tests, such as an oral glucose tolerance test, hemoglobin A 1C or fasting glucose and fasting insulin. Each of these tests provide useful data points but cannot give you the complete picture you need in order to know whether or not you are developing insulin resistance.

A few very enterprising health practitioners might order additional lab tests, such as a 24-hour urine test for estrogen’s, progesterone, androgen’s (male hormones) and 5-alpha hormone enzyme activity. If you have PCOS with suspected insulin resistance, this test may show a pattern of high estrogen’s and androgen’s, low progesterone and high 5-alpha reductase enzyme.