food PCOS Symptoms Women's health

Can Diet and Exercise Actually Improve PCOS Symptoms?

They say if you want to understand some problem to Improve PCOS Symptoms, then first fathom its severity. That is why we are embracing this article with some core facts and figures of polycystic ovary syndrome which also popularly uttered as PCOS.



The most advanced and educated states like the U.S are more affected by this disease. Because around 5 million women or we can say that females who are in the childbearing stage, drastically suffer from PCOS. 

And another fact says that over 50 percent of women who have PCOS, will have major diseases like diabetes before crossing the age of 40 and also acquire a greater risk of heart stroke, 4 to 7 percent. 

And the last but not the least, and it is very astonishing too because only 50 or less than 50 percent of women are diagnosed, and the rest are still living their life in the worst condition with PCOS.

Mysticism about PCOS

Most of the women think that they are the only ones who are suffering from PCOS, but the fact is around 10 to 12 percent of women around the globe are suffering and annihilated by these diseases. And the worst part is that only 2 to 3 percent women from the overall percent take the path of medical treatment

What are the greater risk and problems of PCOS?

1) Type 2 diabetes 

This is one of the harmful effects of PCOS. Type 2 diabetes is related to the condition where your body’s blood sugar level will go high.

2) High cholesterol and blood pressure

These are the main reasons for heart stroke and heart severe diseases.

3) Mood swings and depression

Certainly, the PCOS will make you a diffidence person and affect your mood too.

4)Sleep apnea 

This one is one of the most severe and worst symptoms of PCOS because of breathing interruption while sleeping leads to asthma and to major diseases.



Can Diet and Exercise Actually Improve PCOS Symptoms?

So, the answer would be yes. We have seen that many severe diseases can be mitigated through proper diet and right exercises. That is why we are going to discuss the diet and useful exercise. It will help you to reduce the symptoms of PCOS.

Diets through which you can control and mitigate the PCOS symptoms

Lower glycemic index diet

The lower glycemic index diet is digested more slowly in comparison to other meals. And due to this, the level of insulin also doesn’t go high. This diet includes legumes, seeds, grains, nuts, starchy vegetables, fruits, low-carbohydrate meal, and much more unprocessed food.

Anti-inflammatory diet

As the name suggests, this meal helps to control inflammation. Meal includes meal like fatty fish, berries, and leafy greens and many more.

DASH diet

If you are taking treatment from a health expert or doctor, then he/she will recommend the dietary approaches to stop hypertension. It manages the PCOS symptoms. This diet includes fruits, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products, and vegetable gratins.

Exercises to cure PCOS

Meditation and exercises are the best way to cure any problem in your life. That is why we are discussing some great workouts through which you can cure the PCOS.

1) Swimming

Swimming is one of the greatest ways to cure or control the PCOS because it is a pure form of aerobic exercise. Through swimming, you can easily manage and maintain the heart rate and also be able to mitigate the stress of body parts. It will give the endurance and high strength, and also control your weight.

2) Strength Training

This is a very essential workout for you if you want to Improve PCOS Symptoms without medication. This will give you the overall strength, allow you to achieve better fitness and attain high endurance.

3) Cycling

This is also the most preferable form of aerobic exercises through cycling. you can be able to achieve the high bone density, body flexibility and better stamina and endurance of the body.

 4) Interval Training

This includes high-intensity training like cardio workout, indoor and outdoor walk, spin classes and body weight circuit. It very effectively burns the extra fat of the body and makes you healthy.


So, these are your answers and some causes and facts & figures about PCOS. However, exercises and natural diet are always the best ways but if you want to fast up your cure process, then you can take furocyst Capsules. These capsules are made to control and mitigate the size of ovary cyst and to make your body back to the normal routine of the menstrual process.



PCOD PCOS Women's health

PCOS and Infertility: How to get pregnant with PCOS?

PCOS Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a medical condition which often leads to female Infertility. Most of the women get affected by PCOS during the peak stage of their reproduction period. At present, about ten percent of the female population is likely to have PCOS.


Many worldwide doctors and medical researchers have formulated theories about PCOS and some suggest that it is hereditary; some say that hormones such as insulin plays an important role in its formation. But before going any further, let’s discuss what actually PCOS is.


PCOS – Quick Meaning


PCOS refers to multiple cysts in the ovaries and a lot of other problems that go along with them, including menstrual abnormalities and lack of ovulation, male pattern baldness, facial hair, acne, and obesity. Women suffering from this may also have an increased incidence of Type II diabetes, elevated androgen levels, and also high cholesterol. It  proves that PCOS results in infertility.

PCOS & infertility in women


In each ovary, there are a number of tiny sacs that are follicles. These sacs are cysts and they fill with a liquid that holds eggs. During a woman’s cycle, up to 20 eggs start to mature, but only one usually matures fully. As the egg matures, the follicle fills with fluid until ovulation when the follicle breaks open.


In women struggling with PCOS, the hormone that tells the eggs to mature isn’t always there. As a result, many follicles start to grow, but none of them develop into a mature egg. They remain as cysts and ovulation do not occur. When there is no ovulation, progesterone is not made and the woman’s cycle can become irregular or absent. The cyst also continues to give off male hormones which add to the problems.


Conceiving with PCOS – Possibilities


Currently, there are multiple treatments on offer for PCOS and most of them begin with the management of the related symptomatic conditions. Researches suggest that more emphasis is places on weight control, regular exercise, healthy eating, diabetes treatments for insulin, and associates approaches. By adopting these lifestyle choices, it believes that the PCOS itself can be improved.


If the question of fertility is the primary concern, the condition may be treat with a variety of fertility increasing methods which includes less aggressive therapies, the regimen of birth control pills to stabilize the condition and reduction in male hormone levels associates with it.


Boosting fertility during PCOS


There are many ways to boost fertility with PCOS. The best way is to take a natural supplement that helps in its effective management. Furocyst is counted as one of the best supplements to deal with PCOS. It is a proprietary and clinically evaluated product extracted from Fenugreek seeds. It is scientifically process without affecting the chemical properties of the active ingredient to give maximum benefit.


Furocyst helps in increasing insulin-sensitizing activity and peripheral utilization of insulin, thus correcting increases androgen hormones which are responsible for PCOS. The natural medication also brings down the Hypercholesterolemia.


Don’t forget to compliment your medication and therapies with healthy lifestyle choices!




PCOD PCOS Women's health

6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder characterized by the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, elevated levels of the male hormone androgen, acne, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of infertility and Type-2 diabetes. While symptoms may vary, all women diagnosed with PCOS have irregular menstruation or an absence of menstrual periods. Here the the 6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS.

Finding the right medical treatment can depend on the age of the woman diagnosed although, since PCOS is a hormonal disorder, hormone therapy is often needed to treat PCOS. With the risk of infertility, treating this in addition to alleviating symptoms is often a primary goal of those affected.

While PCOS is the most common disorder diagnosed in women, it is difficult to hear. This, however, does not need to dampen your outlook on life. Below are 6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS you can use to manage you symptoms and treat your PCOS.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone treatment can include the use of contraceptive pills and medications for blocking the activity of androgen. Birth control can help regulate your menstrual cycle and may be needed to prevent endometrial cancer caused by the absence of periods.

Other symptoms related to elevated levels of androgen such as male pattern balding and hirsutism (abnormal hair growth in places with little to no hair) can be managed with hormone therapy and medications including cyproterone acetate,finasteride or spironolactone.

Fertility Treatment

The fertility drug clomifene is used to stimulate ovulation and works by treating hormonal imbalances that disrupt normal ovulation. When treatment with clomifene fails to stimulate the ovaries, hormonal therapy with the gonadotrophin hormone is recommended for restoring normal ovulating. This may, however, cause multiple pregnancies.


A more extreme method, infertility can also be treated with surgery. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is a minor surgical procedure that is recommended when ovulation cannot be stimulated with non-invasive processes and drugs. In this surgical procedure, the tissues in the ovaries that secrete male hormones are destroyed by laser or heat.

This helps to correct the hormonal imbalance by reducing testosterone levels and boosting the follicle-stimulating hormone level. LOD does not cause multiple pregnancies, therefore, it is considered an effective alternative to gonadotropin therapy.

Diabetes Medications

Reduced sensitivity to insulin is a common symptom of PCOS and can create rampant hormonal imbalances. Insulin sensitizers can help manage this symptom and improve the possibility of ovulation. Usually, insulin sensitizers are combined with the fertility drug clomifene.

Hair Removal Treatment

An often embarrassing side effect, PCOS patients with excess hair growth in places where hair does not normally grow can treat this symptom with eflornithine which slows down hair growth. It works by inhibiting the activities of an enzyme that stimulate hair growth. Hair depletion cream and other hair removal treatments are recommended for removing the excess hair from the face and body.

Restorative Supplements

After proper research, supplements can also be a great option. Consider adding Furocyst as a supplement to your healing journey. This product, extracted from the Fenugreek seed without using chemicals, is clinically proven safe and effective for managing PCOS and is shown to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and improve insulin sensitivity. For more information, visit our website

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6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS

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PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is disease attached to lots of complications such as increased weight, irregular menstrual cycle, hirsutism, acne development, etc. Along with these bodily changes, psychological health is also affected due to decreased quality of life which develops depression, stress, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc. In this article, we will explain 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS and its benefits.

In such situations, it is better to choose options which could contribute to relieving stress and helps to diminish the outcomes of PCOS. One such option is “exercise”. Exercising does not cure PCOS but it helps to handle the major complications related to PCOS such as (but not limited to),

  • Weight gain
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Depression

Medication alone could not cure any disease completely; it needs the addition of compromises such as lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, etc. Exercising can help to make these compromises easier. Some females avoid doing any kind of exercise in day-to-day life but if this approach is adopted, then, it can give many healthy results in the body.

All the physical changes came out of exercise are completely visible in the body but it also helps to benefit the body in a psychological way. It is suggested that engaging in a moderate amount of physical exercise can help to improve mood and emotional state of a person which are solely required for a PCOS-affecting female.


The goals of doing exercise during PCOS are:

  • Managing insulin resistance – Helps to transfer glucose into cells to convert it into energy
  • Increasing muscle mass – Helps to metabolize glucose effectively inside body

By targeting these goals, exercise can contribute greatly to reducing complications arising from PCOS. But it is also suggested that the over-exercising should be avoided during PCOS as it can imbalance the hormonal profile.

Below are the 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS which can be chosen specifically:

  1. Weight training

    • It is one of the 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS. Weight training or strength training is highly beneficial in PCOS. This does not mean to carry heavy weights of dumbbells or barbells because muscle build-up is not the only target.
    • Weight training means to lose extra fat from the body. It helps to perform day-to-day activities easily. Some PCOS women are overweight which interferes in the treatment. Thus, for those women, this strength training becomes aim to lose extra weight to meet the targets of getting healthy.
  2. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

  • This exercise is better for stress management in PCOS women. It is also clinically-proven for improving quality of life in those females. It helps to improve cardiovascular and metabolic profile of PCOS women.
  • HIIT also helps to improve the sensitivity of tissues towards insulin and prevents the development of insulin resistance.
  1. Low-intensity steady state cardio (LISS)

    • It is suggested that HIIT becomes more effective when it is combined with low impact steady state cardio. It involves performing a repetitive movement at a steady or moderate pace for a long time.
    • It helps to lower fasting insulin levels and fat mass in women. Steady-state cardio also helps to prevent physiological stress. Mental health professionals suggest outdoor steady-state cardio for improving mental health.
    • Thus, as the PCOS women highly get affected in the manner of mental health, outdoor steady-state cardio is really helpful.
  2. Swimming

    • Swimming is recommended by many doctors for maintaining a healthy body as it burns calories. For PCOS women too, swimming helps to maintain uterus health along with losing calories.
    • Managing weight in PCOS is a prime goal. Swimming can help lose weight in PCOS women and it also relieves the body & soul.
  3. Cycling

    • It is one of the 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS. In PCOS, cycling helps to lose weight and also burns more calories by increasing glucose absorption by tissues. When this glucose enters the cells, it gets converted to energy which is used to perform more physical activities.
    • Cycling is otherwise very healthy and easy-to-do exercise for the body. It has benefitted persons of every age-group. Cycling also helps to build and maintain muscle of the legs & thighs.
  4. Zumba

    • Zumba is a kind of cardio. It helps to lose weight. It is regarded as one of the best exercises in PCOS.
    • It helps to lose weight in PCOS women by burning extra fat and calorie. Regularity in Zumba performance prevents the formation of lumps of fat. Engaging in Zumba exercise is entertaining for a person and thus, helps to prevent stress development, too.
  5. Walking

    • Walking is also one of the best exercises for women as it can be done anywhere and at any time. But it should be done regularly and increased with time.
    • It helps to calm the mind and body and balances the fat profile and hormonal profile of the body is performed daily. It has been observed that daily brisk walk for 30-50 minutes can help to prevent weight gain even if the dietary habits are not changed.
  6. Pilates

    • It is suggested by doctors that performing pilates can really help in PCOS. Uterus in PCOS needs to strengthen with gentle exercises such as pilates.
    • It also helps to bring down the stress levels, prevents depression and improves the hormonal imbalance.
    • Pilates exercise has been observed to remove toxins from the body which might be involved in acne formation and hair fall.
  7. Stretching exercise

    • It is always confusing whether to stretch or not in PCOS. Stretching is recommended to be carefully done as the bodily tissues become very sensitive in PCOS. It specifically helps to lose weight in PCOS by removing excessive fats.
    • Stretching helps to strengthen the tissues inside the body, if done smartly. Those stretches should be picked which could target a specific tissue inside the body and make it strong.
    • Always make sure to be gentle with the body during stretching and it is recommended not to bounce much. Warm the muscles before stretching as it will help to stretch easily.
  8. Yoga

    • It helps to relieve stress which is highly noticed in females affected with PCOS. By managing stress, hormonal imbalance in PCOS can be directly targeted due to the link between stress and hormones.
    • It also helps to promote weight loss. Weight gain is the major effect of PCOS. Thus, yoga contributes to stabilizing the mind and losing weight by burning calories.
    • Another contribution of yoga in improving the health of PCOS-affecting females is the incorporation of fertility. Infertility is the major outcome of PCOS. But yoga helps to inhibit infertility by maintaining hormonal balance in the brain through enhancing blood supply.
    • Some of those yoga asanas that help to provide relief in PCOS include Badhakonasana (butterfly pose), Supta Badhakonasana (reclining butterfly pose), Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s twist), Bhuajangasana (cobra pose), Naukasana (boat pose), Dhanurasana (bow pose), Viparita shalabhasana (Superman pose), Balasana (child’s pose), Chakki achalasia (mill churning pose), Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and cow pose), etc.

These 10 EFFECTIVE EXERCISES FOR PCOS women can do wonders if adopted in day-to-day life because only medications can’t make a person healthy for a life time. Moreover, medications alone can cure your disease once but combining with exercise can benefit you more for ages.


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PCOS Women's health

Lifestyle modification as a natural treatment for PCOS

In India, Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of women in India are affected with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In recent years, it has become evident that beyond a reproductive or cosmetic problem, PCOS represents a metabolic risk. Many women with PCOS have hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, lipid abnormalities, obesity, or any combination of these and looking for natural treatment for PCOS. Even those patients who are seen for infertility “only” need to be screened for these metabolic risk factors, and they require counseling regarding this risk and its management.

How to cure PCOD naturally

It has been observed that weight control improves many aspects of PCOS. The cycles become more regular, androgen levels are reduced, lipid and glucose metabolism improves, and spontaneous pregnancy may follow. A weight reduction of even a few percent has clinical benefits. This is because visceral fat is metabolically more active, and weight loss of a few percent is associated with significant loss of visceral fat. On the basis of these observations, weight management by dieting and exercise is recommended to all women with PCOS. All women with PCOS should be encouraged to follow a healthy diet and to engage in regular exercise. Their chance to achieve a pregnancy will improve and the risks during pregnancy will be reduced. A healthier lifestyle will also reduce their long-term risks for diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.


Sustainable weight loss through dietary modification and exercise along with regular intake of FUROCYST can give positive results in PCOS management. Furocyst is an innovative product (extracted and developed through a novel & innovative U.S. patented process) involving separations of active ingredients from the natural plant without affecting chemical properties of the active fractions. No chemicals are used. It is a natural and promising dietary supplement effective for management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
A healthy diet can work wonders to combat PCOS . The diet should have an increased level of soybeans, lentils, linseeds and chickpeas as these contain natural phytoestrogens, which help balance hormone levels in the body. Also ensuring to eat plenty of essential fatty acids such as fish, nuts and seeds help manage blood sugar levels. Also the diet should have high levels of fiber. Fiber promotes bowel movements so that excess hormones are excreted more efficiently; it helps manage blood sugar levels and encourages elimination of toxic waste products. Fiber can be found in whole grains and vegetables and fruits. Drinking plenty of water also helps as water aids in proper functioning of various body parts and also ensures daily bowel movements helping to flush out old toxins and hormones from the body.

Apart from this one should avoid all sugar and white refined carbohydrates as they imbalance blood sugar levels, aggravating symptoms of insulin resistance. Also trans and hydrogenated fats (e.g. in margarine and found in many processed foods) should be avoided as these damage cell membranes in turn causing a whole range of health imbalances. Intake of caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.

PCOD PCOS Women's health

What are the main Causes of PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is of clinical and public health importance as its prevalence is very high among women of reproductive age. Polycystic ovaries contain a large number of cysts. These cysts are under-developed sacs in which eggs develop. Often in PCOS, these sacs are unable to release an egg, meaning ovulation doesn’t take place.

PCOS has significant and diverse implications like;

  • Reproductive implications – infertility, hyperandrogenism, hirsutism
  • Metabolic implications – insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and adverse cardiovascular risk profile
  • Psychological implications – increased anxiety, depression

Prevalence of PCOS

  • The exact prevalence of PCOS is not known as the syndrome is not defined precisely. The estimated prevalence in women of reproductive age is 5-10%. Under the new criteria (Rotterdam-2003), the prevalence among the general female population will raise up to 10%. The prevalence of PCOS in a study conducted at Govt. Medical College, Kerala was reported to be 15% (95% CI: 13.4–17.2%) on the basis of the Rotterdam criteria. The reported prevalence of PCOS in various geographic regions ranges between 2.2% and 26%., et al. prospectively studied 460 girls aged 15-18 years from a residential college in Andhra Pradesh, South India. The authors reported a prevalence of PCOS in 9.13% of Indian adolescents. Studies in first-degree relatives of patients, who have the polycystic ovarian disease have shown that 24% of mothers and 32% of sisters, were affected, suggesting a major genetic association.
  • A study from Spain reported a 28.3% prevalence rate of PCOS among 113 overweight or obese women who were referred to an endocrinology clinic for weight loss, compared with a previously reported population prevalence of 6.5%, suggesting that the prevalence of PCOS might be markedly increased in obese.
  • In Southern China, the prevalence was 2.4% among 915 women recruited through the offer of a free medical examination.
  • In an Iranian study conducted during 2008 among women aged 18–45 years, the reported prevalence was 14.6% (95% CI, 12.3–16.9%). The prevalence of PCOS using the Rotterdam criteria was reported to be 17.8% among 978 women who were recruited in a retrospective birth cohort study in South Australia. In another community study conducted in Sri Lanka on 3,030 women aged 15–39 years, the prevalence was found to be 6.3% (95%; CI: 5.9–6.8%) for the period 2005-2006. A higher prevalence of PCOS (46.8%) was reported among girls aged 13–18 years with euthyroid chronic lymphocyte thyroiditis in a case-control study conducted in New Delhi.


What are the Main Causes of PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is not known, but various factors are expected to play a role in causing PCOS:

  • Heredity – PCOS is passed on to the next generations. There is a possibility of PCOS to be linked with certain genes.

Insulin resistance – Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to control the amount of sugar in the blood. It helps move glucose from the blood into cells, where it is broken down to produce energy.

Insulin resistance means the body’s tissues are resistant to the effects of insulin. The body, therefore, has to produce extra insulin to compensate.

High levels of insulin cause the ovaries to produce too much testosterone hormone, which interferes with the development of the follicles (the sacs in the ovaries where eggs develop) and prevents normal ovulation.

Insulin resistance can also lead to weight gain, which can make PCOS symptoms worse because having excess fat causes the body to produce even more insulin.


  • Low-grade inflammation – Your body’s white blood cells produce substances to fight infection in a response called inflammation. Research has shown that women with PCOS have low-grade inflammation and that this type of low-grade inflammation stimulates polycystic ovaries to produce androgens.


Furocyst- An effective treatment of PCOS

Furocyst improves insulin sensitivity and, in turn, may regulate circulating androgen levels. It improves insulin-mediated glucose disposal in women with PCOS. Furocyst improved menstrual period in the study subjects and might be regulating the effect of insulin on ovarian androgen biosynthesis, theca cell proliferation, and endometrial growth. It might be regulating ovarian androgen production leading to disappearance or decrease in size and number of cysts.

The increase in LH/FSH ratio has been reported in various studies conducted on PCOD patients. Because of a decreased level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) relative to LH, the ovarian granulosa cells cannot aromatize the androgens to estrogens, which lead to decreased estrogen levels and consequent anovulation.

Furocyst is effective and safe for the management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in women.

PCOS Women's health

Best way to get rid of PCOS using herbal remedies

In this blog we will discuss about best way to get rid of PCOS using herbal remedies, In India, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of women in India are affected with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Women with PCOS have various symptoms which may be cosmetic, such as acne, facial hair and pigmentation, gynecological such as irregular periods, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, or endocrinological such as obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. PCOS is not a disease but a syndrome of multiple symptoms and signs and every woman may not have all the possible symptoms.

There are many ingredients in our kitchen, which are effective in controlling PCOS.

Get rid of PCOS using herbal remedies



Fenugreek promotes glucose metabolism in the body and improves insulin resistance. This in turn helps balance hormones. It may also help to lower cholesterol, aid weight loss and functioning. One can also include fenugreek seeds and leaves in regular diet. A clinical study conducted on PCOS patients indicates that fenugreek seed extract (Furocyst) is effective and safe in the treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in women.

Furocyst is an innovative product (extracted and developed through a novel & innovative U.S. patented process) involving separations of active ingredients from the natural plant without affecting chemical properties of the active fractions. No chemicals are used. It is a natural and promising dietary supplement effective for management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It improves insulin sensitivity and, in turn, may regulate circulating androgen levels. It improves insulin-mediated glucose disposal in women with PCOS. Furocyst improved menstrual period in the study subjects and might be regulating effect of insulin on ovarian androgen biosynthesis, theca cell proliferation and endometrial growth. It might be regulating ovarian androgen production leading to disappearance or decrease in size and number of cysts. Increase in LH/FSH ratio has been reported in various studies conducted on PCOD patients. Because of a decreased level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) relative to LH, the ovarian granulosa cells cannot aromatize the androgens to estrogens, which leads to decreased estrogen levels and consequent anovulation. In the present study a significant decrease in LH/FSH ratio was observed, suggesting regulating effect of Furocyst.

It improves insulin-mediated glucose disposal in women with PCOS. Furocyst improved menstrual period in the study subjects and might be regulating effect of insulin on ovarian androgen biosynthesis, theca cell proliferation and endometrial growth. It might be regulating ovarian androgen production leading to disappearance or decrease in size and number of


Flaxseed can also be used to combat PCOS as it helps decrease androgen levels. Being high in fiber, flaxseed helps slow down glucose metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. The omega-3 fatty acids in this superfood also reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease.

Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea can also help deal with PCOS due to its anti-androgenic properties. Drinking spearmint tea regularly can help reduce hirsutism, or excess body hair, by reducing free and total testosterone levels and increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another natural way to fight back against PCOS weight gain is apple cider vinegar. This magical little liquid is known to help with weight loss, but it also helps keep your body from producing too much insulin. Less insulin means less testosterone.

Fish oil

This is one of those must-have supplements, but it’s especially important if one suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome. Fish oil is full of omega-3 fatty acids so it’s great for heart. Women with PCOS are at a much increased risk of developing heart disease so this is a good precautionary measure. According to a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fish oil can also help balance androgen levels and reduce body fat and inflammation.

PCOD PCOS Women's health


Fenugreek (Methi) is an herb used for medicinal purposes from many years in India and North Africa. Its leaves & seeds contain bioactive components. Its leaves provide 49 calories and contain 89% water, 6% carbohydrates, 4% protein, and less than 1% fat, with calcium. Its seeds are rich sources of protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, and several other dietary minerals. you will get to know about the health benefits of fenugreek. (

Availability (regions)

Fenugreek is majorly available in Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Argentina, Egypt, France, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, and China. The Indian states which majorly produce fenugreek are Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, and Punjab.


Nutritional Value of Fenugreek

It contains a wide variety of beneficial nutrients, including iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper, as well as vitamin B6, protein, and dietary fiber. Fenugreek also contains a number of powerful phytonutrients, including choline, trigonelline, yamogenin, gitogenin, diosgenin, tigogenin, and neotigogens.


Health Benefits

Fenugreek is rich in bioactive components such as saponins, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, etc. These bioactive components contribute to various health benefits

  • Fenugreek & Management of Type-2 Diabetes: It has been proved by many clinical & non-clinical studies that fenugreek helps in lowering blood glucose levels in diabetic individuals. The bio-active component of fenugreek (Saponins & 4-hydroxy isoleucine) is reported to increase the release of insulin from the cells (beta cells) so that sugar levels in the blood can be normalized.
  • One of the published studies of innovative research product FENFUROTM reported a significant change in blood glucose levels, decrease in HbA1c levels, fasting plasma glucose levels, PP plasma glucose levels and increase in C-peptide levels as compared to Placebo group. The fenfuro-treated group also showed a reduction in concomitant anti-diabetic therapy.
  • Regular intake of FENFURO can control the blood sugar level effectively. Fenfuro is a first of its kind, safe nutraceutical derived from fenugreek seeds through a patented process. Through its unique scientific process, FENFURO concentrates the bioactive part of plants into a manageable dose, while removing the inert parts such as cellulose. Also, since a lot of healthy botanicals are not palatable, consuming their concentrate in capsule form in small dosage is a lot easier. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. These substances are known to lower blood lipid level and help in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is the first dual action insulin sensitizer.
  • Fenugreek Lipid lowering activity: Fenugreek has hypocholesterolemic effect ie. cholesterol-lowering effect, which is due to the action of fibers & saponins of fenugreek on the hepatic cholesterol. These components increase the thermogenetic process (conversion of cholesterol to energy with the help of heat) of the lipids inside the cells. Many reports have shown that fenugreek was effective in lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Animal studies also suggest that when rats were fed with hypercholesterolemic diet then, fenugreek prevented the rise in serum cholesterol levels.
  • Fenugreek Antioxidant activity: The bioactive components (flavonoids & polyphenols) present in fenugreek contribute to its antioxidant activity. It blocks the chain reaction formed by free radicals. This activity of fenugreek helps in protecting the body from oxidative damage.
  • Fenugreek Anti-inflammatory activity: It has been demonstrated by animal studies that fenugreek has anti-inflammatory activity also. Fenugreek showed the beneficial effect of inhibiting inflammatory responses in many animal studies. It helps with inflammation within the body such as mouth ulcers, bronchitis, tuberculosis, chronic coughs, kidney ailments, etc.
  • Fenugreek Testosterone booster: Fenugreek is claimed to boost testosterone levels in men by inhibiting 5-α-reductase (an enzyme which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone). It is thus helpful in improving libido, energy, strength, and well-being.
  • Fenugreek Joint pain relieving: Fenugreek is reported to cure joint pain, particularly from arthritis. This beneficial effect is due to its antioxidant & anti-inflammatory property. It has been reported that fenugreek mimics estrogen which is known to inhibit conditions like arthritis. It inhibits inflammation by activating those pathways which counteract the effect of autoimmune disorders.
  • Decrease in dysmenorrhea by Fenugreek: Clinical study data suggest that prescription of fenugreek seed powder during menstruation can reduce the severity of dysmenorrhea. Fenugreek helps in the reduction in pain, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, and lack of energy during the menstrual cycle. Fenugreek helps to balance hormones which are responsible for menstruation.
  • Fenugreek in PCOS: Recently fenugreek is reported to prevent polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It has been reported that fenugreek seed extract is capable to reduce cyst size in the ovaries and prevent the formation of new cysts. It is also reported to reduce the ovarian volume. The clinical data suggest that fenugreek was effective in maintaining the regular menstrual cycle. For more information please visit


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PCOD PCOS Women's health


PCOS is a condition in which the imbalance of hormones leads to the formation of one or more cysts inside the ovaries. These cysts target the whole body of a woman creating a number of complications showing its presence. These complications include:

  • Glucose level fluctuations
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Infertility
  • Skin disorders such as acne, skin patches
  • Hair disorder such as alopecia, facial hair growth
  • Thyroid
  • Obesity
  • Endometrial cancer, etc

It has been demonstrated that approximately 34% of women with PCOS have depression compared to 7% of women in the general population and around 45% have anxiety, compared to only 18% of the general population.

These symptoms are so over expressive that within a short period of time, they start to target the psychological condition of a woman. When the mental state of a woman is affected in the form of stress & depression, the brain cells start to actively participate to advance the effect of cysts to a much higher level. This worsens the state of PCOS.


Research shows that PCOS gives rise to a variety of emotional and mental conditions such as

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Chronic stress
  • Eating disorders


As in the mechanism of PCOS, higher testosterone (androgen) levels in the ovaries give rise to the development of cysts. Testosterone tends to inhibit the maturation of follicle containing egg. Thus, immature follicle becomes cyst.3

It has been demonstrated by animal studies that these high levels of testosterone in PCOS women affect that region of the brain, which is responsible for emotions and behavior. They observed that high testosterone doses in animals significantly interfered with the activity of a gene in the brain region called amygdala that regulates the androgen receptor. They also identified alterations in the receptors for a form of estrogen due to high testosterone doses, as well as changes in the genes that regulate serotonin and GABA – neurotransmitters involved in the control of anxious behavior.


It is clear from the reported data that women with PCOS are at risk of a wide range of significant psychological difficulties, which lower the quality of life also. Thus, treatment of PCOS is at extreme need to prevent physical and psychological issues.

A healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet, plentiful exercise and targeted nutritional supplements and/or prescription medications can help to bring the PCOS psychological issues under control.


Anti-androgens can also be consumed on prescription by doctor. Anti-androgens help to lower testosterone levels in the body. Normal levels of testosterones in women do not target the uncontrolled activity of amygdale (brain region for emotion & behavior) in the brain. This strategy will help to improve psychological condition in the women with PCOS. Other management measures include:

  • Management of skin issues: Skin provides feminism to the women. Any changes in skin lead to depressive and stressful behavior in women. During PCOS, skin problems are taken as one of the symptoms. They are always taken as an outcome in PCOS. Treatment of skin issues such as acne & skin patches contributes in the management of mental health in women. Skin issues can be managed with the help of either natural remedies or by dietary modifications or by prescription medications. Any of the treatment measure can help resolve the skin issue.
  • Management of hair loss: Another outcome of PCOS which adds-in towards depression and anxiety is “hair loss”. Management of hair loss can be done by consumption of anti-androgens because hair loss due to PCOS involves the over-production of androgens (testosterone) in the body. Testosterones interfere in the normal cycle of hair-follicle growth due to which hair density is also thickened. Thus, anti-androgens lower the production of testosterone and help in the growth cycle of hair follicles.
  • Obesity management: Obesity is a major reason behind depression and anxiety in PCOS women. Healthy lifestyle, controlled diet and regular exercise help to control obesity. Weight loss medications can also be consumed to treat obesity. According to the reported studies, participation in physical activity programs is associated with lowering obesity and depressive symptoms and improvements in quality of life.
  • Cyst management: Reduction of the cysts in PCOS is the primary line-of-treatment. This can be achieved by controlling testosterone levels in the body along with management of insulin resistance. Testosterones can be controlled by either anti-androgens or testosterone suppressing drugs. Both of these treatment regimens can help to lower cyst size and cyst number which will automatically help to manage menstrual irregularities and infertility problems. They might contribute well to lower mental health issues in PCOS.

These management strategies are a key towards improvement in the mental health issues. By controlling PCOS as early as possible, mental health issues can also be controlled.

It has been reported that fenugreek is an effective remedy to treat PCOS patients. It is clinically proven safe and effective in the management of PCOS. It has been observed that Furocyst® (fenugreek seed extract) significantly reduced the cyst size, showed complete dissolution of the cysts and reported regular menstrual cycle on completion of the treatment. It also increased insulin sensitizing activity & peripheral utilization of insulin thus helped to manage PCOS.



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