PCOS Women's health

Symptoms of PCOS


symptoms of PCOS


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder in women causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts in the ovaries. Causes of PCOS are not clear but may be due to genetic and environmental factors. 

Between 5% and 10% of women between 15 and 44 have PCOS. The incidence of PCOS is very common. But PCOS can happen at any age after puberty.

Women of all races and ethnicities are at risk of PCOS. The risk of PCOS may be higher if one is obese or if they have a mother, sister, or aunt with PCOS.

Some of the common PCOS symptoms are irregular menses, acne, prolonged menstruation, hirsutism (excessive hair in unwanted areas) and obesity among others. These PCOS symptoms are mostly physical. But PCOS symptoms can also be psychological like depression, difficulty in conceiving, etc. 

Irregular periods are one of the most common symptom of PCOS and can be taken as the 1st signs of PCOS.

Most women face difficulty in getting pregnant with PCOS but by managing PCOS pregnancy symptoms, women might be able to conceive naturally and give birth to a healthy baby.

PCOS pregnancy symptoms are similar to normal pregnancy and a test to ascertain can be taken after a missed period.


It is very important to ascertain PCOS signs and symptoms in a timely fashion so that any further complications can be avoided and these can be managed effectively. 

PCOS symptoms that are common:

  • irregular menses
  • excess androgen levels
  • sleep apnea
  • high stress levels
  • high blood pressure
  • skin tags
  • infertility
  • acne, oily skin, and dandruff
  • high cholesterol and triglycerides
    acanthosis nigricans, or dark patches of skin
  • fatigue
  • female pattern balding
  • insulin resistance
  • type 2 diabetes
  • pelvic pain
  • depression and anxiety
  • weight management difficulties including weight gain or difficulty losing weight
    excessive facial and body hair growth, known as hirsutism 
  • decreased libido

Some complications that can be a result of PCOS are:

  • Infertility
  • Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
  • Miscarriage or premature birth
  • A severe liver inflammation caused by fat accumulation in the liver
  • Metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that significantly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression, anxiety and eating disorders
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Cancer of the uterine lining (endometrial cancer)

Thus, it is very important to consult a doctor as soon as you have the 1st signs of PCOS so that necessary steps can be taken to curb the complications of PCOS and for its effective management.  

There is no single test to determine PCOS but range from physical exam, pelvic exam, pelvic ultrasound to blood tests.

Common PCOS treatment methods include birth control pills to regularize periods, medication to control blood glucose levels, statins to control high cholesterol, hormones to improve fertility as well as procedures to remove excessive body hair. 

There is no comprehensive PCOS treatment available in the market as of now. The available PCOS treatment focuses on different aspects of PCOS and is not free of side effects. 

Furocyst® is a patented and clinically evaluated, plant-based, natural comprehensive PCOS treatment. It is a pure fenugreek seeds extract and has no known side effects. It helps in reducing the ovary volume, decreasing cyst size, regularizing the periods and helps in regulating the blood glucose levels. 


There is no PCOS cure as of now. PCOS can be managed and not reversed. 

The best way to manage PCOS and its symptoms is through lifestyle modifications- healthy diet and regular exercise. 

Even losing 10% of the body weight can make a great difference in your menstrual period and ovulation.

symptoms of PCOS




PCOD PCOS Symptoms Women's health

Dietary Approaches for PCOS


Dietary Approaches for PCOS


PCOS is a condition that causes hormonal imbalance in women. It is commonly experienced by one out of ten women in the childbearing age. On the other hand, it is marked by irregular periods, or there are no periods. In this, women ovaries will form multiple cysts that may occur due to the overproduction of hormones called androgens.

If a woman has PCOS, they can also suffer from various health challenges like diabetes, cardiovascular problems, stress, and many others.


Foods to Cure PCOS - Furocyst

But, according to some research, it has been proved that a proper diet can readily improve the impact of PCOS and is also important to take healthy food to cure PCOS.

Now the question arises how diet affects the impact of PCOS in women?

Basically, there are two methods by which diet helps in PCOS that is managing weight and controlling insulin level. Insulin plays an essential role in PCOS, so maintaining it will significantly help women in managing PCOS.

So, through this article, you will come to know about various foods that women with PCOS should and shouldn’t eat. They are: –

Foods to eat

The foods that are rich in fibre help in combating insulin level and on the other hand lowering down the sugar level in which there are various options for fibre rich food. They are: –

  • Almonds
  • Berries
  • Green and red peppers
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Winter squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil
  • Dark chocolate in moderation
  • Spices like turmeric and cinnamon
  • Dried beans, lentils
  • Blackberries
  • Cherries
  • Red grapes

On the other hand, there are various adequate foods that help in reducing inflammation, including: –

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Fatty fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids

Foods to Cure PCOS - Furocyst


Which foods should women avoid if they are suffering from PCOS?

       1. Dairy products

The reason for avoiding dairy products is that they contain IGF-1 or you can say insulin growth factor 1. And this IGF-1 plays a very crucial role in the growth of the baby. But the issue is it also surges the insulin level, and more insulin is not suitable for women with PCOS.

       2. Soy

If a person takes soy product, then the ovulation gets delayed. And PCOS women are already struggling with ovulation. So, PCOS women must not take soy products as it will increase the issue more.

       3. Refined carbs

Women with PCOS are already not able to process carbohydrates efficiently; that’s why refined, nutrient-void carbohydrates must be avoided. Some of the examples are- white bread, pizza dough, regular pasta, white rice.

       4. Beverages that have excess sugar

No doubt, juices are healthy but not bottled ones as they have excess sugar because of the high insulin levels, these high sugar drinks will make this issue worse.

       5. Alcohol

Patients who are suffering from PCOS have a high rate of fatty liver. And if she drinks alcohol, it directly adds toxins to the liver and gut microbiome. On the other hand, a glass of red wine when taken with dinner is not at all harmful, but one should avoid excess intake.

       6. Processed food

Apart from sugary beverages, processed food is not healthy for women with PCOS. All processed foods can have harmful chemicals that make the weight issue worse and cut the microbiome.

Foods to Cure PCOS - Furocyst

Well, if you are looking for some other natural options for PCOS management, then Furocyst capsules are a proprietary and clinically proven product. It is processed with due care so that the scientific properties do not get affected also it is patented and a single herb product. It is safe and clinically evaluated for managing PCOS and its symptoms.


PCOD PCOS Symptoms Women's health

PCOD Problem

PCOD Problem

It is not a common word or term which you will hear from every woman, but a woman having a PCOD problem will be shy to tell everything, even to their doctor due to reproductive issues. According to the latest report, it is found that Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a type of health problem which is affecting almost 1 in 10 childbearing aged women that is (15 years to 44 years).

Women may face infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods by which ovaries can develop an end number of tiny fluids. As a result, the release of the egg will not take place. But if you ask the exact cause of the PCOD problem, it is still unknown.

What are the organs which are affected by PCOD Problem?

Mainly, a woman’s reproductive organs in the ovary are affected by it, which helps in producing estrogen and progesterone hormones. These are the main hormones that help in regulating the menstrual cycle in women. 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome symptoms affect the ovaries and ovulation. Actually, this condition of PCOS is not new as Italian Physician Antonio Vallisneri explained it in 1712. 

What are the causes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Symptoms?

The exact causes of PCOD are unknown and many experts are trying to find out the main issue behind it. But there are a few factors which play a vital role in its development. They are: –

  1. Heredity

PCOD ProblemGenetically, there can be certain kinds of genes that cause or are linked to PCOS.

2. Low-grade inflammation

When the production of white blood cells is low, the body’s power to fight against infection becomes low. 

3. Excessive insulin

Insulin is a type of hormone which is produced in the pancreas by which cells use sugar which is the principal energy providing substance. As a result, if the cells get used to insulin, then the level of blood sugar will rise and the body eventually, generates more insulin. This process surges the production of androgen by which the ovulation issue can occur.

4. Surplus androgen

When a woman’s ovary produces an excess of androgen, then acne and hirsutism will also increase.


Who are the women who get PCOS problem?

Women in the age group of 15 to 44 years, which is the child-bearing age, get this syndrome. The risk of PCOS is on all the women, and it will surge even more when you are obese or any of your near or dear ones like a sister, mother, aunt, etc. are suffering from PCOS.


What are the common PCOD and PCOS symptoms?

Few of the women start watching their symptoms when they have their first periods. Others are likely to see when they get obese and are not able to conceive.

Let’s put some light on the common symptoms: –

  1. The hair of the women gets very thin and fall out.
  2. Around 80% of obese women are facing PCOD and PCOS symptoms.
  3. Excess hair growth on the body, but every PCOD woman does not face this symptom.
  4. The lining of the uterine gets build-up for a longer time, which in turn, leads to heavier periods than ever before.
  5. The male hormone in the woman’s body is in excess because of which skin gets oilier as compared to others and can break out on the chest, face, and upper back.
  6. Dark color patches start building upon the woman’s skin near the creases on the neck, in the groin, or near the breasts.
  7. It can even cause headaches in some of the women.


PCOS treatment

PCOD Problem














Till now, the doctors are not able to find any single PCOS solution. But they can manage this condition on the basis of past medical history and physical examination, which is inclusive of a pelvic exam, with the help of blood tests, cholesterol and checking the level of glucose. 

On the other hand, the doctor can also do an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries.


PCOS and pregnancy

PCOD Problem












These two terms are closely interrelated to each other as PCOS interrupts the menstrual cycle, which leads to not getting pregnant. According to a report, approximately 70 to 80% of women with PCOS have fertility issues.

But the good part is with the help of infertility treatment, PCOS women too can improve the chances of getting pregnant. For this, they have to lose weight and lower down the blood sugar levels.

There are changes in the near future that experts will find out the PCOS solution with thorough research.

You can also give a try to a natural plant-based supplement; Furocyst. It is clinically evaluated and patented product and has no known side effects. It is a comprehensive solution for managing PCOS symptoms in combination with certain lifestyle changes.

food PCOD PCOS Women's health

Ten myths about PCOS


Ten myths about PCOS

There are some rare medical conditions that have a strong potential to change your life. And once you get free from the diagnosing, your urge to know with regards to that condition increases.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the perfect examples of such conditions. It is a widespread hormonal condition, which is affecting almost 10% of the women who are in their reproductive age.

Experts stated that women who have this issue have a higher number of male hormones known as androgens as well as insulin, which helps in regulating blood sugar.

Its symptoms are: –

  • Hair gets thinner
  • Gaining weight
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Acne
  • Infertility or difficulty in conceiving
  • Dark patches on the skin, etc.

Do you know what causes PCOS?

Well, the reason is not specific. But, it can be genetics, lifestyle, and environment.

Here in the below discussion, we are going to bust some myths about PCOS: –

  1. Women with PCOS can’t lose weight

myths about PCOS

According to the experts, women who are suffering from PCOS find it hard to lose weight, but it is not impossible. If you are not able to lose weight even after regular exercise and diet, then consulting a doctor would help.

  1. Growing of hair on unwanted parts

myths about PCOS

Hirsutism is one of the symptoms of PCOS in which there is an abnormal growth of hair that occurs on the body parts of women like chin, chest, upper lip, etc.

But this symptom will not grasp every PCOS woman.

  1. A woman will not be able to conceive

myths about PCOS

PCOS causes infertility as a hormonal issue. Indeed, it affects the capability to release an egg which is crucial for pregnancy. But take a deep breath. You can become a mother; both- naturally or after fertility treatment and not every woman with PCOS may suffer from infertility. 

  1. Irregular periods mean PCOS

Another myths about PCOS you heard is, If a woman misses her periods, it cannot be certainly an issue of PCOS because it can be caused by other factors too, such as a sedentary lifestyle or other health conditions.


  1. Start taking oral contraceptives if you have PCOS

myths about PCOS

Experts state that we try to cure period irregularities of PCOS and regulating hormones with the help of oral contraceptives. But, if you are trying to get pregnant, then stop these pills now.

  1. PCOS is a sporadic condition

According to the reports, in the USA, when 5-10% of women are in their childbearing age, they suffer from PCOS. It means around 5 million women.

But, according to another study, it is found that in reality, less than half of the women are treat correctly as many ladies are unaware of this condition.

  1. PCOS only affects overweight women

Overweight women may suffer from PCOS, and on the other hand, more weight can also make PCOS symptoms worse.

But it is not necessary as PCOS issues can be found in women of all shapes and sizes.

  1. Have cysts in your ovaries

There are several women who are suffering from PCOS and don’t have cysts. Most fundamentally, it is not always the case.

According to a report, it is found that sometimes the small follicles which help in releasing the egg built-up in the ovary look like pearls or cysts in ultrasound images.

  1. It can only be treated with medicines

myths about PCOS

No, it’s wrong as diet, exercise, lifestyle, and behavior helps in managing PCOS. If a woman limits the intake of carbohydrates, sugar, and smoking, then she can control PCOS herself in most cases.

  1.  Similar symptoms are experienced by every woman

The last Myths about PCOS is that there is a variation in symptoms of PCOS among every woman. In some of the cases, there is a slow growth of symptoms which begins to get worse with time. However, in some other situations, they might not show for an extended period. It is advisable to visit a doctor as early as you can to initiate the treatment.

If you want PCOS to be in control, then engage yourself with your concerned doctor in open dialogue so that you come to know about the methods of controlling PCOS. There is a difference between facts and myths. So, take care of it and have a positive attitude.

You can also take the help of some supplements to help you manage the symptoms of PCOS. Furocyst is one such natural supplement, which is clinically evaluate and patent. It has no known side effects and a 94% success rate in PCOS subjects.


food PCOD PCOS Women's health

Magnesium for PCOS

People have abundant questions in their minds about an essential supplement called magnesium, and we too are very intrigued about the excellent benefits of magnesium for PCOS.

So, in this article, you will come to know the reality of magnesium for PCOS patients.

Magnesium is a crucial mineral that you will get with the help of a good diet. According to the reports, its deficiency is surging in various developed and underdeveloped nations after vitamin D.

The reason behind it is that our soil is getting depleted in magnesium, that’s why you are not getting this mineral from food which you intake.

If you talk about the human body, it is the fourth common mineral which body needs, and the women who are suffering from PCOS are not getting this mineral in sufficient quantity.

According to the latest study, which was conducted by the Journal of Gynecology and Endocrinology, it was found out that around 19% of the women who are suffering from PCOS have a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium for PCOS

Benefits of magnesium for PCOS: –

  1. Helps in generating and transporting energy from the body
  2. Calms the adrenal glands
  3. Helps in relaxing muscles so that twitching or spasms can be prevented
  4. Transmits the nerve signal to the brain
  5. In critical processes in the body, it acts as a cofactor
  6. It is beneficial in DNA replication and RNA transcription

Why women who suffer from PCOS lack Magnesium?

The diet of western civilization doesn’t have appropriate magnesium which, as a result, generates its deficiency in both women and men. According to the report of the World Health Organisation, around 75% of the Americans don’t intake sufficient magnesium.

There are many factors by which the intake of magnesium for PCOS is very less. They are: –

  • Soil concentration is very poor
  • Eating fewer fruits and vegetables
  • Stress
  • Alcohol
  • Various kinds of medications
  • Taking other vitamins and minerals in high quantity
  • Women intake high protein food
  • Intake of oxalic acid and phytic acid

Now, let us talk about the benefits of magnesium to assist the women who are suffering from PCOS: –

Helps in preventing migraines

Magnesium for PCOS

The mineral called magnesium is very well-known for treating headaches and migraine pain. This mineral helps the body to relax blood vessels so that they don’t narrow down, and it also prevents small clots that contribute to migraine tension.

Improves mood

The women who are suffering from PCOS can suffer from anxiety. If she is suffering from this issue, it is due to magnesium. 

Offers PMS relief

In relieving the various symptoms of PMS, it plays an essential role by which you can treat it. If you take 250mg magnesium daily, you can get rid of varied symptoms that can occur due to PMS.

Helps in relieving chronic pain

Magnesium for PCOS

Interestingly, magnesium for PCOS is beneficial in relieving pain while reducing inflammation. 

What are the signs by which you come to know that your body is deficient with this mineral?

Every other woman who is suffering from PCOS is unique, but these are the common signs that show whether your body is lacking in magnesium: –

  1.  Finding difficulty in sleeping
  2.  Painful menstrual cycle
  3.  Regular headache
  4.  Cramping or muscle pain
  5.  Like to eat sweets at frequent intervals
  6.  Stones get developed, and bones get brittle
  7.  High BP
  8.  Loss of memory
  9.  Energy levels get low
  10.  Frequent mood changes

Magnesium for PCOS is a water-soluble mineral. So, consume this mineral with profound care as its excess consumption results in diarrhea, stomach pain, dehydration, etc. Control the chances of PCOS by eating more magnesium-rich diet.

food PCOS Symptoms Women's health

Do You Follow a list of Healthy Habits for PCOS?

A PCOS diagnosis is overwhelming news to hear especially when you know that getting healthy can’t happen overnight. So we have compiled a list of Healthy Habits for PCOS that with patience and dedication, can transform the life of someone struggling with PCOS.

Healthy Habits for PCOS:

Love Carbohydrates:

Women struggling with PCOS benefit immensely when foods like gluten, dairy, and soy are eliminated. These foods cause inflammation which can exacerbate symptoms of PCOS. Meat, dairy and eggs can further increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a common concern of women with PCOS. Dr. Neal Barnard, founding president of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, and his colleagues report that a low-fat, plant based whole food vegan lifestyle free of animal products and refined oils can lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and help people lose weight.

In fact, Dr. Barnard’s program does not require any calorie counting, portion control or cutting out carbohydrates. That’s news to celebrate!

Move Your Body and Lift Heavy Stuff:

Exercise is a habit all women with PCOS must learn to adopt. Thankfully, “moving your body” every day means unlimited possibilities so find an activity you love and do it every day until it becomes a habit. We recommend jogging, cycling, swimming, elliptical machines and weight training.

Forget every time you have been told lifting weights will make you bulky and start building some fat-burning muscle. In fact, replacing ten pounds of fat with ten pounds of muscle can burn fifty more calories per day.

Don’t forget to stretch at least three times a week for thirty minutes to prevent injury.

Practice Self-Love:

Learn to love yourself now, not after you lose ten pounds or twenty or fifty. Being body positive does not mean waking up every morning and being satisfied with what you see in the mirror. After all, a majority of the population doesn’t feel satisfied which means we can be happy while striving to improve ourselves. So, don’t wait to move to Hawaii and bask in the sun on the beaches of Oahu wearing a bikini. Live the life you want to live now and treat your body with kindness and patience. After some time, this will be a habit and you will be a happier person.

Don’t be a Victim:

Instead, choose to take action. Women with PCOS are not victims of their disease. These women can overcome their symptoms of PCOS by taking ownership of their well being and journey to health and healing. Choosing the right attitude every day is habit forming and can make a huge difference in quality of life.

Educate to Empower:

Armed with the right attitude and mindset, it’s time to get educated. Physicians may have limited experience with PCOS and may opt for a treatment plan consisting of pills and a cookie-cutter low carb diet. Do your own research and be your best advocate.

Sleep until Refreshed:

If you live by the old adage “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” stop. If you find yourself about to say the words “but I don’t have time for sleep,” seriously, stop it. Balanced hormones and your endocrine system depend on adequate sleep as well as body and brain function. Maintaining healthy habits and a positive mindset is near impossible when you’re chronically tired and depend on a jolt of caffeine to get you through the day. Roughly two-thirds of citizens in the US are getting a less than adequate amount of sleep per night while obesity is still on the rise. No one, including you, benefits from brain fog.

So, no more excuses and no more feeling guilty about sleeping in. Make it happen.

Take Control of Stress:

Stress triggers the release of cortisol which can wreak havoc on the hormonal system and lead to weight gain. If this news alone is stressing you out, don’t panic. Women who are managing PCOS develop coping mechanisms to handle stress and learn to relax even in the worst of times.

Plan your Meals and Cook Often:

Planning and organization is key to a Healthy Habits for PCOS, consistent lifestyle. Work on this each day and an organized life will be second nature. Careful planning and cooking regularly can help reduce the amount of processed foods you consume and prevent cravings throughout the day because you didn’t prepare enough food and now you’re in the McDonald’s line.

Take High-Quality Supplements:

While there is no magic pill to cure your symptoms and while your long-term health depends on comprehensive lifestyle changes, a simple, healthful supplement for PCOS can be great to add to your diet while you transition to Healthy Habits for PCOS.

Furocyst, for example, is extracted from the Fenugreek seed through a patented process, without using chemicals and is rising in popularity as a beneficial supplement. Clinically proven safe and effective for managing PCOS, Furocyst is shown to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and improve insulin sensitivity. For more information, visit

Strive for Progress not Perfection:

Nobody is perfect yet we all too often strive for perfection in our work, relationships and bodies. We lose ten pounds, feel empowered, and then catch a look at our “jiggly thighs” in the mirror and instantly shower ourselves with self-deprecation and ridicule. This is a habit that women struggling with PCOS and weight gain must break. Dissatisfaction with your body during weight loss is normal but if you make a habit of putting your health first, and be kind to yourself when you feel inadequate, women with PCOS can have a much better quality of life. Soon, with patience and the right lifestyle changes, you will be the goddess you were born to be with an existence that literally hurts people’s feelings.

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Healthy Habits for PCOS

PCOS Women's health

Lifestyle modification as a natural treatment for PCOS

In India, Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of women in India are affected with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In recent years, it has become evident that beyond a reproductive or cosmetic problem, PCOS represents a metabolic risk. Many women with PCOS have hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, lipid abnormalities, obesity, or any combination of these and looking for natural treatment for PCOS. Even those patients who are seen for infertility “only” need to be screened for these metabolic risk factors, and they require counseling regarding this risk and its management.

How to cure PCOD naturally

It has been observed that weight control improves many aspects of PCOS. The cycles become more regular, androgen levels are reduced, lipid and glucose metabolism improves, and spontaneous pregnancy may follow. A weight reduction of even a few percent has clinical benefits. This is because visceral fat is metabolically more active, and weight loss of a few percent is associated with significant loss of visceral fat. On the basis of these observations, weight management by dieting and exercise is recommended to all women with PCOS. All women with PCOS should be encouraged to follow a healthy diet and to engage in regular exercise. Their chance to achieve a pregnancy will improve and the risks during pregnancy will be reduced. A healthier lifestyle will also reduce their long-term risks for diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.


Sustainable weight loss through dietary modification and exercise along with regular intake of FUROCYST can give positive results in PCOS management. Furocyst is an innovative product (extracted and developed through a novel & innovative U.S. patented process) involving separations of active ingredients from the natural plant without affecting chemical properties of the active fractions. No chemicals are used. It is a natural and promising dietary supplement effective for management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
A healthy diet can work wonders to combat PCOS . The diet should have an increased level of soybeans, lentils, linseeds and chickpeas as these contain natural phytoestrogens, which help balance hormone levels in the body. Also ensuring to eat plenty of essential fatty acids such as fish, nuts and seeds help manage blood sugar levels. Also the diet should have high levels of fiber. Fiber promotes bowel movements so that excess hormones are excreted more efficiently; it helps manage blood sugar levels and encourages elimination of toxic waste products. Fiber can be found in whole grains and vegetables and fruits. Drinking plenty of water also helps as water aids in proper functioning of various body parts and also ensures daily bowel movements helping to flush out old toxins and hormones from the body.

Apart from this one should avoid all sugar and white refined carbohydrates as they imbalance blood sugar levels, aggravating symptoms of insulin resistance. Also trans and hydrogenated fats (e.g. in margarine and found in many processed foods) should be avoided as these damage cell membranes in turn causing a whole range of health imbalances. Intake of caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.

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