PCOD PCOS Women's health


PCOS is a condition in which the imbalance of hormones leads to the formation of one or more cysts inside the ovaries. These cysts target the whole body of a woman creating a number of complications showing its presence. These complications include:

  • Glucose level fluctuations
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Infertility
  • Skin disorders such as acne, skin patches
  • Hair disorder such as alopecia, facial hair growth
  • Thyroid
  • Obesity
  • Endometrial cancer, etc

It has been demonstrated that approximately 34% of women with PCOS have depression compared to 7% of women in the general population and around 45% have anxiety, compared to only 18% of the general population.

These symptoms are so over expressive that within a short period of time, they start to target the psychological condition of a woman. When the mental state of a woman is affected in the form of stress & depression, the brain cells start to actively participate to advance the effect of cysts to a much higher level. This worsens the state of PCOS.


Research shows that PCOS gives rise to a variety of emotional and mental conditions such as

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Chronic stress
  • Eating disorders


As in the mechanism of PCOS, higher testosterone (androgen) levels in the ovaries give rise to the development of cysts. Testosterone tends to inhibit the maturation of follicle containing egg. Thus, immature follicle becomes cyst.3

It has been demonstrated by animal studies that these high levels of testosterone in PCOS women affect that region of the brain, which is responsible for emotions and behavior. They observed that high testosterone doses in animals significantly interfered with the activity of a gene in the brain region called amygdala that regulates the androgen receptor. They also identified alterations in the receptors for a form of estrogen due to high testosterone doses, as well as changes in the genes that regulate serotonin and GABA – neurotransmitters involved in the control of anxious behavior.


It is clear from the reported data that women with PCOS are at risk of a wide range of significant psychological difficulties, which lower the quality of life also. Thus, treatment of PCOS is at extreme need to prevent physical and psychological issues.

A healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet, plentiful exercise and targeted nutritional supplements and/or prescription medications can help to bring the PCOS psychological issues under control.


Anti-androgens can also be consumed on prescription by doctor. Anti-androgens help to lower testosterone levels in the body. Normal levels of testosterones in women do not target the uncontrolled activity of amygdale (brain region for emotion & behavior) in the brain. This strategy will help to improve psychological condition in the women with PCOS. Other management measures include:

  • Management of skin issues: Skin provides feminism to the women. Any changes in skin lead to depressive and stressful behavior in women. During PCOS, skin problems are taken as one of the symptoms. They are always taken as an outcome in PCOS. Treatment of skin issues such as acne & skin patches contributes in the management of mental health in women. Skin issues can be managed with the help of either natural remedies or by dietary modifications or by prescription medications. Any of the treatment measure can help resolve the skin issue.
  • Management of hair loss: Another outcome of PCOS which adds-in towards depression and anxiety is “hair loss”. Management of hair loss can be done by consumption of anti-androgens because hair loss due to PCOS involves the over-production of androgens (testosterone) in the body. Testosterones interfere in the normal cycle of hair-follicle growth due to which hair density is also thickened. Thus, anti-androgens lower the production of testosterone and help in the growth cycle of hair follicles.
  • Obesity management: Obesity is a major reason behind depression and anxiety in PCOS women. Healthy lifestyle, controlled diet and regular exercise help to control obesity. Weight loss medications can also be consumed to treat obesity. According to the reported studies, participation in physical activity programs is associated with lowering obesity and depressive symptoms and improvements in quality of life.
  • Cyst management: Reduction of the cysts in PCOS is the primary line-of-treatment. This can be achieved by controlling testosterone levels in the body along with management of insulin resistance. Testosterones can be controlled by either anti-androgens or testosterone suppressing drugs. Both of these treatment regimens can help to lower cyst size and cyst number which will automatically help to manage menstrual irregularities and infertility problems. They might contribute well to lower mental health issues in PCOS.

These management strategies are a key towards improvement in the mental health issues. By controlling PCOS as early as possible, mental health issues can also be controlled.

It has been reported that fenugreek is an effective remedy to treat PCOS patients. It is clinically proven safe and effective in the management of PCOS. It has been observed that Furocyst® (fenugreek seed extract) significantly reduced the cyst size, showed complete dissolution of the cysts and reported regular menstrual cycle on completion of the treatment. It also increased insulin sensitizing activity & peripheral utilization of insulin thus helped to manage PCOS.



PCOD PCOS Uncategorized Women's health


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the commonest endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age. For the diagnosis of this syndrome the Rotterdam Criteria is used. According to this criterion, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is diagnosed in the presence of at least two of three criteria:

  • Menstrual disorders or amenorrhoea with chronic lack of ovulation
  • Clinical and/or biochemical features of hyperandrogenism
  • The presence of polycystic ovaries in ultrasonography after the exclusion of other endocrine disorders

Prevalence: In the United States, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders of reproductive-age women, with a prevalence of 4-12%. Up to 10% women are diagnosed with PCOS. In some European studies, the prevalence of PCOS has been reported to be 6.5-8%.

PCOS is a disease, which is associated with many complications such as obesity, diabetes, thyroid, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, etc. Bipolar disorder is one of the diseases associated with PCOS. It is not clear whether PCOS generates bipolar disorder or vice-versa but its occurrence is common in PCOS-affecting females.

Bipolar disorder 1

This disease is characterized by the occurrence of the periods of mania and depression. They are divided into:

  • Bipolar disorder I (full-blown mania and major depression),
  • Bipolar disorder II (hypomania and episodes of major depression)
  • Unspecified bipolar disorder (bipolar symptoms that do not meet criteria I or II)

Prevalence: During an epidemiological study, it was found the prevalence of bipolar disorder is very less. 1% of the population is found to be prevalent with bipolar disorder I, 1.1% with bipolar disorder II & 2.4% with bipolar disorder III. The overall prevalence of the bipolar disorder is 4.4% in US population. Bipolar disorder II has the highest persistence (73.2%), with Bipolar disorder I (63.3%) following second and bipolar sub-threshold third (59.5%).

Relation between PCOS & bipolar disorder

PCOS & bipolar disorder are reported to be linked to each other. It has been found from the clinical studies that women with bipolar disorder are at higher risk of PCOS and vice-versa. In a clinical study on 110 women with PCOS, it was reported that 88 women were suffering from bipolar disease also.

3Both PCOS and bipolar disorder show increased levels of stress and high cortisol. This could be due to a dysfunction in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA axis is responsible for stress response. Cortisol is released to handle stress. Then the body is supposed to calm itself down when the stressor no longer exists. When there is a problem with this cycle, like there is in bipolar disorder and PCOS, the cortisol sticks around. High cortisol levels can lead to many cognitive problems and depressive symptoms. The hormone imbalance could also lead to hyperandrogenism in PCOS.

Multiple studies have shown a link between PCOS and the drug valproic acid/valproate, which is an anticonvulsant, used to treat bipolar disorder as a mood stabilizer & epilepsy. One study showed that 43% of the women receiving valproate for epilepsy had polycystic ovaries. In bipolar disorder, one study found that 47% of patients taking valproate had PCOS compared to the 13% of patients who were not.

Women with bipolar disorder are almost twice as likely to have irregular menstrual cycles, than healthy controls. While medications can cause irregularities, irregular periods often occur before a patient is even diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


The following given questionnaire is helpful to screen women with bipolar disorder:

Positive screening for bipolar disorder on the basis of following scores:

  • YES to 7 or more than 13 points in Question 1
  • YES to Question 2

These symptoms can only be treated if regular therapy for PCOS is administered to the suffering females.








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PCOD PCOS Women's health



Female uterus contains a lining known as endometrium that contains tissue full of blood vessels. Under healthy condition, this endometrium lining is built up (by cell multiplication) for up to one month for probable pregnancy. If there is no possibility of pregnancy, then, after one month of cycle, this lining full of tissues breaks down as menses.

Under diseased condition, the cells of the endometrium lining begin to grow out of control, causing endometrial cancer. The cancer is staged according to where the cancer cells are found, from Stage I being completely within the uterus to Stage IV, where cancer has spread beyond the boundaries of the pelvis.



Unusual vaginal bleeding: About 90% of women diagnosed with endometrial cancer have abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as a change in their periods or bleeding between periods or after menopause. This symptom can also occur with some non-cancerous conditions, but it is important to have a doctor look into any irregular bleeding.

Vaginal discharge: Non-bloody vaginal discharge may also be a sign of endometrial cancer. Your doctor should check out any abnormal discharge.

Pelvic pain & Weight loss: Pain in the pelvis along with unintentional weight loss can also be a symptom of endometrial cancer. These symptoms are more common in later stages of the disease.


2Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) are reported to be at a higher risk of developing endometrial cancer. It has been seen in many females that the PCOS suffering females are three times more prone to endometrial cancer as compared to normal females. But it is also clear that it’s not mandatory for a PCOS female to develop endometrial cancer. Whenever PCOS is at extreme levels, then, it might cause endometrial cancer.

PCOS is associated with irregularity in the hormonal balance, which produces cyst(s) in the ovaries of the females. During healthy condition, shedding of endometrium lining is inhibited only during pregnancy. But in PCOS, irregular hormones also do not allow the endometrium lining to break down during menses. This irregularity of hormones involves very lesser quantity of progesterone (causes shedding of endometrium in menses) & higher amount of estrogen (causes ovulation). Thus, endometrium lining grows to a much thicker level than normal due to deficiency of progesterone. This condition leads to pre-cancerous situation called endometrial hyperplasia. If this condition is left untreated, it develops to endometrial cancer.


The endometrial cancer can be managed in two ways as given below:

  • Reduce the risk of development of endometrial cancer
  • Treat the developed endometrial cancer

It is up to the stage of the cancer in the patient through which the treatment strategy can be opted. It there is only a risk of development of the cancer, but it has not developed yet, then, first option can be chosen. If the cancer has already developed in PCOS suffering female, then, second option can be chosen. Following treatment strategies have been given accordingly.



  • PCOS treatment: When you know that the PCOS is the obvious reason for the risk of developing endometrial cancer, then, it should be treated first. If left untreated, hormone levels will remain abnormal and affect your whole body and your cancer risk.

PCOS is generally treated with the help of oral contraceptives. These medications are prescribed by doctor. Oral contraceptives containing progesterone-only pills are best to reduce endometrial cancer risk. But these do not come with their side effects.

PCOS can also be managed with the help of a clinically proven dietary supplement in the form of fenugreek seed extract i.e. Furocyst. It has been proven to be safe & effective for the management of PCOS. It has been clinically evaluated and patented and has no known side effects.

  • Healthy body weight: Most of the women with PCOS are obese or overweight. Obesity or overweight contributes highly to the development & progression of PCOS. Obesity is also known to be one of the risk factors of endometrial cancer because it also increases estrogen levels in the body.

Regular exercise and sticking to a healthy diet can lose excess weight and minimize the endometrial cancer risk.

  • Regular examinations: 4If you already know you are at a greater risk for endometrial cancer because of your PCOS, it’s important to keep an eye on the early signs of cancer. Thus, it is a big requirement for regular –
  • Pap smears: Tests for the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells on the cervix (opening of the uterus).
  • Pelvic exam: Examination of vulva and internal reproductive organs including cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.



If a female is diagnosed with endometrial cancer along with PCOS, it is very important to talk with a specialist as soon as possible. A number of treatments are available and only a specialist can help determine the best option. The option can be one of the following:

  • Surgery: Surgery is the main treatment for most of the women with endometrial cancer. It is carried out according to the stage of this cancer. If the cancer is limited only to the uterus then, the doctors opt for hysterectomy e. removing uterus from the body. If the cancer has spread to other organs such as fallopian tube, ovaries, part of vagina, etc, then, they may need to be removed as well.
    • For any of these procedures, general anesthesia is used so the patient is asleep or sedated during the operation.
    • The doctor may feel that chemotherapy or radiation treatment is necessary as well to prevent cancer from spreading.
    • The patient is recovered after surgery by staying in the hospital for 5-7 days. Complete recovery takes 4-6 weeks.
    • The only disadvantage of this surgery is infertility (not being able to start or maintain a pregnancy).
  • Radiation: This type of therapy involves killing the cancer cells by exposing them to high-energy radiation. It can be done in two ways:
    • Either from a machine (sends the radiation through the body towards the cancer cells)
    • Or internally with seeds, needles or catheters which are placed directly in contact with cancer.
    • With one radiation machine strategy, the device is usually left in place for about 1 to 4 days. The patient needs to stay immobile to keep the radiation sources from moving during treatment and so she is usually kept in the hospital overnight.
    • Another radiation machine strategy is a bit intense. Each dose takes a very short time (usually less than an hour) and the patient can go home the same day.
  • Chemotherapy: When this type of treatment is opted, special chemicals are introduced into the body, either by mouth or intravenously, which directly kill the cancer cells. These chemicals enter the bloodstream and reach throughout the body, making this treatment potentially useful for cancer that has spread beyond the endometrium.
    • Combination chemotherapy sometimes works better in treating cancer than one drug alone. Combination chemotherapy sometimes works better in treating cancer than one chemical/drug alone.
    • Chemo is often given in cycles e. a period of treatment, followed by a rest period. The chemo chemicals/drugs may be given on one or more days in each cycle.
    • These chemicals kill cancer cells but can also damage some normal cells. This produces side effects including nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, mouth or vaginal sores and hair loss.
    • Most of the side effects of chemotherapy stop when the treatment is over, but some can last a long time.
  • Hormone therapy: If cancer responds to hormonal stimulation, there are medications, which can help block the hormone from interacting with cancer. This can help prevent further growth of cancer. Hormone treatment for endometrial cancer includes:
    • Progesterone: Slows the growth of endometrial cancer cells.
    • Tamoxifen: Prevent the circulation of estrogen hormone. Also prevents estrogen from nourishing the cancer cells.
    • Luteinizing hormone agonist: It switches off the estrogen production by the ovaries in women who are premenopausal. They are injected every 1-3 months.
    • Aromatize inhibitors: Even after the ovaries are removed (or are not functioning); estrogen is still made in the fat tissue. This becomes the body’s main source of estrogen. Drugs called aromatase inhibitors can stop this estrogen from being formed and lower estrogen levels even further.


When the treatment has been completed, following questions should be asked by the patient to the doctor for satisfactory completion of treatment as well as for future health:6

  • Are there any limits on what I can do?
  • What symptoms should I watch for?
  • What kind of exercise should I do now?
  • What type of follow-up will I need after treatment?
  • How often will I need to have follow-up exams and imaging tests?
  • Will I need any blood tests?
  • How will I know if the cancer has come back? What should I watch for?
  • What will my options be if the cancer comes back?
  • When can I resume my usual activities at work and/or around the house?

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PCOD PCOS Women's health


NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE (NAFLD) is a very common disorder to be associated with PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome). NAFLD is the accumulation of excess fat in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol. The most common form of NAFLD is a non-serious condition called fatty liver. A small group of people with NAFLD may have a more serious condition named non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In NASH, fat accumulation is associated with liver cell inflammation and different degrees of scarring. NASH is a potentially serious condition that may lead to severe liver scarring and cirrhosis.

NAFLD is highly prevalent in PCOS affecting females. It has been seen that 15% to 55% of women with PCOS are diagnosed with NAFLD. The liver isn’t meant to store fat. Its role is to serve as the detoxifying organ for the body filtering out harmful substances. Thus, when PCOS starts to contribute in accumulating fat inside liver then, the condition of the female worsens.

1 2

NAFLD is a silent condition. Most women with PCOS won’t know that they have it until getting blood results. Having fatty liver or NAFLD increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. If not treated, NAFLD can progress to more advanced stages of liver damage such as NASH & liver cirrhosis.



  • Diagnosis by blood test named as “Liver function test” (LFT) including alanine aminotransferase (ALT) & aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
  • Confirmation by ultrasound of the liver or liver biopsy



Insulin resistance and obesity in PCOS causes NAFLD in women. Insulin resistance in adipose tissue results in accelerated lipolysis, causing an increased flow of free fatty acids to the liver, thus favoring hepatic fat accumulation. Visceral adipose tissue by increased free fatty acid flow to the liver seems to be an important regulator of fatty liver.


There are some factors which contribute in worsening the condition of NAFLD in women with PCOS. These are:


  • Excess abdominal weight
  • Insulin resistance5
  • Elevated androgens (testosterones)
  • Hightriglycerides
  • High LDL cholesterol level
  • Low HDL cholesterol level
  • Inactive lifestyle
  • Obstructive sleep apnea


Therapeutic interventions primarily target the risk factors for NAFLD – obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia. Curing these risk factors might automatically prevent the development of NAFLD in PCOS females.

Dietary modification 6

Fat, sugar, and excessive intake of processed foods are the main nutrition contributors to fatty liver disease. Consumption of trans-fats, fats typically found in processed and fast food, is linked with insulin resistance, inflammation and increased triglycerides. Fructose is also linked to worsening insulin resistance and inflammation which is found in corn syrup, juice and other flavored beverages.

Keeping trans-fats, sugar and processed foods out of the diet will improve the condition of the liver. Liver can remain healthy by eating a healthy diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, beans and legumes, fish and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Lose Weight

7Weight loss is effective for treating fatty liver disease as it can improve insulin resistance, triglycerides and visceral fat. An inactive lifestyle is one of the contributing factors to NAFLD. Engaging in regular physical activity consisting of aerobic and resistance training, can decrease fatty liver even if weight loss isn’t achieved.

Participants who engaged in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise two to three times each week saw significant reductions in liver fat.

Thus diet, weight loss and exercise are the cornerstone of treatment and may be combined with insulin-sensitizers.

Fish Oil

8Omega-3 fatty acids like the ones found in cold water fish such as salmon, tuna and trout are effective at reducing triglycerides, inflammation and insulin in women with PCOS. In a clinical study, women with PCOS who supplemented their diets with 4 grams of fish oil for 8 weeks saw a significant decrease in liver fat and triglycerides.

Supplement with Vitamin E

9Women with PCOS have been shown to have higher levels of oxidative stress than women without PCOS. Oxidative stress is a contributing factor to diseases like NAFLD. Antioxidants work to fight oxidative stress and have been suggested in the treatment of NAFLD. Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, is commonly recommended to those with NAFLD.


10Fenugreek has been clinically shown to be effective in the treatment of PCOS and its complications. Fenugreek seeds extract-based product – Furocyst has shown to improve the condition of PCOS. It is a patented and clinically evaluated product proven safe and effective with patients in PCOS. Fenugreek is also reported to be a good antioxidant to fight against oxidative stress. It may be able to manage NAFLD in PCOS suffering females.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in women with PCOS is common and serious, but can easily be reversed with diet and lifestyle changes!

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PCOD PCOS Women's health


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]THE CO-EXISTENCE OF DISEASES MEANS THE PRESENCE OF MULTIPLE DISEASES AT ONE TIME. In that way, the poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism co-exist. Generally it has been observed that long-term untreated hypothyroidism always generate PCOS in females due to the imbalance of hormones in thyroid gland.

HYPOTHYROIDISM is the condition when the thyroid gland is not producing sufficient thyroid hormone. Thyroid gland is an organ of the body located in the front lower part of the neck. Hormones produced by this gland i.e. triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), travel through the bloodstream and get circulated in every part of the body. Thus, thyroid gland affects every part of the body. In hypothyroidism, there occurs imbalance in the levels of hormones inside body which causes many auto-immune diseases too.

POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) is one such condition which is affected highly by the imbalance of hormones. Testosterone is one of those hormones. Increase in testosterone (male hormone) inside females causes the reproductive system to become infertile along with the development of multiple cysts in the ovaries. This worsens the condition of PCOS.

Thus, hypothyroidism gives rise to PCOS inside females. It has been seen that thyroid disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are two of the most common endocrine disorders in the general population.


One reason has been given that increase in testosterone levels causes PCOS in hypothyroid-affecting females.

Another reason is the rise in thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). Rise in thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in primary hypothyroidism leads to increased prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Prolactin contributes toward polycystic ovarian syndrome by inhibiting ovulation as a result of the change in the ratio of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and increased dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) from the adrenal gland. This causes PCOS in females suffering from hypothyroidism.

co-existance of PCOS

DIAGNOSIS Hypothyroidism

Blood test including:


  • TSH:
  • It measures how much T4 the thyroid is being asked to make. Abnormally high TSH levels may mean you have hypothyroidism.
  • T4 tests(Free T4, free T4 index, total T4): It assesses the amount of T4 your thyroid is producing.
  • Thyroid peroxidase antibody(anti-TPO) (TgAb): It checks for thyroid antibodies and to detect autoimmune thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s disease.
  • T3 and ReverseT3 (rT3): It assesses the amount of T3 your thyroid is producing and its ability to convert T4 to T3.


  • Ultrasound: To detect cyst in the ovaries.
  • Blood test including:
  • Hormone levels: Such as thyroid hormones, testosterone levels, etc.
  • Blood sugar: To check the common occurrence of insulin resistance in PCOS females.
  • Lipid levels (LDL, Total Cholesterol, HDL and Triglycerides)


To prevent the occurrence of PCOS developed along with hypothyroidism, it is better to cure the hypothyroidism as soon as possible. Possible prevention and treatment strategies for hypothyroidism are:

  • Dietary modification
  • Making dietary changes is the first line of defense in treating hypothyroidism.
  • Carbohydrate: Reduce or eliminate caffeine and sugar, including refined carbohydrates like flour, which the body treats like sugar.
  • Protein: Protein transports thyroid hormone to all the tissues and consumption of protein at each meal can help normalize thyroid function. Proteins include nuts and nut butters; quinoa; hormone- and antibiotic-free animal products (organic,grass-fed meats, eggs, and sustainably-farmed fish); and legumes.
  • Glutathione: Glutathioneis a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and is one of the pillars of fighting Hashimoto’s. It can boost the body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system, dampen autoimmune flare-ups and protect and heal thyroid tissue.
  • Medication Hypothyroidism can be easily treated using thyroid hormone medicine. The most effective and reliable thyroid replacement hormone is man-made (synthetic). Symptoms of hypothyroidism start to improve within the first week after you start treatment.

  • Thyroid medicine levothyroxine is generally prescribed. Diets rich in soy and high fiber can interfere with levothyroxine absorption. Medications and supplements also can reduce absorption. These include calcium supplements, iron supplements, cholestyramine and aluminum hydroxide (present in some antacids).
  • Lifestyle modification to manage PCOS

  • Lifestyle modifications such as weight loss and increased exercise in combination with a change in diet consistently reduce the risk of diabetes. This approach has been found to be comparable to or better than treatment with medication and should therefore be considered first-line treatment in managing women with PCOS.
  • These modifications have been effective in restoring ovulatory cycles and achieving pregnancy in obese women with PCOS. Weight loss in obese women with PCOS also improves hyper-androgenic features.
  • Medication for PCOS

  • Medical management of PCOS is aimed at the treatment of metabolic derangements, anovulation, hirsutism, and menstrual irregularity.
  • The use of insulin-sensitizing drugs  to improve insulin sensitivity is associated with a reduction in blood glucose levels, as well as improvement in both the ovulation rate and glucose tolerance.

  • First-line medical therapy usually consists of an oral contraceptive to induce regular menses. The contraceptive not only inhibits ovarian androgen production but also increases sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) production.
  • Treatment for ovulation induction when fertility is desired is clomiphene citrate.
  • Other natural treatment strategies include consumption of food supplements such as fenugreek seed extractFurocyst®, which has been clinically proven to treat PCOS and its symptoms.

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blog Men's health Testosterone


Testosterone is the primary male hormone, which plays key role in the development of male reproductive organs. It also promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass and the growth of body hair. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including weakness and bone loss.

Testosterone deficiency involves the decline in serum testosterone levels in men, which results in depression, low libido, erectile dysfunction, low ejaculation volume, impaired memory and poor concentration. It has been observed that testosterone levels gradually decrease as men age due to which it is most prevalent in men above 40-50 years of age. When men start diagnosing this problem, they look for solutions to this problem in the form of testosterone boosters or replacement therapy.

Natural testosterone boosting supplements simply induce the body to produce more testosterone. On the other hand, testosterone replacement therapy has been created in a laboratory environment and is prescribed by physicians to try and counter a number of health-related issues. Testosterone replacement therapy is the pumping of actual testosterone into the body.



Testosterone replacement therapy is available in a number of forms, all of which are designed to improve the testosterone levels:

  • Injections and Implants involve testosterone being injected directly into the muscles, or implanted in the form of pellets within the soft tissue. The body slowly absorbs the testosterone into the bloodstream.
  • Mouth Patch is a tablet that sticks to the upper gums above the incisors. It is applied twice a day and continuously releases testosterone into the bloodstream through the oral tissues.
  • Skin Patch is worn on the arm of the upper body and is applied once daily.
  • Testosterone replacement therapy can also come in the form of a gel. This gel is absolved directly through the skin when it is applied once a day. This gel pumps testosterone into the body in intermittent stages, usually dictated by the prescribing physician.

Benefits of testosterone replacement therapy


The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy are different in different kinds of men. Some men don’t even notice any improvement. Overall, the benefits of this therapy include:

  • Improved energy levels
  • Enhanced sex drive
  • A better quality of erections
  • The extra testosterone is bound to assist in increasing bone density, muscle mass and insulin sensitivity
  • Improvement in the mood

Disadvantages of testosterone replacement therapy

3Testosterone replacement therapy comes with a number of serious side-effects. Typical side-effects include:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia: Abnormal prostate growing as a result of the stimulation of testosterone
  • Urinary tube rupture: Abnormal prostate growth squeezing of the tube carrying the urine, disrupting urinary flow
  • Prostate cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Erythrocytosis: Abnormal increase in a red blood cell count, causing the blood to become thicker and more prone to clotting
  • Cognitive heart failure: This condition has been observed in many patients after undergoing testosterone replacement therapy

The main reason testosterone replacement therapy causes so many problems is you are literally injecting synthetic testosterone into your body. In other words, you are ingesting a substance that is not natural (and actually harmful) on a regular basis.


The body’s testosterone production can be positively impacted by certain nutrients including, zinc aspartate, calcium and fenugreek.  Natural testosterone supplements are created from these natural ingredients, which include bioactive components that target the mechanism synthesizing testosterone naturally inside body. They provide a safe and natural way to boost testosterone levels without the potential of increasing prostate cancer risk.

 Benefits of natural testosterone supplements


 You can expect to experience following benefits by consuming testosterone boosters:

  • Incredible energy levels
  • Enhanced libido
  • Firmer erections
  • An increased ability to maintain concentration
  • More drive
  • Less body fat
  • Much improved lean muscle mass

The major benefit of using a natural testosterone supplement is that you would not expose yourself to some of the potentially dangerous side-effects associated with testosterone replacement therapy.

The only downfall associated with testosterone booster is that you may not experience any benefit but you will not develop any complication after using testosterone booster, which always develop in case of using testosterone replacement therapy.

If testosterone supplements don’t contain any testosterone, then how are they able to produce results?


Effective testosterone boosters work because they contain natural ingredients that stimulate the body to produce its own testosterone. This is the key because the synthetic testosterone is what causes all of the side effects. The body does not recognise synthetic testosterone, so it responds negatively to it. However, if you can get your body to produce testosterone on its own, then you will be able to prevent the body from having a negative reaction to it. Now, your body will be able to properly utilise all of the testosterone that is being produced along with all the benefits.

Taking natural testosterone boosters solves all four of the problems associated with testosterone replacement therapy.

  • First, testosterone supplements are comparatively inexpensive.
  • Second, these supplements contain all natural ingredients and thereby stimulate the body to produce testosterone in a natural way.
  • Third, since your body is producing testosterone on its own in a natural way, you will not experience any of the side effects that come with injecting synthetic testosterone (testosterone replacement therapy).
  • Fourth, the testosterone being produced is natural and recognised by your body, therefore allowing your body to actually utilise it. Your body will only fully utilise testosterone if it was produced within the body rather than directly ingested.

Chemforce – A natural testosterone-boosting supplement 6

Chemforce is a natural and promising dietary supplement comprising Furosap® (fenugreek seed extract) as a major ingredient which is patented and clinically proven to manage testosterone deficiency. It is reported to improve sperm count, sperm morphology and has a protective effect on male reproductive system.

As Chemforce increases testosterone levels inside body, it also contributes to the increase in sexual functions and it increases unbound free testosterone levels, which improves muscle mass, fat loss, strength and endurance.

Thus, Chemforce can be chosen as a natural testosterone-boosting supplement over testosterone therapy to improve testosterone deficiency.


Antioxidants blog Cancer Respiratory health


Chemotherapy is used for managing acute or chronic leukaemia, malignant lymphomas or other tumors in the intestine, lung, breast and other organs. The use of chemotherapeutic substances is common when combating tumor cells and pathogens such as viruses and fungal infections.

Different medications are used, depending on the type of illness and condition of the patient. Cytostatic agents which are frequently used in chemotherapy and which cause severe side effects are for instance the anthracycline.  1

The use of drugs (whether chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or targeted therapy) constitutes systemic therapy for cancer in which they are introduced into the blood stream and address cancer at any anatomic location in the body. Systemic therapy is often used in conjunction with other modalities that constitute local therapy (i.e. treatments whose efficacy is confined to the anatomic area where they are applied) for cancer such as radiation therapy, surgery and/or hyperthermia therapy.



The occurrence of acute or long-term side effects which occur later in connection with the chemotherapy, include the side effects to: 3

  • Skin
  • Mucous membranes
  • Increased sensitivity to herpes viruses or fungal infections
  • Alopecia – Temporary partial or total loss of hair
  • Psychological damage, particularly in women

Side effects to skin include

  • Dry or scaly skin
  • Itchy skin swellings
  • Red patches
  • Formation of blisters
  • Skin lesions with low-level mechanical impacts
  • Allergies
  • Skin discoloration along the infusion veins
  • Pigment spots
  • Hand and foot syndrome (PPE)


It was found that chemotherapeutic substances which are administered systemically or intravenously quickly penetrate from inside-out onto the skin via sweat and are distributed homogeneously over the skin surface. Then they penetrate the skin from outside in the same manner as the topically applied substances. The highest concentration of chemotherapeutic substances on the skin is observed in places where the highest sweat glands occur, e.g. on the forehead, the axilia and the balls of the hands & feet. The majority of skin irritations also occur here.

Chemotherapeutic substances frequently accumulate in the hair follicles. They are in part expelled there together with the fat from the sebaceous glands and this contributes to rapid loss of hair during a chemotherapeutic treatment.

Chemotherapy also increases the free radical activity inside body, which, in turn, can overcome the body’s natural antioxidant defenses causing diseased state in the body.


5It has been found by the scientists that the occurrence of side effects from chemotherapeutic substances on the skin or on the hair can be prevented or significantly reduced when antioxidant agents or such substances which are known as radical scavengers are used during or subsequent to chemotherapy together with microparticles. Obviously, to ensure an effective protection or treatment it is necessary to neutralize the free radicals on the skin or scalp surface before they penetrate the skin from outside and are stored there over a long period of time causing the side effects.




Green coffee bean extract has become one of the top selling weight loss products in the market. Green coffee bean extract has good health-related benefits. The highest quality green coffee bean extract comes with higher polyphenol anti-oxidants such as chlorogenic acid.

The majority of coffee drinkers miss out much of the benefits that coffee contains because the deep roasting process of green coffee beans significantly reduces the anti-oxidant content of it. Now-a-days, green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acid is being studied for its effect on the management of the side effects of chemotherapy.

Here are four studies that show green coffee bean extract and its chlorogenic acid may benefit cancer patients: 7

  • A June 2014 study in The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry found that chlorogenic acid showed promise in fighting breast cancer and recommended that it “would be a promising candidate for further evaluation as an antioxidant and anticancer agent.”
  • A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistryalso looked at breast cancer cells. Researchers in this study also found that the chlorogenic acid could potentially serve as cancer fighter and have a “chemopreventive” effect.
  • A January 2015 study published in the Journal of Cellular Oncology showed breast cancer is not the only cancer that appears to be helped by chlorogenic acid. This study looked at the effect of chlorogenic acid on lung cancer cells. That study proposed that chlorogenic acid could “represent a novel therapeutic option for the treatment of (lung) cancer.”
  • A February 2015 study published in Anti-Cancer Drugsshowed that chlorogenic acid could actually help a cancer patient’s body be more receptive to chemotherapy treatment. That study shows potential in making chemotherapy for liver cancer more effective.

This scientific evidence suggest that the green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acid can be opted as management strategy to get relief from the side effects of chemotherapy treatment.




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Diabetic encephalopathy is the damage to brain which is caused due to uncontrolled long term blood glucose. Encephalopathy is becoming more widely recognized as more people are diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetic encephalopathy presents itself both mentally and physically. It can induce an altered mental state, cognitive decline, changes in personality, memory lapses or severe impairment like dementia. The complication can also cause tremors, lack of coordination and even seizures.




Diabetic encephalopathy is largely due to acute hypoglycemia (blood sugar levels are too low) or severe hyperglycemia (blood sugar levels are too high). 

In case of type 2 diabetes, there are many different factors contributing in the development of this complication. It could be caused by the body’s resistance to insulin, which makes it difficult for the brain to break down amyloid, a protein that forms brain plaques. Brain plaques are abnormal clusters of this protein that block cell-to-cell signaling at the synapses – a symptom infamous for contributing to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Type 2 diabetic encephalopathy can also be generated from hyperglycemia or the conditions that commonly accompany type 2 diabetes like high blood pressure, obesity, or high cholesterol.

Encephalopathy could also be caused by microvascular inflammation affecting the blood vessels in the brain. This makes the brain’s vessels harden and decrease in blood flow. This diminished amount of blood paired with an excess of insulin in the brain can cause the brain to not process proteins properly.4


  • Altered mental state
  • Lethargy
  • Dementia
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Muscle twitching andmyalgia
  • Cheyne-Stokes respirations (an altered breathing pattern seen with brain damage and coma)
  • Coma





Physicians may utilize several different tests at the same time to diagnose both5 the primary condition (the cause of encephalopathy) and the encephalopathy itself. The most frequently utilized tests are listed below that may help to diagnose diabetic encephalopathy:

  • Clinical tests during the physical examination including mental status test, memory test and coordination test
  • Complete blood countorCBC (infections or loss of blood)
  • Blood glucose levels
  • Blood pressure(high orlow blood pressure)7
  • Metabolic tests (blood levels ofelectrolytes,glucose, lactate, ammonia, oxygen, and liver enzymes)
  • Drugs or toxin levels (alcohol,cocaine, amphetamines, and many others)
  • Blood and body fluid cultures and analyses (infections of many types)
  • Creatinine (kidney function)
  • CT andMRIscans (brain swelling, anatomical abnormalities, or infections)
  • Dopplerultrasound(abnormal blood flow to tissues or abscesses)
  • Encephalogram orEEG(brain damage or abnormal brain wave patterns)8
  • Autoantibody analysis (dementia caused by antibodies that destroy neurons)
  • Review of the person’s medications as some medications (for example, cyclosporine) may be responsible for symptoms


The primary measure of prevention as well as treatment of diabetic encephalopathy is the maintenance of stable blood sugar levels. It also helps to avoid further damage. Follow the prescribed diabetes management plan for preventing the development of diabetic encephalopathy which includes

  • Glucose measurements when appropriate


  • Take all medications as directed. Try to consume herbal Supplements such as Fenfuro (fenugreek seeds extract) which is patented and clinically proven to manage diabetes.



  • Do a Quick Body Scan from head to toe after bathing
  • Check your feet every day. Look for cuts, sores, blisters, and ingrown toenails. Don’t forget the places where moisture can hide and germs can grow.



  • High blood sugar causes your body to lose fluid and your skin can get dry. Drink plenty of water and other liquids to help your skin stay supple and healthy.


  • It’s important to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to help manage your diabetes.





You should see a doctor right away if you experience symptoms of encephalopathy. If you are already receiving treatment for brain disease, be aware of the following signs:

  • Severe confusion
  • Severe disorientation
  • Coma

These can be signs of a medical urgency. They may mean that your condition is getting worse.