PCOD PCOS Symptoms Women's health

What your period may say about your health

Doctors usually gauge your health by checking your weight, heart rate or blood pressure as these are the standard measurements. But for women, there is another body activity which has to be considered while trying to sense what is going on in their system, and that is at the time of periods.


At some point in life, many girls have thought of and declared that their period phase is the worst. And actually, it is. The main advantage you can take out of it is to gain insight into your overall health. You should pay attention to many things such as- are you bleeding in a good way, the color of your blood, about your cycle, etc, while you are on period to identify if you have any problem or you are absolutely fine. For example- if you are bleeding and your blood is indicating orange color, it may be a sign of an infection or if it is a bad odor and painless blood, it could also be due to an STI or STD infection.


Here are the insights into what things must be taken care of during your menstrual cycle-


1) If you are seeing big jelly like blood clots-


Although it does not look and feel good, it is perfectly normal if you have blood clots on your tampoons or in the toilet during your cycle. It shows when your flow is very heavy and a substance like anticoagulants that breaks down the clots before allowing them to leave your body. They tend to be bright red or dark in color and come in irregular sizes and shapes. If you are having small clots, just like the size of the raisins, nothing is to be worried about. But large clots may be a sign of an infection or miscarriage or it may be a result of hormonal imbalance.


2) Your blood color-

If your blood is bright red, or brownish, or pinkish or watery-


If you are having a cranberry or dark red color during your menstruation, it is considered great and healthy. Oftenly bright red color is seen at the beginning of the cycles and after 2 or 3 days, the color of the blood becomes light red. Generally, it works like ‘the fresher the blood is, redder it will be’.

If you are having dark brown, or brown color while you are on period, it may be because your old blood was sitting inside the uterus for too long due to some reason.

If you are having pink color blood (pinkish tone) it means a signal of low estrogen levels in your body. Another reason for this lighter color maybe if you are an athlete or a runner as it drops down the estrogen levels in the body.

If your blood is watery or without any color, it may be a sign of any kind of nutrient deficiency or ovarian cancer (the chances of leading to this cancer is less than 2 percent), so don’t get nervous.


3) If your cycle is irregular-

It may be very normal for you having an uncertain or irregular date of the period for you. But if it is becoming too frequent that is in every month, then it is worth investigating the cause behind the delay or rush. Especially for the girls taking the stress, this could be the main culprit of disturbing the menstrual cycle. The reason is that when you are stressed out, your body produces cortisol in a larger quantity which is the stress hormone. Increased cortisol levels could block the signals and does not allow it to release the egg which upsets your cycle.


4) If your period suddenly gets very heavy and lasts for long-


The body and cycle of every woman is different. Some women have periods that last for 3 days, but some have cycles that last for 6 or maybe 7 days. Even doctors say if it is more than 7 days or in case of super heavy flow, it is alarming and proper instructions ought to be taken. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid are hormone driven problems which could be the cause of super heavy or longer periods.




Irregular periods is one of the symptoms of PCOS. Just assure yourself that you may or may not have other Symptoms of PCOS. Products like Furocyst, help you manage PCOS Symptoms. In any of the case above, a proper visit to the doctor is essential and a proper set of instructions need to be followed.  

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

What is BPH and what are its causes?


What is BPH and what are its causes?


BPH is commonly known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, which is a common gland enlargement problem found in most of the men who are above 50. People who are suffering from this medical condition face difficulties while urinating like a blockage in urine flow, incomplete emptying of the bladder, urinary urgency, etc.  It is also related to kidney problems and bladder issues.

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There are a number of possible treatment options for BPH which include- medication supplements, surgeries, therapies and much more. Mostly men face this problem as they age so it is advised to keep the prostate size under control with the help of naturally extracted supplements and a healthy lifestyle, rather than opting for surgeries.


What are the causes of BPH?


As mentioned above, the main cause of prostate enlargement is a natural aging process. However, there can be many reasons why the prostate gland grows to a huge size and creates problems. This gland is located just beneath the bladder.

The tube or vein that carries urine out of the bladder passes right through the center of this gland. The growth of prostate creates a blockage in the flow of urine.

Generally, men have continuous growth of prostate gland as they age, but it needs to stop at a certain level. In many cases, this growth doesn’t stop and enlarged prostate is caused.

Doctors are still studying the entire causes behind BPH, but some studies have claimed that due to hormonal imbalance men are more prone to develop benign prostate hyperplasia.

Some other factors behind enlarged prostate:


[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”849″ img_size=”large”][vc_column_text]Obesity is the main culprit behind an enlarged prostate. Men who are not active the whole day and are doing sedentary jobs are more likely to develop BPH.


BPH is a genetic disorder. If you have someone in the blood relation who is suffering from BPH, then you should consider seeing a doctor for a checkup.

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels:

Another cause of enlarged prostate is unbalanced blood sugar levels. The medications used to control diabetes or the beta blockers can also result in BPH.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

BPH symptoms and treatments

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The severity of BPH symptoms varies from people to people. These symptoms can worsen with time and general medical conditions that are hard to treat. The common symptoms linked with an enlarged prostate are:

  • Frequent urination
  • Emptying the bladder becomes difficult
  • Pain while urination
  • Blood traces in the urine
  • Low urine stream

The severity of symptoms is not dependent on the size of the prostate. Som men with regular prostate size have even faced major problems.

The treatments associated with BPH are surgeries as well as natural supplements. You need to consult a doctor to get your conditions checked. In some cases, only surgery is prescribed as there is no other option left.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Final Words

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The above symptoms are alarming enough that you need to start taking care of yourself and exercise daily. Before you decide what to do, it’s important to consult a doctor. Most people do not opt for surgeries due to various factors.

The best way to deal with an enlarged prostate is taking a naturally extracted supplement which promises to keep the prostate size under control. If you are looking for a supplement that has proven benefits then “Prosman” deserves a top place in your list. It is a natural plant extract and is supported with clinical studies and patents. It has no known side effects.

Taking Prosman supplement and exercising daily can help you to cope with BPH. You can get this supplement at Don’t wait for the time when surgery is the only option left, start caring for your Prostate Health from  today with Prosman. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


How much do you know about Insulin

Insulin is a hormone which is produced by the pancreas. It allows the body to use sugar (glucose) from the carbohydrates in food, which you consume for energy or storing glucose for use in future. Insulin helps in keeping your blood sugar level from going too high or low.

The cells in the body require sugar for more energy. Thus, sugar does not go into most of the cells directly. Once you consume your food and the blood sugar level increases, cells in your pancreas (which are known as beta cells) are flagged to discharge insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin, after that, attaches and signals the cells to absorb the sugar from your bloodstream. Insulin is usually said to be a “key,” that unlocks the cells to let the sugar enter the cells and be consumed for energy.

More sugar in the body
In case the sugar level is higher in your body than it requires, insulin helps in storing the extra sugar in your liver and discharges it when the blood sugar level reduces in your body or if you require more sugar- like in between the meals or while doing any physical activity. Hence, insulin aids in balancing blood sugar levels and maintains them so that they can be in a normal range. As the blood sugar level increases, the pancreas releases more insulin.

Less sugar in the body
On the contrary, if your body is not producing sufficient insulin or your cells are impervious to the impact of insulin, you might have hyperglycemia which is high blood sugar, and it can also cause a long-term problem if the blood sugar levels remain elevated for a long period of time.

Let us know the types of insulins which are based on how soon they start working, when do they work the most and for how long do they last in your body-

1) Rapid-acting- This insulin (Lispro) reaches the blood in around 15 minutes after it is injected. It is at its best after 30 to 90 minutes once it gets in the body and it lasts for a maximum of 5 hours.

2)Short-acting-  It is regular insulin which reaches the blood in 30 minutes once injected. It is at its best after 2 to 4 hours of injection and remains in the blood for around 4 to 8 hours.

3)Intermediate-acting – Also called NPH and Lente insulins, they reach the blood in 2 to 6 hours after the injection. They peak after 4 to 14 hours and stay in the blood for around 14 to 20 hours.

4)Long-acting- Known as Ultralente insulin, it takes approximately 6 to 14 hours to start working in your body. We can say that this has no peak time or a very meek peak of 10 to 16 hours after the injection. It remains in the blood for 20 and 24 hours.

There are few insulins which come mixed together. Such as, you may buy regular and NPH insulins which are already mixed. As it makes easier to inject both the kinds of insulins at the same time.

Safety and Storage of Insulin

There are a few common rules one should always ensure when it comes to the usage and storage of insulins:

  • Never use the insulin past the expiration date.
  • In case you purchase an extra bottle of insulin at a time, then you should store the extra bottle in the refrigerator till the time you start using them.
  • If you use cold insulin, it can make the shot even more painful.
  • Always check the bottle carefully to ensure that the insulin looks fine. For example, when you use regular insulin, it looks perfectly transparent- there should be no floating pieces and no colour.
  • Ensure that the insulin is not kept in the freezer or in direct sunlight.
  • You can also warm the bottle of insulin by softly rolling it in between your hands prior to filling your syringe.
  • Do not store insulin in extremely cold or hot temperatures as it destroys the insulin.
  • Never decide yourself on what kind of insulin you should take. Always consult your doctor before starting it as he will tell you which type of diabetes you have 1 or type 2, and recommend insulin according to your blood sugar level, and lifestyle.

If you are seeking for a completely safe and organic product to control your blood sugar levels, then Fenfuro should be your preference. Having been FSSAI approved, the supplement aids you in averting risks and health complications arising out of unstable blood sugar levels. It is supported by 7 international patents and clinical studies on 450 diabetic patients.

Green Coffee Green Coffee Weight loss Immunity

4 Best Green Coffee Brands for Weight Loss

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”4 Best Green Coffee Brands for Weight Loss” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:25px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Averia%20Sans%20Libre%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Green coffee beans have got a lot of popularity recently as they are said to be a great weight loss supplement. The craze for green coffee among people is increasing day by day after so much advertisement about it on internet and television both. 4 Best Green Coffee Brands for Weight Loss

Let us understand what is green coffee? It is a Coffea Arabica and is unroasted coffee beans and grow on a coffee plant. Also, unroasted coffee beans are a great source of antioxidants and they also have many benefits if we compare them to the normal roasted coffee beans.

Listed below are the best green coffees for fast weight loss with the brand name and prices-

Let us understand what is green coffee? It is a Coffea Arabica and is unroasted coffee beans and grow on a coffee plant. Also, unroasted coffee beans are a great source of antioxidants and they also have many benefits if we compare them to the normal roasted coffee beans.

Listed below are the best green coffees for fast weight loss with the brand name and prices-[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”1) Sinew Nutrition green coffee beans” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:22px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Averia%20Sans%20Libre%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

This coffee powder manufactured by ‘Healthgenie India’ gives 100% guarantee that there is no adulteration in the beans. Sinew nutrition arabica green coffee beans powder is cultivated in the organic farms and is made for using it under a mild treatment in a very specific way so that the vital ingredients can be preserved. Green Coffee is one of the best organic green coffee drink which supports weight loss and moreover suitable for both males and females, and not to forget vegans as well.

It comes in a packing of 800gms which is for Rs 645.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”2458″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”2) Grecobe Green coffee” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:22px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Averia%20Sans%20Libre%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

It is said to be one of the best green coffee bean extracts of 2019. This coffee helps regulate the metabolism of the body, aids in reducing the free radicals, and is the best in reducing weight and exerting an anti-obesity effect.

When we see Grecobe green coffee bean reviews, maximum of the people who try it really liked it as it has anti-oxidant properties which also helps in reducing blood sugar level, which means it is really good for diabetic patients as well. It comes at a price of Rs. 1350, and all we can say is it is a complete value for money. It is defined in the exact dosage and has a good taste to back it up! This is a patented product or moreover.

It comes at a price of Rs. 1350

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”1737″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”3) iOTH Green coffee bean” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:22px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Averia%20Sans%20Libre%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

This green coffee bean has many weight loss success stories as it a 100% natural weight loss supplement. It not only burns fat however also controls the appetite which is the best way to keep up good health. This green coffee is made with polyphenol chlorogenic acids. Which is a patented element of green coffee bean extract and contains a high level of chlorogenic acids.

This pack of 1 which has 60 soft gels is for Rs. 1150.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”2459″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”4) Humming Leaf Green coffee” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:22px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Averia%20Sans%20Libre%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

It is one of the renowned and premium quality green coffee bean extract brand 2019. It is a product with the help of which the weight reduces in a natural manner and that too without any side effects and comes in a Capsule model.

They are the certified capsules which have the ability to lessen the additional fat available in your body. It also aids in managing stress hormones that help to minimize the overall stress factor. The price of this green coffee is around Rs.1250.

These are the largest selling and renowned best green coffee brands. The excellent thing is that you don’t even have to think how much caffeine in these green coffee bean extracts. The aforementioned organic green coffees for weight loss are indispensable for your health too.


The price of this green coffee is around Rs.1250.

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Events International News News

Exhibited in CPHI- Japan, 2019

We had exhibited in CPHI -Japan, 2019 on dated 18-20 March, 2019 at Big Sight Exhibition Center, Tokya, Japan. It was a great success

PCOS Symptoms Women's health

Lifestyle changes in women to manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or most commonly PCOS is a general disorder affecting more than 5-10% of the women. This health disorder is related to a number of diseases of medical conditions that can either last for the lifetime or are hard to get rid of.

It is indispensable to cure this disorder at an early stage without letting it flourish its roots inside the body. These are some lifestyle changes women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome should adopt in order to cope with it. Also, we have described a sure-shot cure which can be helpful to manage PCOS.

Exercising daily is a must

Hitting the gym or practicing yoga is a must for all women suffering from PCOS and especially for those who have sedentary jobs. PCOS has a direct impact on the hormones and exercising daily can improve your metabolism.  You can decide the schedule and type of exercises depending on your work pattern and your body weight. Also, if you do not have enough knowledge about the best exercises for PCOS then consider consulting a fitness expert or a doctor.

Keep an eye on your diet

One of the major culprits why modern women are suffering from PCOS is junk food, which contains higher doses of High-GI (high glycemic index). You should consider eating foods that have Low-GI and have no bad impact on the metabolism and digestion system. Your diet can increase or decrease the bad effects of PCOS on your body.

Consume green Coffee

Drinking green coffee has multiple benefits for the human body. Your PCOS gets controlled and simultaneously you can shed the extra weight that is causing a higher level of PCOS. Always go for natural, decaffeinated green coffee that is chemical free. Grecobe is a good product.

Shorten the use of coffee

Are you habitual of drinking coffee? Do you know it can actually boost the level of PCOS ill effects? Yes, the caffeine present in coffee results in more production of estrogen which can worsen the situation and can intervene with your menstrual cycle.

PCOS is a painful health issue and it can lead to some major side effects if not treated on time. You need to terminate or minimize the consumption of coffee for staying healthy all the time.

Don’t stress

With stress, some major problems come attached. Taking a lot of stress can cause an imbalance of the hormones which impacts the PCOS condition. Take deep breaths whenever possible and have a long walk in the lap of nature to fight PCOS.



Despite the disorders mentioned above, there are some more health issues that can disturb the healthy life cycle of a woman and can disturb her lifestyle. PCOS is more common these days and the girls in adolescent age are also affected by this syndrome.

It’s better to get your health checked from a reliable physician and getting timely reports of the level of PCOS. A healthcare company named Furocyst has manufactured 100% vegan tablets that can manage symptoms of PCOS. This is one of the safest ways to deal with increasing levels of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Hurry up! check for your symptoms and order a kit from to be away with PCOS.

PCOD PCOS Women's health

Lifestyle changes in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or most commonly known as PCOS is a general disorder affecting more than 5-10% of the women. This health disorder is related to a number of diseases or medical conditions that can either last for a lifetime or are hard to get rid of.

It is indispensable to manage this disorder at an early stage without letting it flourish its roots inside the body. These are some lifestyle changes women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome will have to undertake. Also, we have described the sure-shot way to manage PCOS.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the reasons why women have to suffer from infertility. PCOS results in ovulatory disturbances and can even lead to ovulatory dysfunction. For most of the women, having children shows the identity of being a woman and infertility can lead to various stress-related issues that can ruin the quality of life.

Emotional and psychological stress

PCOS is a result of hormonal imbalance and can leave the affected woman in a stage where she experiences extreme stress; that is both psychological and emotional. For a woman getting out of stress is a difficult task and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome contributes to a lot of stress that can be sometimes unbearable.


Hirsutism can be termed as the most disturbing part of PCOS. In this disorder, the woman faces access growth of hair on her body parts. In women, overly grown facial hair is seen as a distress and PCOS results in rapid growth of the facial hair. Also, this hair growth can affect the quality of life while making the person conscious of her external appearance.

Sexual Satisfaction

For the women who are sexually active, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a nightmare. At some point, the affected person can feel that she is not getting enough satisfaction and it leads to mental and physical stress.

PCOS also pushes the woman towards untimely mood swings and improper behavior which are due to the higher level of stress and lack of satisfaction.

Weight gain

Here is the part every lady hates the most. Yes PCOS can affect the lifestyle of a woman by making her gain weight. This added weight increases at a rapid pace and battling it is a tough task. A woman who is suffering from stress and obesity is higher prone to putting on weight. More the weight will be, more level of pressure the affected person has to bear.


Despite the disorders mentioned above, there are some more health issues that can disturb the healthy lifecycle of a woman and can disturb her lifestyle. PCOS is more common these days and the girls in adolescent age are also affected by this syndrome.

It’s better to get your health checked from a reliable physician and getting timely reports of the level of PCOS. A healthcare company named Furocyst has manufactured 100% vegan tablets that can manage symptoms of PCOS. This is one of the safest ways to deal with increasing levels of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Hurry up! check for your symptoms and order a kit from to be away with PCOS.


Events International News News Upcoming Events

Exhibited in Vitafoods- Europe, 2019

We have exhibited at Vitafoods- Geneva, Switzerland, 2019 &  continued its successful presence in the No.1 nutraceutical event where the nutraceutical industry come together to create innovation, connect with business leaders and find effective solutions.


‘The Extra Mile Award’ from Amazon for Outstanding Performance

We are happy to announce that we have received ‘The Extra Mile Award’ from Amazon for Outstanding Performance in 2018


Antioxidants blog Respiratory health

Vitamins you need as you age

Natural aging is linked with a number of changes that incorporate nutrient deficiencies and poor health conditions. The less diet intake and low absorption levels create a lot of difficulties in staying fit. As we age, our body becomes more prone to disease so getting strong immunity requires regular consumption of vitamins and minerals.

Fortunately, medical science has developed some supplements that are a perfect substitute for lacking diet and exercise. You can take these healthy supplements regularly as they do not have any bad effect on the body, plus there are no habitual risks.

How aging affects body’s nutritional needs?

Aging is responsible for a myriad of changes that include loss of muscle, less stomach acid, thinner skin and much more. All these changes in the body open the door to various diseases and ill effects. The stomach acid also gets lower with time and less stomach acid means lower absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Another major challenge that comes with aging is less calorie absorption, which results in nutritional dilemma. Older people have a habit that they cannot eat much to satisfy the body requirements, along with this their bodies absorb less out of what they eat.

This creates scarcity and the body feels the thirst and hunger every time. No intake of vitamins can lead to dehydration and the consequences can get even worse.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a major requirement of the body. It helps in generating new nerve and blood cells. You can get adequate Vitamin B12 from dairy, eggs, fish and meat. Many people who are vegans have fair chances to lack with this vitamin, but thankfully there are several products that are extracted from natural and organic means.

These vitamin supplements can substitute the need of eating meat and the body can churn out the vitamin need for proper functionality.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin helps the body to fight against germs, while generating energy. In babies, Vitamin B6 has a major role as it helps their brains to develop and grow.             With aging, the need of Vitamin B6 increases and the sources to get this are limited. The most inexpensive and available source is chickpeas, fatty fish and liver.


Calcium is one of the vital components our body needs. With time, our body starts loosing the calcium balance that leads to weak bones and osteoporosis. More than men, women are affected by this and with aging the requirement of calcium also increases. You can eat calcium rich foods like cheese, yogurt, milks and eggs.

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is also known as the best antioxidant. It halts the natural aging process and eliminates the risk of cell damage. Additionally, Vitamin C makes the immune system robust and helps the body to fight with unwanted issues. You can add fruits to your diet that have citric acid.

You need more nutrients and fewer calories

Aging people have schedules which include very less work out sessions, so getting more calories is surely a NO in order to remain fit. You need something that promises more nutrients and at the same time lesser calories. Some vitamin supplements available in the market can be absorbed easily and have zero calories in them.

Vitamins are essential for each and every human being. For a healthy gut, you need to maintain vitamin levels and make sure that you never lack in it. If you are not able to eat the above mentioned foods or you are following a strict diet, then substituting to vitamin supplements is a wide move.

You can rely on these supplements for you daily requirements. Before taking any medication and supplement, it is advised to consult your doctor.