Prostate Enlargement Prostate Health

How to reduce prostate swelling naturally

6 Natural Home Remedies Reduce Prostate Swelling Naturally

An enlarged prostate is a non-malignant swelling in the size of the prostate. The medical term for an enlarged prostate is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

  • Benign means non-cancerous
  • Prostatic means ‘to do with the prostate’
  • Hyperplasia means an increase in size. Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells, which further causes the prostate to grow.

It is also known as benign prostatic enlargement (BPE).


The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland inside a male body that is wrapped around the urethra (the tube that outflows urine). One of the major jobs of the prostate is to add semen to sperm for reproduction. Although the gland is small in young age, it tends to increase in size as Man age. An abnormal increase in its size leads to a condition called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Generally, all aged males face this abnormal enlargement of the prostate.

An enlarged prostate can press down on the urethra, inhibiting urine flow from the bladder. This leads to many problems such as frequent urination, difficulty in voiding, urinary leakage, urinary tract infections, etc.


Various treatment options are available for an enlarged prostate. BPH patients can take alpha-blocker drugs to help prostate muscles to relax, or even antibiotics for chronic prostatitis (which can occur alongside BPH).

Dutasteride or Finasteride can also be taken for reducing BPH symptoms. Surgery is the last resort to remove the extra prostate tissue. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a common surgical procedure for BPH.

In addition, prostate swelling can also be reduced naturally.

Natural Remedies Reduce Prostate Swelling Naturally?

These days, natural remedies or supplements are becoming preferable, as they are plant-based. They have fewer side effects. Some natural remedies to reduce prostate swelling are:

  • Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is derived from a particular type of palm tree. It’s been used as a traditional medication for centuries to relieve urinary symptoms, even those caused by enlarged prostate.

A few small studies have also suggested that saw palmetto is effective for reducing the enlarged prostate symptoms. But, some researchers repeated the studies and didn’t find any effective results. Saw Palmetto doesn’t have any adverse side effects.

    · Beta-sitosterol 

This natural remedy for prostate is an amalgamation from different plants that contain cholesterol-like substances called sitosterols. Several studies have been conducted to determine the efficiency of beta-sitosterol in relieving the urinary symptoms of BPH including the strength of urine flow.

Beta-sitosterol binds to the prostate and reduces swelling and inflammation.

  • Prunus Domestica Extract

Prosman derived from Prunus species and has anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins in the prostate. It has been clinically proven to relieve urinary problems.

Prosman helps to shrink the prostate and thus, relieve urinary problems such as poor urine flow as well as nighttime urination in men with enlarged prostate. The bioactive phytochemicals in pygeum are the phytosterols, which are considered to be the most beneficial in the treatment if BPH.

One clinically evaluated supplement based on pygeum is “Prosman”. It has been clinically evaluated and patented for efficacy and safety in the management of enlarged prostate.

  • Rye Grass Pollen Extract

Ryegrass pollen extracts are made from three types of grass pollen — rye, Timothy and corn. Studies conducted on the same prove that men who were taking rye grass pollen extracts reported an improvement in their urinary symptoms.



    · Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is effective in relieving the symptoms of BPH. Many clinical studies have established the efficacy and safety of stinging nettle extract in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Nettle is sometimes also used in combination with other natural BPH remedies, like pygeum or saw palmetto. Side effects of nettle are usually mild, including upset stomach and skin rash.

While herbal supplements may help with some conditions, always talk with your doctor before beginning a regimen. these supplements may help you to reduce prostate swelling naturally

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PMS Symptoms Uncategorized


PMS is premenstrual syndrome, which involves the group of symptoms developed before the menstrual periods in most of the women. Every month these SYMPTOMS OF PMS start appearing due to changes in hormonal profile inside the body.

This change in hormonal profile is mainly required for the occurrence of menstrual cycle but it also leads to the development of these symptoms. PMS also interferes in day-to-day life of the females. Some females fail to detect these symptoms and take it as part of some bodily changes. But it is necessary to know such symptoms shown by your body as part of menstrual cycle.


The following PMS shows physical and psychological SYMPTOMS OF PMS including:

  • Muscle ache


  • Mood swings



  • Breast tenderness and bloating



  •  Upset stomach


  •  Food cravings
  •  Fatigue
  •  Irritability


  •  Depression


Most of the times, these PMS symptoms go away as soon as you get your menstrual periods. But even before the menstrual periods, these symptoms worsen the life of a female. Recognizing the symptoms of PMS is an important part to manage these common problems.

Some of the common therapies used by females to deal with PMS include:

  • Getting plenty of sleep in the weeks before your period
  • Divert your mind as more as possible, probably by reading books or heading outside for a walk, etc
  • Avoid consuming caffeine
  • Do not eat too much sugary or fatty food items to avoid bloating
  • Don’t go for intense exercises. You can, otherwise, do yoga in that time frame. There are some yoga positions, which are highly recommended especially for menstrual cramps.

If you feel that the PMS has worsened your life due to excess pain and mood problems, then, you should consult doctor for such problems. The doctor might suggest taking medications such as diuretics, pain killers, oral contraceptives, drugs that suppress ovarian function, and antidepressants, etc.

It should also be known that there is no permanent cure for PMS. It can only be decreased for that time by above given management strategies but these symptoms will reappear every month. Some women have reported that they don’t get any PMS problems after some age but the reason for such statement is not known yet.

So, it better to manage the symptoms with remedies provided above.


Many females worry if the symptoms are outcome of PMS or some other disease. It can be resolved by keeping the record of symptoms for atleast 3-4 months. This can be done by keeping such record in a diary or a paper. If you get the same symptoms every month before your menstrual cycle, then, it is surely because of PMS.

If you get the symptoms other time, then, you should consult doctor who can diagnose the reason behind it.


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Benefits Health Uncategorized


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]10 BEST WORKOUTS FOR PEOPLE OVER 50: Aging is a part of the human life cycle. As the person moves from adult age to old age, the physical signs of aging start appearing. These signs clearly indicate the inability of a person to do normal activities in a day.

This inability worsens due to unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical activity in adult age. Exercise is must to maintain a healthy body and to make you active even in old age. Exercise keeps the body physically as well as mentally well. Beside this, other benefits of 10 BEST WORKOUTS FOR PEOPLE OVER 50 include:

  • Improved energy levels with a gain in strength
  • Prevent development of diseases related to old-age
  • Risk of chronic conditions decreased
  • Staying independently mobile
  • Better quality of life
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Healthy weight maintenance

The exercises for middle-aged persons are different from those of adult persons. As the capability of the body does not allow old people to do vigorous exercises as it needs lots of body strength and power. The more energetic exercises can be adopted on later stages i.e. after involving in exercise cycle completely and smoothly.

So, for old-age people, the following are the 10 BEST WORKOUTS FOR PEOPLE OVER 50 to keep the body physically well:


The best exercise to start in the 50s is regular walking. It is important to keep your body moving at any age group. Walking also helps to keep your legs, joints, heart, and cardiovascular system healthy and well.

The best time for the walk is early morning, before consuming breakfast. It will be great if you do regular walk for at least 25-30 minutes.


Once you become regular in walking, you can start doing jogging. As your age is considered, you should not run too fast, for a start, as it can raise your heartbeat. You can increase the speed of jogging after intervals.

Jogging will help to keep the heart healthy and also helps to keep the knee joints, ankle joints, waist joints and other lower body joints in place as well as working. It also helps to lower the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, out-of-range lipid profile, etc.

The time to do jogging is morning as well as evening. You can jog for at least 30 minutes in a day and can gradually increase it.


Dancing is the way to keep the body healthy physically as well as mentally. Zumba is a form of dancing which helps to keep your body weight in range and it also helps to move your whole body. So, it will affect your all body parts. At the age of 50 years, some people hesitate to do Zumba but you need to do it for yourself. You can do Zumba with the help of a trainer or at home at yourself, any way you find easy.


Cycling is another way to keep the body fit at the age of 50 years. Many people keep their routine of cycling on-going till their old age, which is good for health. For people beginning cycling at over 50s need to take advice from the doctor, if cycling is safe for them.

If you are a patient of blood pressure or knee joint problem or hip related problem, your doctor might advise you the way of cycling. Otherwise, you can go cycling once in a day. It will lower the risk of diseases related to stomach and also improve your mental health.


Rope jumping is one of those best exercises which keep your tummy fit and slim and also helps you to lose body weight. It helps in losing body weight as it targets unhealthy body fat. It initiates this by lowering belly fat and then, moving towards other body parts.

As body weight maintenance is crucial in old age, it is good if you keep your body weight in range. It also helps you to do the activities more quickly.


Swimming is all in one exercise. It is the only exercise which does not involve heavy weight lifting or extra effort. It is easy to do and give an ample amount of benefit to you. Even at the age of 50 years or older, if you keep attaching to swimming, it will help you lose body weight, keep the heart healthy, joints working, mind fresh and relaxed and keep all body parts healthy.

So, it is better to go swimming once or twice in a day to have its benefits.

  • YOGA

Yoga is one of the best exercise and meditation technique from all 10 BEST WORKOUTS FOR PEOPLE OVER 50. It does not require many efforts but it does require regularity. If you regularly do yoga early in the morning, you can keep your physical and mental health in control.

Some of the yoga techniques that you can perform in your 50s include Hatha, Iyengar, Sivananda, etc. Yoga will help to inhibit the back and joint problems, boosts blood flow, cholesterol maintenance and many more.


Stretching is really important in middle age. The muscles start shrinking as you move towards old age, due to which the stretching exercise becomes essential. The body also starts to become non-flexible, causing backache problems, neck problems, joint problems, etc.

When you perform stretching exercises, you extend your muscles, which help to increase the range of motion. This provides you the required flexibility and avoids injury.

Various stretches that you can do in your 50s include arm opener, chin drop, hippie, hula hoop, overhead triceps stretch, lat stretch, etc.


Keeping your body balanced in middle age or old age is difficult sometimes. The reason behind this is the development of diseases and the loss of muscle mass. As a result, you require support to move.

But it is better to be independent even at such age. This can be achieved by doing stability exercises. These exercises include balancing right arm row, stability ball exercises, planks, lunges, etc. you can perform each balancing exercise for at least 45 seconds, followed by rest of 15 seconds and then, next move.



As mentioned previously, muscle mass is highly reduced in the 50s which is one of the major reasons of low energy. Strength training is one way to take the muscle mass under normal levels. But strength training in the 50s can be risky too, if not guided properly.

It is better to perform all strength-training exercises under the guidance of a trainer. Some of the strength training exercises include squats, push-ups, planks, rows, etc. it is better to do these exercises slowly and steadily initially, then you can gradually fasten them.

  • Supplements- Many people also go for health supplements to stay fit. Some of them make a good choice of clinically-proven health supplements such as green coffee bean extracts (like GRECOBE), to stay healthy & fit. But joining the exercise or physical activity with good health supplements can surely help to maintain your health.


So, these are the 10 BEST WORKOUTS FOR PEOPLE OVER 50. It is the time that you don’t hesitate to start taking good health supplements & exercise at this age. It’s your body and your life. Stay fit, fabulous, independent and ageless!


Antioxidant Benefits Respiratory health


FOOD ALLERGIES ON THE RISE: What is food allergy? How the body responds to it?

Food allergy is a kind of allergy caused due to the reaction of the body against foreign materials found in food products.

The body’s immune system acts against these unhealthy foreign particles causing allergic reactions. So, to trap these foreign particles, the immune system releases chemicals.


Which reactions are produced by immune system in response to food allergy?

The chemicals/cells produced by the immune system in response to allergy causes reactions, which are physically shown by the body. These reactions can be mild or severe, according to the allergic response. The physical signs of allergic reactions include:

  • Itching over a specific body part or over whole body
  • Redness over skin or body
  • Breathlessness
  • Drop in blood pressure
  • Fluctuations in heart beat

Some reactions of food allergy are mild which can be treated with antibiotics or injections. Some reactions are even life-threatening, which need immediate hospitalization.


Which food items commonly cause allergy?

There are many food products causing food allergy. Some of the most popular food items for the same include:

  • Corns
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Milk
  • Peanut
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Tree nut


How to know if you are allergic to a food item?

In most of the cases the symptoms produced by the food items are sufficient to know if you are allergic to it. Sometimes, these symptoms are produced immediately i.e. within minutes and sometimes they take some hours (1-2) to develop. In any case, symptoms are the initial way to know the food allergy(FOOD ALLERGIES ON THE RISE).

Sometimes, symptoms are not sufficient to prove if you are allergic to food item. You can confirm it through skin prick food allergy test. In such test, the food item or liquid is tested in very less amount over the skin which is then slightly pricked. After 15-20 minutes, if redness or bump appears on that area over skin, then, you are considered allergic to that food stuff.


How food allergies are rising?

FOOD ALLERGIES ON THE RISE: As told by the doctors, food allergies are rising among human population. It has been observed from the surveys that food allergies have increased up to 50% among children from 1997 till 2011. There are many reasons behind this scenario. Some are:

  • Limited exposures to infectious agents in childhood, as people are being too clean. This makes the immune system develop in that way. When children are exposed to even small amount of germs, they get the allergies as their immune system take small amount of germs as big foreign invaders. This is also termed as hygiene hypothesis.
  • Environmental changes: As the environment is becoming warmer day-by-day, it gives to the development of germs more easily. More is the development of germs; easy will be the decomposition of food. This also gives rise to food allergies.
  • Overuse of antibiotics related to stomach. This causes the alteration in gastrointestinal tract making the stomach more susceptible to health problems even at small exposure to germs.

These three reasons are the most commonly studied ones. They clear the picture of rise in food allergies very much.


There is no permanent treatment of food allergies. It is just that when you get the allergy, you can take medicine or injection for improving the symptoms.

Some people say that when they start eating food items in very small item to which they are allergic, they develop immunity for such foods. This is the same case which happens in vaccination. But most of the doctors don’t agree with this as this theory does not go with all the human population. Some people develop immunity in such cases and some not. Those people who become unable to develop immunity might face the health consequences. So, they suggest not following the theory.

The best treatment is avoiding the food item you are allergic to. Your life is more important than food.

Or you may supplements such as GRECOBE , which has antioxidants known as polyphenols in the form of chlorogenic acid which might be effective to boost the immune system to fight against various diseases originate due to free radicals.


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                                              FOOD ALLERGIES ON THE RISE


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Participated in Men’s Health Congress

We have participated in Men’s Health Congress 2017 at the Mohammed bin Rashid Academic Medical Center in Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai – United Arab Emirates on 13-15 December, 2017

Prostate Enlargement treatment

Tips for a Healthy and Fit Old Age

Tips For a Healthy and fit old Age

Old age is the last stage of human life cycle. It is the age when the human body becomes weak and fragile due to loss of energy and reduction in immunity. Due to this, old-aged persons are more prone to be caught by diseases. Physical activity is also decreased at this age due to loss of overall energy and inability of body or body parts to move properly. we are explaining the TIPS FOR A HEALTHY AND FIT OLD AGE:

There are various characteristics of old age which are physical as well as mental, such as,Tips For a Healthy and fit old Age

  • Bone and joint problem
  • Digestive problem
  • Dental problem
  • Eyesight problem
  • Hearing problem
  • Skin looseness
  • Urinary tract problem
  • Depression
  • Reduced mental and cognitive ability

And many more

All these above-given problems can be minimized if the lifestyle habits are changed on time. Following are some TIPS FOR A HEALTHY AND FIT OLD AGE:


  • Physical activenessTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

Being physically active in old age is a bit difficult task. But it is important to be independent to move freely even at this age. This is only possible if you make yourself regular in doing exercise such as regular walking, jogging, yoga, etc.

Physical exercise will make you healthy and fit to do day-to-day tasks easily.

  • Make yourself social with friends and relativesTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

As depression is the major outcome of aging, it is important to make yourself busy and happy with your friends and relatives. You need to keep visiting your friends or relatives or they can visit you after some time.

In any case, it is important to remain social. Being social, will help you to share your thoughts with them and will provide you with energy and peace.

  • Eat a healthy dietTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

Healthy eating is really important in old age. Most of the problems originate due to unhealthy dietary habits. This is because the immunity is reduced at old age and any contact with unhealthy food items will take you to serious condition.

So, prepare a diet chart or consult a dietician to help you plan your food habits. If you remain compliant to the healthy diet, you will benefit more and more from it. Try to eat high fiber fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, keep yourself hydrated, drink fresh juice, etc.

  • Always take your medicine on timeTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

It is very well-known that an old-age person remains on one or more medications at a time. So, it is important if you maintain regularity in taking your medications on time. If you skip your medications, they can take you to a more unhealthy state.

  • Regular check-upTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

As per doctor’s advice, it is important to have regular body check-up. Sometimes, your body doesn’t signal if you have some internal problem. So, body check-up will clearly indicate for any problem whether inside or outside. Accordingly, your treatment can be initiated by a doctor.

  • Don’t drink alcoholTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

If you are at your old age, try to avoid drinking alcohol or consuming alcoholic products. Alcohol can affect your body metabolism and your mental state. It can also make the digestive system weak. Once your digestive system is disturbed, it can cause stomach related problems. So, avoid drinking alcohol.

  • Don’t smokeTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

Smoking is the major cause of mouth-related and inhalation-related problems. If you smoke, you also affect the persons nearby you. Smoking can also affect your lungs. As you are more prone to diseases in old age, you are inviting the diseases yourself by smoking. So, never smoke in old age, if you want to live longer, healthy and fit.

  • Get enough sleepTips For a Healthy and fit old Age

Disturbed sleep troubles the whole body. Most of the people in old age have a hard time falling asleep. This results in physical and mental illness. It is important for your body to sleep at least 7-8 hours in a day. Sometimes, doctors prescribe medications for such problems. But try to plan your sleep chart and sleep regularly at night.

So, keep yourself fit in with these TIPS FOR A HEALTHY AND FIT OLD AGE in a physical manner as well as mental manner. Whether you are a male or female, above given Tips For a Healthy and fit old Age go for every person in old age. It is time to nourish yourself with good food and good thoughts to complete your last stage of the human life cycle – healthy and happy.

Antioxidant Green Coffee Immunity Respiratory health Weight Loss


How to Set Up a Daily Health Routine Habits for a Healthy

The normal well being of a person is decided through his/her daily routine. From morning till night, a person is involved in various activities such as physical, non-physical, eating habits, workouts, etc.

If you eat healthy and are continually involved in physical activity, you remain healthy. But if you eat unhealthy food with lack of physical activity, you attract diseases. So, it is better to plan your health routine to stay away from diseases.

Some of the points to be considered while planning health routine are given below.


  • You should wake-up early in the morning to streamline your perfect day. If you find it difficult to wake-up early, you can use alarm clocks, video alarms, etc and you can also have your windows facing sun, so that the sun rays can help you wake-up early.
  • After waking up, you should drink a glass of fresh water before brushing and bathing.
  • After this, you should do some physical activity. This physical activity is dependent upon your age group. The various types of physical activities which can be done in the morning involve morning walk, jogging in the park, rope skipping, running, cycling, meditation, yoga etc.
  • You should have a simple, healthy and nutritious breakfast. You should not eat fried, junk or fatty food in the morning. Try to eat as light food as possible in the morning such as cereals, oats, vegetable sandwiches, boiled eggs, juice / tea / coffee, etc to boost the metabolism.
  • Reach at your workstation on time and streamline your whole work to move the things smoothly. While going to workstation, try to prefer stairs instead of lift. If your workstation is on a comparatively distant floor of the building, then, you can go on stairs till some floors and then, lift and then, again stairs. It will increase your stamina step-by-step.
  • Have some tea or coffee during the day till afternoon.


  • Keep moving after some time during work, probably after an hour, to make the body physically active.
  • The lunch should be healthy It should include vegetables and breads with a healthy drink such as juice or warm water or lemon water, etc. It should not involve any junk food items.
  • During the afternoon, drink atleast 5-6 glasses of water.



  • Wrap up the work completely and neatly for tomorrow.
  • You can have some snacks with tea or coffee. The snacks should not be too fried or junk which can harm your body. If possible, try to have green tea or green coffee.
  • You should also include fruits in your diet to eat during the whole day.
  • You can also go for a walk after snacks.


  • Your eating patterns at night are very crucial. If you eat too much in dinner, it will make you difficult to sleep at night.
  • Always try to eat your dinner 1-2 hours before going to bed.
  • Eat less in the dinner as the body is on rest mode at night, during which the food metabolism process becomes slow. So, eat less and digest more.
  • You can have fruit chart including bananas, cherries, kiwi, etc, cereals, milk, vitamins rich spinach, etc.
  • Avoid eating some unhealthy food items at night such as fatty food items, spicy food items, caffeinated products and sugary products.
  • Go for a walk at night after dinner.
  • Go to bed early. This will also help you to wake-up early in the morning.

Always stay away from junk food items. If you crave for one, try to make it at home yourself.

These daily routines will help you make your body healthy and fit. Some of the above given points may vary for some age groups. So, be attentive and eat those food items, which can make you stronger.

Your health is in your hands. Make it or destroy it!


Antioxidant Green Coffee Immunity Respiratory health Weight Loss



How Sleeping Less is Linked  To Gain Weight Fast

When you are eating healthy and still gaining extra pounds, you get confused! You try to find every possible reason behind this. But every time, you end up being unsuccessful to find the exact reason.

You also start applying weight loss management strategies, but again, unsuccessful. This is because you are unable to target and work on the exact reason of weight gain.

You will be surprised to know this hidden reason behind gaining weight, which cannot be easily recognized by the affecting individual. It is ‘sleep deprivation’. Yes! Sleep deprivation is a major reason behind weight gain. It is also scientifically proved that a mere 30 minutes of less sleep than the regular one can take you towards weight gain or obesity.

Besides weight gain, sleep deprivation also leads to many other diseases such as stress, concentration problem, memory problem, decision-making capability, risk of diabetes, etc. Moreover, sound sleep helps to make your brain and body fresh for the next day.

What are the mechanisms involved in gaining weight due to sleep deprivation?

As it has been told that the weight gain is due to sleep deprivation also, there are scientific mechanisms behind this. Some of them are listed below:

Metabolism is the process of converting food that you eat into energy. This metabolism cycle to digest and excrete food inside human body is disturbed due to lack of sleep.

When the food is not metabolized well and not converted to energy, it starts accumulating inside food pipes or other locations inside body causing the formation of fat and carbohydrate deposits. These deposits lead to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity.


  • Stress hormone production

There is a stress hormone present inside every human body known as cortisol. The levels of this stress hormone are increased, if you sleep less. Stress acts as a booster for hunger.

More is the hunger, more the food you will eat. You are not left with choosing healthy food or unhealthy food. You choose any kind of food item when you are hungry. This overeating ultimately leads to weight gain. So, less sleep means more stress and more stress means more body weight.

  • Endocannabinoid system

Endocannabinoid system is situated in brain, which participates in many brain activities. Appetite control is one of those activities. In a scientific study, it has been observed that endocannabinoid levels become high in sleep-deprived patients, which resulted in increase in appetite.

When these patients were given their meals including healthy as well as unhealthy food items, it was found that patients with sound sleep chose food items wisely and not opted for unhealthy food whereas sleep deprived patients choose food items ignoring whether they are choosing healthy one or unhealthy one. When these patients were tested, the body weight as well as endocannabinoid levels were high in sleep-deprived patients.

These listed mechanisms clearly indicate that sleep deprivation contributes in gaining body weight.

This does not mean that one should sleep unnecessarily to manage body weight.

Sleeping more can also lead to weight gain. It just means that you should sleep atleast 7-8 hours in a day to make your body attentive and healthy.

How to fix this problem of sleep deprivation?

If you are unable to sleep for 7-8 hours in a day, you can try following ways to fix your sleep problem:

  • Never sleep in-between the day
  • Never eat food just before going to sleep. There should be a gap of atleast 1-1 and half hour between dinner and sleeping.
  • Add some physical activity to your daily routine.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine products or alcohol near bedtime.
  • Fix your time of sleeping and go to bed exactly at that time.

More the healthy sleep you get, more the healthy body you will have!



Prostate Enlargement Prostate Health

How to Shrink Prostate With Food

How to Shrink Prostate With Food?

Enlargement of Prostate is a huge concern for most of the aging men. Prostate enlargement or BPH is a non-malignant enlargement linked to hormonal changes.

Though it is non-malignant, BPH can lead to a lot of discomforts due to its effect on the urinary system, because of which, its treatment becomes important. Symptoms originating from prostate enlargement are many urinary difficulties such as trouble starting urine, painful urination, dribbling, urge to urinate at night, feeling of incompleteness in bladder all the time, etc.

Many options for treatment are available for prostate enlargement but most of them have many side effects too. Thus, whenever you face problems because of an enlarged prostate, it is recommended to opt for natural treatments that do not cause any side effects and provide long-term relief as well.

Everyone is generally well versed with the link between dietary changes and health. Minor changes in one’s diet by inculcating healthy food can make a person less prone to diseases. Similar is the case with prostate enlargement. There are many food items (both fruits and vegetables), which can help to provide relief from enlarged prostate problems. These food items should definitely be included in the diet of every person in their old age to prevent this issue.


The main reason for urinary abnormalities in prostate enlargement is inflammation. Healthy food targets the immune cells to decrease the inflammatory responses so that the feeling of heat and pain can be reduced and helps to shrink prostate with food


  • Berries 

Berries like strawberry, raspberry, blackberry can be helpful in reducing the production of prostate cells that lead to enlargement of the prostate. These berries contain Vitamin C and antioxidants that inhibit free radicals, which cause oxidative stress in the prostate. These free radicals contribute majorly in increasing the prostate size. Thus, eating berries regularly is highly recommended to reduce the risk of an enlarged prostate.

Berries can be consumed as it is or can also be consumed as fruit slush or smoothies or juices.


Nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and walnuts can provide relief from the symptoms of enlarged prostate. Studies suggest that:

Almonds contain Vitamin E and manganese that help to fight with free radicals and strengthen immunity.

Pistachios are a good source of arginine (amino acid), which helps in making the blood vessels healthy and contributes in proper blood flow through the reproductive system.

Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have the ability to fight against inflammation, which further prevents urinary abnormalities.

  • Beans

Beans are highly enriched with proteins and the diet of a person suffering from prostate must be rich in proteins. It is also recommended to replace animal proteins with plant proteins so as to balance fatty acid profile of the body. Plant protein can be consumed in the form of beans such as black beans, chia, hemp seeds, etc.

Beans can be consumed as it is or as a part of vegetables, sprouts, salads, etc at any time of the day. They can be easily incorporated in the diet of a person with an enlarged prostate.

  • Soy

Soy is obtained from the seeds of soybean. They are extremely beneficial in maintaining prostate health. It contains proteins, multiple amino acids, manganese, vitamins, calcium, zinc etc. Such high profile of vitamins and minerals is, in any case, beneficial for the overall health of a person and thus, soy should be consumed by people of any age with or without any disorder.

Isoflavones in the soy are the reason behind its health property in prostate enlargement. Isoflavones have anti-oxidant property. They gather in the prostate and start anti-oxidant mechanism there to remove the harmful free radicals. Isoflavones also help to reduce the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in men which increase during prostate enlargement.


  • Lycopene-containing food items

Lycopene containing food items such as tomatoes, pink grapefruits, guava, watermelons, and papaya help to decrease the size of the prostate. Many studies have established the ability of lycopene in reducing the risk of prostate problems.

Most of the lycopene-containing food items can easily be used in making vegetables or salads or can be consumed as fruit chat or smoothies along with the nuts.


Prosman is a natural dietary supplement, patented and clinically evaluated for management of BPH. It has been extracted from plum prunes and is effective and safe for prostate enlargement.

  • Pumpkin seeds


Pumpkin seeds are known to be healthy for the male reproductive system including prostate health. It contains carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of an enlarged prostate.

Another major nutrient found in pumpkin seeds is zinc, which is associated with prostate health. A recent study suggests that zinc may protect the body against the development of prostate cancer. Pumpkin seeds can be consumed as it is or by boiling them in salted water and drinking that boiled water. Their regular consumption is highly recommended for prostate health.





Diet tips for women who are entering their 40’s.

Age has a big impact on human life. Whether it is male or female, age affects people of all genders. As age proceeds, the prime signs of aging reflect over the face of a person as the skin starts losing more and more with age. This results in the formation of wrinkles and the absence of glow. Besides this, many changes in the body also take place.

If we consider females, they notice lots of bodily changes as their age move towards 40 and above. Menopause is a primary cause of these changes as it leads to hormonal fluctuations. The major outcome of aging in females is the formation of wrinkles, absence of skin glow, changes in the reproductive system, thinning of hairs, increase in hair fall, joint pain, etc. All these bodily changes may take a female towards depression or stress or decrease in quality of life.

These changes due to aging start affecting other parts of the body too. During this state, if the lifestyle habits remain as they were in young age, then, the aging process starts affecting the cells of the body with more speed than normal.

Thus, diet plays a major role in keeping the body healthy at any given age. For women at the age of 40 or more, it is good to make a few dietary changes. Some of those dietary changes, which can be incorporated are given below:

1 Add fish to your diet plan

Fish is a healthy food item to be consumed once a week. At the age of 40 years and above, it is recommended to eat fish, like trout, which is low in fat but high in nutrients. It also helps to prevent breast cancer.

Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish help to support the body of women after 40 years of age. These fatty acids manage heart and blood pressure, thus, preventing the risk of a heart attack.

2 Consume whole grains

Whole grains, such as oats, are very healthy and should be consumed by persons of any age group. They provide energy and inhibit the fat build-up inside the body.

These similarly benefit women after 40 years of age. Whole grains are also rich in healthy carbohydrates, which do not raise blood sugar levels. As diabetes can be a major concern after middle-age, whole grains can also be beneficial to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.


3 Regular exercise

Exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended for every person; in young age till old age. People face most of the problems due to the absence of any physical activity. At the age of 40 years and above, physical activity becomes even more essential to keep the body active and free from diseases. Your body also needs to weigh less after the age of 40. Exercise is an easy way to lose weight.

Be careful about the exercises that you indulge in. If you are unaware of the type of exercises, perform it in the presence of an experienced person who can guide you well according to your age. You can start with walking, running, jogging, light cardio, etc.

4 Consume calcium-rich food

As a woman hits menopause, the joint problem becomes very common for women. Most of the joint problems are due to lack of physical activity and remaining are due to the decrease in calcium levels inside bones.

Thus, daily intake of calcium should be increased from 1000mg to 1200mg, at least. Consume food rich in calcium such as milk, yogurt, broccoli, kale, etc. These food items can make your bones and joints stronger.

  1. Inhibit intake of food causing bloating

Bloated stomach is unhealthy for the body. It invites many other diseases and prevents you to eat food properly. A bloated stomach is caused due to eating unhealthy food such as soft drinks, hard drinks, drinking tea in excess, etc. These food items give you the feeling of full stomach, which becomes worse if gas is produced in high amount inside the stomach.

So, the only remedy for this is to control dietary habits. At the age of 40 years, consumption of hard drinks or soft drinks should be avoided as they become difficult to be digested by the body. Also, avoid junk food, which can give a bloated feeling.

  1. Add soy to your diet

Proteins are really healthy for the human body and soy is a good source of proteins. Soy or soy-based products are easily available in the market, which can be consumed to complete the need of proteins in the body.

Soy-rich foods include tofu, soymilk, yoghurt, etc.

  1. Cut down sugar

When you move towards old age, it is better to cut down sugar intake. The chances of diabetes are high in old age and after menopause. So, try to consume as less sugar as possible.

When you crave for sugar, you can consume sugar replacements such as honey, jaggery, etc, which will not raise the blood sugar levels if consumed in a nominal amount.

  1. Start consuming green coffee

Green coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants. It helps in removing oxidants from the body and also helps to lose body weight. Start drinking green coffee at least once in a day, preferably in the morning.

Green coffee preparation is also very simple. It does not involve any hard work. It can be prepared just by boiling water and adding green coffee powder to it. Grecobe is an excellent green coffee bean extract.

  1. Consume fiber-rich food

Fiber-rich food consumption is really necessary while moving towards old age. It helps to stimulate intestinal motility to prevent constipation, which is commonly caused at old age.

Fiber-rich foods are cereals, oat bran, beans, peas, multi-grain bread, dry fruits, apricot, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, etc.

An amazing benefit of fiber-rich foods is that they contain cancer-inhibiting compounds such as vitamin A, C, E, selenium, etc.

  1. Cut fats 

Limit down the consumption of fatty food items such as ghee, cheese, fried food items, etc. Fats require strong digestive system but as you age, your digestive system starts to weaken. So, consume as less fat as possible for keeping the digestive system working effectively.

So, if you want to remain healthy even after 40 years of age with the menopause, try to incorporate above given dietary changes into your regular diet. They will either keep you away from diseases or reduce the risk of the development of any disease.