
Unwrapping the Health Boost: What’s Trending in Indian Supplements?


So, you might have noticed more people around you talking about health supplements lately, right? Well, that’s because there’s a big trend going on in India where folks are getting more serious about staying healthy. In this blog post, we’ll chat about why this is happening and look at some cool supplements that everyone’s buzzing about.

Why are People Going Crazy for Health Supplements?

  1. Everyone Wants to Stay Healthy: People are starting to pay more attention to their health. They want to prevent getting sick and feel good, so they’re looking for ways to get all the nutrients their bodies need.
  2. Fitness and Feeling Good is “In”: You know those people who are always posting workout videos and talking about how great they feel? Well, they’re part of the reason why everyone else is getting into fitness too. People want to look good and feel good, so they’re trying out supplements to help them reach their health goals.
  3. City Life is Busy, and Everyone’s Trying to Keep Up: If you live in a city, you know how busy things can get. People are always on the move, and sometimes it’s hard to eat healthy. That’s why many are turning to supplements – it’s an easy way to make sure they’re getting the good stuff even when life gets hectic.
  4. More Money, More Choices: As people in India are making more money, they’re willing to spend some of it on staying healthy. It’s like an investment in feeling good and looking good.

Hot Picks in Health Supplements:

  1. Power-Packed Proteins: Think of proteins like the superheroes for your muscles. These are super popular, especially among those who want to get strong or build muscles. It’s like giving your body a boost!
  2. Vitamins and Minerals for the Win: Ever heard about vitamins and minerals? These are like the tiny helpers that your body needs for different jobs. When you don’t get enough from your food, you can take these supplements to make sure you stay healthy.
  3. Herbal Magic with Fenugreek Seed Extract: You might have heard about fenugreek seeds from your grandma’s kitchen. Well, now they come in a cool supplement form. It’s like a natural boost for your overall health – kind of like grandma’s wisdom in a capsule!
  4. Slimming Down with Green Coffee Beans Extract: Coffee beans aren’t just for making your morning cup. Turns out, they can help with weight loss too! Green coffee beans extract is like a secret weapon for those looking to shed some extra pounds.


So, that’s the scoop on why everyone’s talking about health supplements in India. People want to stay healthy, look good, and feel good, and these supplements are helping them do just that. But remember, it’s always a good idea to talk to someone who knows about this stuff, like your doctor, before trying anything new. Stay healthy, everyone!

blog Respiratory health Uncategorized

Difference Between Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

Difference Between Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

Respiratory infections interfere with our normal breathing. It can affect our upper respiratory system, which starts at the sinuses and ends at the vocal cords, or just our lower respiratory system, which starts at the vocal cords and ends at the lungs. This infection is particularly dangerous for children, older adults, and people with a compromised immune system.

Know The Symptoms

The symptoms you experience will be different if it’s a lower or upper respiratory infection.

Nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, body ache, and fatigue are the main symptoms of upper respiratory infections. Whereas, people who have lower respiratory tract infections mostly experience cough as the primary symptom. respiratory infection


There are several different causes of respiratory infection.

While pharyngitis, ear infection, common cold, and tonsillitis are the main causes of upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and tuberculosis affect the lower respiratory tract.

Viral infections such as influenza can affect both the upper and lower respiratory tracts.

Who is at risk?

It is impossible to avoid viruses and bacteria, but certain risk factors can increase your chances of developing respiratory infections.

Children and older adults with a less potent immune system are more prone to viral infections.

Children are at more risk because of their close contact with other kids who could be virus carriers. Children often don’t wash their hands regularly. They are also more likely to rub their eyes and put their fingers in their mouths, resulting in the spread of viruses.

Heart diseases or other lung problems are more likely to attract an acute respiratory infection. Anyone whose immune system might be weakened by another disease is at risk. Smokers also are at high risk and have more trouble recovering.  how is at riskHow to diagnose?

The doctor will check for fluid and inflammation in the lungs by listening for abnormal sounds in your lungs when you breathe. The doctor may also check your nose, ears, and throat.

If your doctor believes the infection is in the lower respiratory tract, an X-ray or CT scan may be necessary to check the condition of the lungs.

Lung function tests and pulse oximetry are other useful diagnostic tools to check how much oxygen is getting into the lungs.

How are respiratory infections treated?

Some lower respiratory tract infections go away without any treatment. People can treat these less-severe viral infections at home with over-the-counter medications for a cough or fever, rest, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Sometimes, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections, or breathing treatments, such as an inhaler.

The complications of respiratory infection are extremely serious and can result in permanent damage and even death.

How to prevent it?

Most causes of both lower and upper respiratory infections are not treatable. Therefore, prevention is the best method to stay away from harmful respiratory infections.

  • Getting the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and pertussis vaccine will substantially lower your risk of getting a respiratory infection. Talk to your doctor about getting these vaccines.
  • Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, especially after you’ve been in a public place.
  • Always sneeze into the arm of your shirt or in a tissue to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes and mouth, to stop the introduction of germs into the body.
  • Avoid smoking and include plenty of vitamins in your diet, such as vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system.

For more strong immunity and healthy lungs, include PULMOSTRONG in your daily lifestyle.respiratory health

PULMOSTRONG contains a blend of natural ingredients containing Quercetin derived from Sophora Japonica plant, Ursolic acid derived from Rosemary leaves and Vitamin C that prevents lung infections.




Ways to Relieve Seasonal Allergies Without Drugs

An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system reacts to something that doesn’t bother other people. Pollen, dust mites, mold spores, insect stings, food, and medications are the biggest culprits for causing allergic reactions.

Sneezing, runny nose, itching, rashes, swelling, and wheezing are the symptoms of allergic reactions. Doctors treat allergies with a variety of medications. However, there are natural home remedies for allergies that you might consider.

Ways to control allergies without medication

The best natural remedy for allergies is limiting or avoiding allergens, which cause your allergic reaction.

Saline nasal irrigation

Nasal rinse not only clears mucus secretion from your nose but also washes out any bacteria or allergens inhaled.

Air filters

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters trap airborne irritants such as pollen, dust, and pet dander, to reduce allergens in indoor environments.


Bromelain is an enzyme found in papaya and pineapple, which is effective at improving breathing by reducing swelling.


Probiotics contain strains of beneficial bacteria (e.g., Bifidobacterium longum) to produce a stronger immune response to common allergens.

Air conditioners and dehumidifiers

By removing moisture from the air, air conditioners and dehumidifiers can limit the growth of allergens.


Dietary spirulina is a blue-green alga that demonstrated antiallergic protective effects towards allergic rhinitis.

rosemary extract


Quercetin naturally found in broccoli, cauliflower, green tea, and citrus fruits, stabilizes the release of histamines and helps to control allergy symptoms.

Vitamin C

acts as a natural antihistamine by reducing the amount of histamine your body produces in response to an allergen. It might help reduce mild symptoms.

Rosemary extract

This herb is known for its medicinal properties to alleviate pain, boost immunity, improve memory and even promote hair growth. Rosemary oil or tea can be beneficial to respiratory health by clearing the mucus build-up in the lungs.

Keep out breezes

Keeping windows and doors closed and turning on the A/C if needed, will lower your exposure to irritants.

Wear a mask

Mask-wearing protects you from pollen and other allergens. An N95 respirator mask will block 95 percent of small particles that cause seasonal allergies.

Eat Healthily

Add some fresh fruit and vegetables to every meal to help boost antioxidants and vitamin C levels and reduce inflammation. These will both provide some allergy relief.

Inhale some steam

This is an easy and effective way to ease a stubborn, stuffy nose and help you breathe easier. You can also linger in the shower and take a few deep breaths.

Essential oils

Peppermint and eucalyptus oil had enough anti-inflammatory effects that reduced the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Essential oils can be diffused into the air but should be diluted in a carrier oil if applied topically.

Using home remedies for allergies can be effective. It is better to discuss them with your doctor before trying them out. Get a full diagnosis and listen to your doctor’s suggestions on what’s best for you and your situation.

respiratory function


For stronger immunity and healthy lungs, include PULMOSTRONG in your daily lifestyle. PULMOSTRONG also contains a blend of natural ingredients that prevent lung infections.




blog Men's health Testosterone Testosterone Booster

Feeling Tired? Here Are Some Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

If you feel lazy, have difficulty staying awake, or gulp multiple cups of coffee to make it for the rest of the day, then you are not alone. Most people have an exhausted and drowsy feeling at the end of the day.

Feeling Tired

Fortunately, making a few changes to your daily routine can keep your energetic, along with many other benefits to your health.

Here are some simple ways to increase your energy levels naturally.

  1. Sleep More

Not getting enough sleep can drain your energy levels, leaving you to feel lethargic, grumpy, and tired the next day. Experts generally recommend at least 7 hours of sleep per night to boost energy levels and support overall health.

sleep more- furosap

If you have trouble sleeping, you may benefit from maintaining a regular sleep schedule, taking a bubble bath before going to bed, reading a book, or listening to relaxing music.

Limiting the use of electronic devices before bedtime could also help increase sleep quality and prevent daytime sleepiness.

  1. Reduce stress

Stress can take a serious toll on your physical and mental health, but it has also been closely linked to tiredness and fatigue.

Try mindfulness or meditation techniques, have some self-time to relax, read, or go for a walk. However, if you feel very stressed and your anxiety is severe, it may be beneficial to talk with a mental healthcare professional for additional support.

  1. Move more

If you live a sedentary lifestyle and feel low on energy, participating in regular exercises, like walking, running, or cycling, can boost your energy and testosterone levels.

move more

To incorporate exercise into your day, try to go for small walks on your lunch break, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk to work or school instead of driving.

  1. Quit smoking

Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen transported to your body and the efficiency of lungs to make you feel tired. Quitting smoking is great for both energy and vitality in men.

Once you’ve decided to quit, it’s best to reach out to a healthcare professional to direct for the support services that will suit you best.

  1. Limit alcohol intake

Alcohol can make you feel drowsy, but it can also interfere with the quality of your sleep. If you drink regularly, limiting the amount of alcohol you consume could help increase your energy levels.

  1. Eat a nutritious diet

Following a healthy diet regularly can boost your energy levels. On the other hand, eating lots of processed foods that are high in sugar and fat can negatively affect your energy levels and your overall health.

It is also important that you eat enough food to fuel yourself during the day. This is because severe dietary restrictions can result in a lack of both calories and essential nutrients.

  1. Limit added sugar

Eating large amounts of added sugar may also increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, so limiting your intake of added sugar can benefit both your energy levels and your health. Consider minimizing your intake and focusing on eating whole foods instead.

If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping your energy levels more stable and reducing fatigue, try trading foods high in added sugar such as fresh berries, dried fruit, and trail mix.

  1. Stay hydrated

Dehydration can make you feel tired. Make a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day and respond to your thirst.stay hydrated

  1. Connect with people

Get out of the house and mingle with other people to benefit your energy levels and your health. Try organizing social activities with your friends, volunteering, or starting a new activity by joining a club or class.

  1. Supplements

There are several different vitamins and supplements such as Vitamin B 12, Iron, Ashwagandha & Rhodiola Rosea (botanical supplements), CoQ10, Magnesium, and melatonin can boost your energy levels.

  1. Foods that can help boost energy

Nuts (almonds and cashews are great, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, etc.), natural nut butter, seeds (chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds), fatty fish, leafy green vegetables, whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats, spelled and whole wheat), beans/legumes (chickpeas, lentils, black beans, etc.), sweet potato and dark chocolate.Furosap

FUROSAP is one such plant-based supplement for overall energy & vitality in men. It contains Fenugreek Seeds Extract (Protodioscin) and it has been proven safe and effective to boost testosterone naturally.

Although supplements may be beneficial in helping your energy and vitality, they are not a substitute for what your body needs naturally and so focus on getting adequate sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water, and exercising daily.

blog BPH

Are prostate supplements worth it?

Are prostate supplements worth it?

(BPH supplement, prostate enlargement)

It is common for men over 50 years old to experience some type of prostate issue. The prostate is a small gland that is located below the bladder and produces most of the semen fluid. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common prostate gland condition that is not life-threatening.

BPH involves noncancerous enlargement of the prostate often leading to symptoms such as painful urination and ejaculation, that can greatly affect the quality of life.

painful urination- Pprosman

The doctor might suggest a prescription drug to treat the prostate symptoms, but the side effects are too much to take. In that case, supplements may help.

When you try to find the right supplements to treat a prostate issue, it can feel like a shot in the dark. This article guides about the several common ingredients found in prostate supplements.

Beta-sitosterol: This belongs to a group of substances called phytosterols found in many plants. It does not change the size of the prostate, but it may help your bladder empty and give you a stronger urine flow. It also improves other BPH symptoms as well.

Pygeum: This comes from the bark of the African plum tree. It helps some men with BPH wake up less at night to pee, go fewer times during the day, have a stronger urine stream, and empty their bladders better.

Flower pollen extracts: This supplement may improve several BPH symptoms, such as dribbling after urinating, urge to urinate often, painful urination, and weak urine stream. Some research also shows that it may also shrink the size of the prostate.

Saw palmetto: This is a short tree that grows in North America. Studies have shown that it reduces the size of the prostate and eases urinary symptoms. It may take about 4 to 6 weeks to see results.


Other supplements show signs of helping in studies so far, but there’s less research on these than the more common options.

Pumpkin seeds: pumpkin seed oil extract seem to help with BPH symptoms and may shrink the size of the prostate. It may also be helpful when used along with other supplements.

Stinging nettle: This is a type of herb, and its root may help with urine flow and urge to urinate a lot at night. It’s sometimes used along with other supplements to ease other symptoms.

Prunus domestica – This substance is extracted from tree bark and contains three active constituents: phytosterols (including beta-sitosterol), pentacyclic triterpenoids (including ursolic and oleaic acids), and ferulic esters of long-chain fatty alcohols (including ferulic esters of docosanol and tetracosanol). They are anti-inflammatory and inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins.

Aqueous garlic (garlic extract in water), flaxseed lignan extract, milk thistle, dry cranberry powder, quercetin (found in apples, tea, and red grapes), red clover, and selenium are the other supplements that are useful in easing prostate symptoms. Though early studies look good, much more research data on them is required.

Supplements are not regulated like medicines prescribed by a doctor. That means their quality, safety, and effects can vary.  It is best to consult your doctor before starting any supplement because they may interfere with prescription medicines, treatments, or tests you might need.

PROSMAN is one such supplement derived from Prunus Domestica that inhibits fibroblast production, increases androgen secretion, and restores the secretory activity of the prostate and bulbourethral epithelium. PROSMAN is backed with safe to use scientific evidence.

Prosman Supports Healthy Prostate

Antioxidant blog Respiratory health

Best supplements for respiratory health? Do they help with breathing, COPD, and Pulmonary Diseases?

Best supplements for respiratory health?  Do they help with breathing, COPD, and Pulmonary Diseases?

(Respiratory health, ease breathing, improves immunity, lungs supplement)

People with respiratory disease turn to dietary supplements and herbal medicine to ease the symptoms of coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up mucus or blood, and chest pain.

supplements for respiratory health
supplements for respiratory health

The following research-backed supplements for respiratory health can give additional support to healthy breathing and immunity.


This well-tolerated botanical contains flavonoids, which have a natural antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory activity. Research has shown it reduces both the severity and duration of respiratory symptoms by blocking the entry of pathogens. Recommended safe dose for adults is 1 to 2 teaspoons, one to two times a day.


It is a plant pigment found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in COPD. The common dose for taking quercetin as a supplement is 500 mg per day.


This herb is known for its medicinal properties to alleviate pain, boost immunity, improve memory and even promote hair growth. Rosemary oil or tea can be beneficial to respiratory health by clearing the mucus build-up in the lungs.

rosemary extract pulmostrongVitamin C

It is packed with antioxidants, which are the main line of defense for immunity and respiratory health. Studies also show that consuming vitamin C deficiency decreases inflammation (helping subdue the processes involved in infections) and prevent the common cold. The recommended dosage for adults is 1000mg twice daily.

Vitamin D

The direct effect of vitamin D on lung function and as a supplement for respiratory health is less explored but studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased chance of pneumonia, bronchitis, and other lung infections. Vitamin D also encourages an overall healthy immune response. Adults can take 1,000 to 2,000 IU daily.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

NAC is a precursor to glutathione, a critically important antioxidant produced in the body. In terms of respiratory health, NAC breaks the mucus, which in turn relieves cough. It has also been shown to help with viruses by reducing inflammation in lung cells and also decreasing the effects of pneumonia. The recommended dose for adults is 600 mg twice daily. It is best to consume on an empty stomach but can be taken along with food if necessary.

N-acetyl cysteine pulmostrong


zinc destroys infected cells, and also directly protects the cells in the respiratory system. zinc can also shorten the duration and severity of a cold. Adults should take a 30 mg daily dose of zinc along with food to reduce the risk for respiratory diseases.

Some supplements may benefit a person by topping up the immunity in the body. However, you should consider consulting a doctor before taking lung supplements, particularly if they have a confirmed condition. This is because some supplements may interact with prescribed medications.

Enhance your fragile respiratory system with Pulmostrong for relived breathing…



blog Diabetes Fenfuro Fenfuro Blogs

How to treat and reduce the blood sugar level?

How to treat and reduce the blood sugar level?


High blood sugar level is also called Hyperglycaemia in medical terms. Nowadays, it is a prevalent issue among most individuals, both men, and women who are suffering from diabetes. Basically, it affects those who have type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Apart from that, high blood sugar levels not only affect people who have diabetes but also affect those who are seriously ill due to stroke or a heart attack. Sometimes this term called Hyperglycaemia is confused with hypoglycemia, in which blood sugar drops down. The problem of high blood sugar level is no doubt very discomforting due to which you might want to know the medication or natural ways to reduce the blood sugar level.

So, before we discuss how to reduce the blood sugar level or best supplements for how to lower blood sugar level, let’s discuss its symptoms: –

  1. Feeling very painful and short-tempered.
  2. Urinary frequency
  3. Tiredness
  4. Unwanted weight loss
  5. Dry mouth
  6. Blurred vision
  7. Easy infections like skin infection, thrush, etc


Now let’s talk about the best treatment for diabetes: –

  1. Reduce the intake of carbohydratescarbohydrates- FENFURO

Many researchers have studied and proved that if a diabetic person eats a low carbohydrate and high-protein diet, it reduces blood sugar level. Side by side, you can also take the best supplement to lower blood sugar for the best results after thorough research of the benefits and side effects of each.


  1. Always eat low glycemic index foods.

If a diabetic person eats the food after measuring its glycemic index, it will lower down blood sugar level. If the score is below 55 on the glycemic index, the diabetic individual can eat that food.

Such foods include: –

  • Legumes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Meat
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Low-fat milk
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Various nuts and seeds


  1. Don’t eat large meals.

If you want to lower down blood sugar level, then ensure that you control the intake of carbs. Apart from that, eat small meals at one time; spreading out one meal into two-three. According to many doctors, if you eat small meals throughout the day, it will help regulate blood sugar levels up to a great extent.

  1. Exercise regularly

Apart from taking a supplement to help lower blood sugar or the best medicine for diabetes, exercise is another critical way to reduce it. No doubt, it is a practical and effective way to lower blood sugar. It has been proven that exercise helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels for 24 hours.

The reason is when the body does physical activity, then it needs glucose for more energy. As a result, the cells deliver this glucose all over the body.Excercise- Fenfuro

  1. Take insulin

Insulin is the main thing in the human body, which lowers and spikes the blood sugar level. In the case of a high blood sugar level, the body has low insulin. So, if the individual stabilizes the insulin level, then it helps in lowering down sugar level.

To get an immediate effect, you can talk to your doctor about how much time it will take to lower your sugar level.

  1. Drink lots of water

This is another way to lower blood sugar levels. If a diabetic person drinks lots of water from time to time, then it helps in reducing sugar levels.

The bottom line

Ensure that you talk to your doctor before taking the best treatment for diabetes or trying any supplements that raise blood sugar levels—the reason for this is that it can deliver excess side-effects, which can be very serious.

Fenfuro is a fantastic product because it’s equipped with the power of Fenugreek seeds that are dominant in maintaining a healthy blood glucose level. Fenfuro is a beautiful blend of the innovative production process and a rich mixture of flavonoids and saponins. It is a patented and clinically evaluated product.

Fenugreek seeds extract | FENFUROAll these ingredients play a valuable role in Fenfuro that powers it to battle with diabetes. The product is clinically evaluated and has no side-effect. Besides, it’s 100% natural, and beyond doubt, you can trust the power of Fenfuro for treating diabetes the right way.



blog Diabetes Fenfuro Fenfuro Blogs

How To Reduce Blood Sugar Level?

One of the most pressing question that every diabetic patient has in mind is this! After all, diabetes is such a terrible chronic condition that no one would like to invite in his/her life. It’s incurable, that’s why it raises the stress level. But don’t panic.

Through some of the best supplements to lower blood sugar and a few lifestyle modifications, you can avoid the severe outcomes associated with diabetes. Only a diabetic patient can understand how it actually feels to live with diabetes.

You have to learn to say “no” to a lot of the things that you were used to doing in your daily life prior to diabetes.  However, the best treatment for diabetes is this itself, which is perhaps not an easy solution, but it’s able to mitigate the life-threatening risks that the majority of the diabetic patients encounter.

 How to reduce Blood Sugar Level?

Recently, you’ve come to know that you’re also one of those 422+ million diabetic patients who are compelled to live with this chronic condition. But you can’t be in those peoples’ list who don’t do anything for it. You can’t be among those people who do nothing to maintain a healthy blood sugar level in their body. It’s essential for you. The points stated below can work far better than any best medicine for diabetes if you adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Let’s have a look-

  1. Drink Water: Water is the most potent elixir that you might have never imagined before. It can dilute the sugar count in your body. That’s why drink as much water as you can because it’s one of the best supplements to lower blood sugar. But avoid sugary beverages at any cost.
  2. Exercise: Exercise plays a crucial role, whether you’re a diabetic patient or a non-diabetic. For a diabetic patient, the higher the physical activity, the better you’ll be able to elevate insulin sensitivity. It’ll result in a decrease in blood glucose level, and you’ll never realize that you’re a diabetic patient. So walk, workout, or do cycling as much as you can.
  3. Take your Medications: If your condition is severe, don’t skip even a single dose. If you’re in the early stage of diabetes, the same statement applies to you. Don’t forget to consult your doctor and avoid supplements that raise blood sugar.
  4. Track your Sugar level: Track your blood sugar levels daily, how much you’ve improved or how far you are from your goal. Keep this little but essential thing in mind. It’ll help you in maintaining a disciplined, balanced diet that’ll support a healthy blood sugar level in your body.

Foods to avoid

  1. Say no completely to sugary foods: candy, pies, ice-creams, cookies etc.
  2. Avoid sweet beverages
  3. Refined grains and grain products should be avoided
  4. Stop eating fried foods, especially fried potatoes or chicken
  5. Never eat sweet boiled potatoes.

Consume a Natural Supplement

The last but very important point is to use only natural supplements. It’s the best treatment for diabetes.  Whatever the product you’re using to reduce the blood sugar level, make sure it’s 100% natural, just like “FENFURO” a natural product that helps you achieve a healthy blood sugar level. This natural product has been clinically evaluated and patented and is appreciated worldwide.

Fenfuro has been made with a single herb extract (Fenugreek seeds) with zero additives. Each capsule is enriched with powerful natural ingredients that stabilize blood sugar level, and you start observing a change in your life. It’s one of the best supplements to help lower blood sugar.


blog Diabetes Fenfuro Fenfuro Blogs

Some Common Myths Related to Diabetes

Diabetes is a common problem these days. When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, they build a thought in mind that they are restricted from eating sugar for a lifetime. They often have a misconception that they need to shift to a distasteful life to keep them healthy.

But these all are merely myths, and it’s challenging to know what is right and what is wrong. The Internet is full of information about diabetes that is claimed to be directly from healthcare professionals. However, not all the facts mentioned there are true.

So, let us understand some of the myths which people believe about diabetes.

Some Common Myths About Diabetes


Diabetic People Can’t Eat Sugar

The first common myth about diabetes that we all believe is that people with diabetes have to cut down sugar for their whole lives. They need to eat a sugar-free diet and munch on sugar-free foods.

However, this is just a myth because diabetic people still need to eat a balanced diet that includes sugar too, to maintain good health. People can consume moderate sugar by monitoring their diabetes.

Diabetes Affects Only Fatty People

Another myth about Type 2 diabetes is that overweight people have diabetes. The people suffering from obesity are at a higher risk of diabetes, but that doesn’t mean diabetes can occur to fat people only.

According to research, 20% of people who have diabetes have healthy body weight or are even underweight too. So, it’s just a myth that fat people have diabetes. However, the fact is that anyone can have diabetes.


Diabetic People Have to Eat Diabetic Food Only

Another myth about diabetes is that people with diabetes have to eat diabetic food only. They need to cut down their sugars, alcohol, sweeteners, and eat a healthier diet.

However, the fact is that diabetic food can also affect the blood sugar level and is often expensive than regular food. People can eat a healthier diet and don’t need to eat diabetic food.

Diabetic People Get Ill Faster

Now, this is another common myth about diabetes. Diabetic people are more likely to catch a common cold, fever, and other diseases. However, this is not true because the diabetic people’s illness is only relating to the blood sugar level, but that doesn’t mean that they catch other diseases faster.

Diabetes doesn’t affect the rate of catching other diseases.

Type 2 Diabetes is Mild

Another common myth about diabetes is that the Type 2 form of diabetes is mild, but this is not true. No form of diabetes is mild. If you don’t manage or regulate your diabetes, then it can affect your health seriously.

It’s a prolonged disease and causes health complications too. To control diabetes, people have to follow the prescription given by their physician and maintain their health and a healthy lifestyle.

Diabetic People Lose Their Eyesight

This might be true, but not really because people who are not managing their diabetes may be prone to lose their eyesight. However, if they manage their weight and blood glucose level, they are generally not at risk.


Diabetes is one of the common diseases in which the level of blood sugar rises. However, these are some common myths related to diabetes that a person must need to be familiar with.

If a person has diabetes, they need to manage their blood sugar level and improve their health. Fenfuro helps to manage a healthy sugar level and improve the health of people with diabetes.

Fenfuro is derived from the fenugreek seeds that contain flavonoids and furostanolic saponins. These ingredients help manage the blood glucose level. Fenfuro is supported by seven international patents and clinical studies. It has no known side effects.






blog Diabetes Fenfuro Blogs

Five healthy milestones for diabetics

When a person has Diabetes, the primary goal of the patient is to keep it under control. In Diabetes, the blood sugar levels of a person become high due to which many serious issues can also occur like heart attack and other chronic illnesses.

Mainly, there are three types of diabetes known as Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational diabetes. However, if you want to reduce the symptoms of diabetes, various healthy milestones can make the person rid of Diabetes and other associated problems gradually. So, in this post, we will write about certain good habits that a person can adopt to make their lives happier and healthier.

  1. Start losing weight

If you have excessive body weight that is not proportionate to your body mass, then it can seriously affect your diabetes. According to the latest research, if an individual loses around 5% of their body weight, then the risk of problems like heart diseases will also go down as it will improve the blood pressure, blood sugar, and most essentially HDL cholesterol.

So, start focusing on losing weight to improve your diabetes.

In another study, it is stated that fundamental lifestyle changes like weight loss and regular exercise will prove to be advantageous and the safest ways to improve Diabetes.


  1. Exercise regularly

A person who has diabetes must always do regular exercise and that will make him feel better and active. On the other hand, it also improves the sensitivity to insulin and makes the blood sugar levels more stable.

Even more, regular exercise helps in reducing the level of stress. So, if you are not active or not doing proper exercise, then start now but slowly. In this regard, you can take the help of an expert. Or you can yourself do various things in the form of exercise like taking stairs instead of the elevator, walking in the park, going to the gym and doing exercise.

With the help of the trainer, make a realistic goal and plan towards doing proper exercise.


  1. Eat a well-balanced diet

If you have diabetes, that doesn’t mean you will not be able to enjoy delicious food. But the thing is you have to eat non-starchy vegetables like asparagus, carrot, cucumber, green salad, squash, tomato, etc.

On the other hand, try to add foods like nuts, lean meat, citrus meat, poultry or fish, sweet potatoes, low-fat diets, etc. to make yourself healthier and fitter. However, there are various things which you have to keep in mind, like eating three meals a day and eating low-carb meals.

  1. Take less stress

If you take tensions of day-to-day problems, then you will not be able to follow healthy lifestyle habits like regular exercise, drinking more water, etc.

The reason is stress will automatically boost up the blood sugar level and make an individual less sensitive to insulin.

So, ensure that you will not take the stress and live life in peace.


  1. Quit smoking

Human fist breaking cigarettes on white background

Kick this habit, and you will control the blood sugar levels. This means with smoking; you are likely to gain many chronic illnesses which may lead to higher complications.

Like you can face heart and kidney problems, reduced blood flow to legs and feet, etc.

There is a product called Fenfuro, which you can take apart from achieving these milestones. It is a clinically evaluated and patented supplement to manage diabetes. It contains saponins and flavonoids that help in maintaining the glucose level of the individual. It is one of the best food supplements for diabetes, which is proven clinically.


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