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Difference Between Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

Difference Between Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

Respiratory infections interfere with our normal breathing. It can affect our upper respiratory system, which starts at the sinuses and ends at the vocal cords, or just our lower respiratory system, which starts at the vocal cords and ends at the lungs. This infection is particularly dangerous for children, older adults, and people with a compromised immune system.

Know The Symptoms

The symptoms you experience will be different if it’s a lower or upper respiratory infection.

Nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, body ache, and fatigue are the main symptoms of upper respiratory infections. Whereas, people who have lower respiratory tract infections mostly experience cough as the primary symptom. respiratory infection


There are several different causes of respiratory infection.

While pharyngitis, ear infection, common cold, and tonsillitis are the main causes of upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and tuberculosis affect the lower respiratory tract.

Viral infections such as influenza can affect both the upper and lower respiratory tracts.

Who is at risk?

It is impossible to avoid viruses and bacteria, but certain risk factors can increase your chances of developing respiratory infections.

Children and older adults with a less potent immune system are more prone to viral infections.

Children are at more risk because of their close contact with other kids who could be virus carriers. Children often don’t wash their hands regularly. They are also more likely to rub their eyes and put their fingers in their mouths, resulting in the spread of viruses.

Heart diseases or other lung problems are more likely to attract an acute respiratory infection. Anyone whose immune system might be weakened by another disease is at risk. Smokers also are at high risk and have more trouble recovering.  how is at riskHow to diagnose?

The doctor will check for fluid and inflammation in the lungs by listening for abnormal sounds in your lungs when you breathe. The doctor may also check your nose, ears, and throat.

If your doctor believes the infection is in the lower respiratory tract, an X-ray or CT scan may be necessary to check the condition of the lungs.

Lung function tests and pulse oximetry are other useful diagnostic tools to check how much oxygen is getting into the lungs.

How are respiratory infections treated?

Some lower respiratory tract infections go away without any treatment. People can treat these less-severe viral infections at home with over-the-counter medications for a cough or fever, rest, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Sometimes, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections, or breathing treatments, such as an inhaler.

The complications of respiratory infection are extremely serious and can result in permanent damage and even death.

How to prevent it?

Most causes of both lower and upper respiratory infections are not treatable. Therefore, prevention is the best method to stay away from harmful respiratory infections.

  • Getting the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and pertussis vaccine will substantially lower your risk of getting a respiratory infection. Talk to your doctor about getting these vaccines.
  • Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, especially after you’ve been in a public place.
  • Always sneeze into the arm of your shirt or in a tissue to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes and mouth, to stop the introduction of germs into the body.
  • Avoid smoking and include plenty of vitamins in your diet, such as vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system.

For more strong immunity and healthy lungs, include PULMOSTRONG in your daily lifestyle.respiratory health

PULMOSTRONG contains a blend of natural ingredients containing Quercetin derived from Sophora Japonica plant, Ursolic acid derived from Rosemary leaves and Vitamin C that prevents lung infections.




Ways to Relieve Seasonal Allergies Without Drugs

An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system reacts to something that doesn’t bother other people. Pollen, dust mites, mold spores, insect stings, food, and medications are the biggest culprits for causing allergic reactions.

Sneezing, runny nose, itching, rashes, swelling, and wheezing are the symptoms of allergic reactions. Doctors treat allergies with a variety of medications. However, there are natural home remedies for allergies that you might consider.

Ways to control allergies without medication

The best natural remedy for allergies is limiting or avoiding allergens, which cause your allergic reaction.

Saline nasal irrigation

Nasal rinse not only clears mucus secretion from your nose but also washes out any bacteria or allergens inhaled.

Air filters

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters trap airborne irritants such as pollen, dust, and pet dander, to reduce allergens in indoor environments.


Bromelain is an enzyme found in papaya and pineapple, which is effective at improving breathing by reducing swelling.


Probiotics contain strains of beneficial bacteria (e.g., Bifidobacterium longum) to produce a stronger immune response to common allergens.

Air conditioners and dehumidifiers

By removing moisture from the air, air conditioners and dehumidifiers can limit the growth of allergens.


Dietary spirulina is a blue-green alga that demonstrated antiallergic protective effects towards allergic rhinitis.

rosemary extract


Quercetin naturally found in broccoli, cauliflower, green tea, and citrus fruits, stabilizes the release of histamines and helps to control allergy symptoms.

Vitamin C

acts as a natural antihistamine by reducing the amount of histamine your body produces in response to an allergen. It might help reduce mild symptoms.

Rosemary extract

This herb is known for its medicinal properties to alleviate pain, boost immunity, improve memory and even promote hair growth. Rosemary oil or tea can be beneficial to respiratory health by clearing the mucus build-up in the lungs.

Keep out breezes

Keeping windows and doors closed and turning on the A/C if needed, will lower your exposure to irritants.

Wear a mask

Mask-wearing protects you from pollen and other allergens. An N95 respirator mask will block 95 percent of small particles that cause seasonal allergies.

Eat Healthily

Add some fresh fruit and vegetables to every meal to help boost antioxidants and vitamin C levels and reduce inflammation. These will both provide some allergy relief.

Inhale some steam

This is an easy and effective way to ease a stubborn, stuffy nose and help you breathe easier. You can also linger in the shower and take a few deep breaths.

Essential oils

Peppermint and eucalyptus oil had enough anti-inflammatory effects that reduced the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Essential oils can be diffused into the air but should be diluted in a carrier oil if applied topically.

Using home remedies for allergies can be effective. It is better to discuss them with your doctor before trying them out. Get a full diagnosis and listen to your doctor’s suggestions on what’s best for you and your situation.

respiratory function


For stronger immunity and healthy lungs, include PULMOSTRONG in your daily lifestyle. PULMOSTRONG also contains a blend of natural ingredients that prevent lung infections.


