
Fight Diabetes Naturally


Diabetes in India has reached an endemic stage with about 62 million people suffering with this debilitating disease. This often chronic and deadly disease is fast spreading its tentacles and is expected to affect over 100 million people in India by 2030. 

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Types of Diabetes

There are three types of diabetes: Type1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is prevalent in children and happens when the body does not produce required quantity insulin. Type 2 diabetes largely stems from unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. In Type 2 diabetes, the body is not able to utilize the produced insulin effectively. During pregnancy, some women without a previous history of diabetes develop a high blood glucose level. It is called gestational diabetes.

A large section of diabetics is suffering from Type 2 diabetes that can be prevented or delayed with a healthy way of life.


The common symptoms of diabetes are increased urination, weight loss, increased thirst, increased hunger, fatigue, headache, itchy skin, nausea and delayed healing of wounds. These symptoms may develop rapidly within weeks or months in type 1 diabetes while they usually develop much more slowly and may be subtle or absent in type 2 diabetes.

Indians are at a high risk

Genetic coding, cultural and social setup and changing lifestyle are the major contributors to the widespread of diabetes in India. Indian genes make them 4 times more susceptible to diabetes as compared to Europeans. Moreover, 

A number of factors in combination make Indians highly susceptible to Diabetes.

Indian diet is rich in carbohydrates and saturated fats, which leads to obesity and thus diabetes. The changing lifestyle of youngsters and increase in consumption of fast food is adding to the already grave problem. 

Low awareness amongst Indians

Though there is presence of good screening centers in the urban and suburban India, rural India, neither has the awareness nor screening facilities to detect diabetes early on. According to an estimate about 50 percent diabetics in India, mostly in rural areas, are not aware of their condition and about one million people die annually due to diabetes. 

Treatment of Diabetes 

Treatment for diabetes mellitus is chosen on the basis of its type and complications. The treatments are individualized by the duration of diabetes, age/life expectancy, comorbidity, known cardiovascular diseases or advanced micro vascular diseases and hypoglycemia awareness. Anti-diabetic drugs treat diabetes mellitus by lowering glucose levels in the blood. With the exception of insulin, all the drugs are administered orally. Many patients with diabetes having two or more comorbidities often require multiple medications. Some people who have type 2 diabetes need insulin therapy as well. In the past, insulin therapy was used as last resort, but today it’s often prescribed sooner. About 40% of the Type 2 diabetics use insulin injections. But most of these treatments have associated problems like weight gain, hypoglycemia and gastro intestinal problems.

Manage Diabetes naturally

India has over 5000 years of history of effective herbal treatments. People still prefer to use herbal products due to higher safety, efficacy and lower side effects.  People these days are moving towards nutraceuticals to combat diseases because of their increased efficacy and safety as opposed to Fight Diabetes naturally medicines. FENFURO is one such nutraceutical which acts as your glucose manager. It is a first of its kind product derived from single herb with proven results for maintaining blood sugar levels. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. All of these substances are known to lower blood lipid level and play valuable role in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is a first dual action insulin sensitizer.

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A clinical evaluation of FENFURO was carried out on a total of 154 Type 2 diabetics for a period of 3 months, to determine it’s efficacy and safety. At the end of three months 83% of the patients reported decrease in fasting sugar levels and 89% patients reported decrease in PP sugar levels. The highlighting point of the study was patients showed significant decrease in HbA1C levels as compared to respective baseline value,  even after 48.8% of patients reported reduction in dosage of anti-diabetic therapy after regularly taking FENFURO.

Lets not give it the power to ruin our lives. Lets fight it with exercise, healthy diet and FENFURO



In India more than 62 million individuals are currently diagnosed with diabetes, which is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic. Most likely it is the combination of our food, lifestyle and genetics, which make Indians more prone to this medical condition. Physical inactivity and the consumption of fatty, high-caloric and sugary foods vastly increase the risk of becoming a diabetic. There are many early warning signs or symptoms of diabetes. Early detection and proper management of diabetes can reduce one’s risk of developing further complications associated with Diabetes

 Following are the symptoms of diabetes:

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POLYDIPSIA (excessive thirst) and POLYURIA (excessive urination):

These are the classic symptoms of diabetes.  During diabetes excess glucose (sugar) builds up in the blood. The kidneys work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar. When the kidneys can’t keep up with the pace the excess sugar is excreted into urine along with fluids drawn from the tissues. This triggers frequent urination which can lead to dehydration. As a result more fluid intake is required to quench the thirst resulting into more urination. It’s a vicious cycle with one symptom resulting into other. 

 SUDDEN WEIGHT LOSS and POLYPHAGIA (excessive hunger)

Weight fluctuation is one of the most common diabetes sign and symptom.  Losing sugar through urination also results in calorie loss which leads to weight loss. This also triggers excessive and constant hunger or POLYPHAGIA.


Fatigue can be attributed to dehydration from increased urination and body’s inability to function properly and to use sugar for energy needs.


The possible reason for the slow healing can be that high sugar impairs body’s natural healing process and ability to fight infections. For women, bladder and vaginal infections are very common.


Excessive sugar can lead to nerve damage (NEUROPATHY), which may result in the tingling and loss of sensation in hands and feet as well as burning pain at times.


Diabetes weakens the ability to fight germs, which leads to the risk of infection in gums. The gums may pull away from the teeth leaving it loose and may lead to developing sores.


Diabetes symptoms many times involve vision. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from tissues, including the lenses of eyes. This affects the ability to focus. Diabetes can cause blockages or abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retina; the part of the eye that reads images. Blood vessel changes in the retina can lead to vision problems and even blindness. People with diabetes are also more likely to develop cataracts or glaucoma, two other serious eye conditions. 

Above symptoms can help in early detection of diabetes. Proper management and regular intake of supplements like FENFUROTM can help in combating the diabetes. Regular intake of FENFURO can maintain the blood sugar level effectively.  FENFURO is a first of its kind, safe dietary supplement derived from fenugreek seeds through a patented process.  Through its unique and patented scientific process, FENFURO concentrates the bioactive part of plants into a manageable dose, while removing the inert parts such as cellulose. Also, since a lot of healthy botanicals are not palatable, consuming their concentrate in capsule form in small dosage is a lot easier. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. These substances are known to lower blood lipid level and help in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is the first dual action insulin sensitizer.

A clinical evaluation of FENFURO was carried out on a total of 154 Type 2 diabetics for a period of 3 months, to determine its efficacy and safety. At the end of three months, 83% of the patients reported decrease in fasting sugar levels and 89% patients reported decrease in PP sugar levels. The patients also showed significant decrease in HbA1C levels as compared to respective baseline value. 48.8% of the patients reported reduction in dosage of anti-diabetic therapy after regularly taking FENFURO.

The statement and product have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease


10 Things Only a Diabetic would understand

  1. You have a space in your home dedicated to diabetes supplies

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  1. Being high means something completely different to you.

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  1. You can calculate insulin on board, carb factors, insulin to carb ratio without hesitation.

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  1. Everyone wants to know why you use a pager.

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  1. You have cases of juice boxes stashed in your house but they aren’t for the apocalypse.

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  1. The pharmacist is a contact in your phone and you both know each other by name.

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  1. Your fridge has never seen a stick of butter. The compartment is used for storing insulin.

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      8. You’re constantly offered sugar-free food that’s full of carbohydrates.

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  1. You click on articles that claim to help you improve glucose levels, only to find an article about prevention. Image 9
  2. You’ve been offered countless diabetes home remedies from friends and relatives. Seriously, why do people do this?

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Fenfuro is a leading provider of Fenugreek seed extract, which is growing in popularity as both a super food and an effective home remedy for diabetes. Studies suggest that fenugreek seed extract contains properties that can lower cholesterol and blood sugar. FENFURO, a group of furostanolic saponins derived from fenugreek seeds, contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids, all substances known to lower blood lipid levels and play valuable role in glucose regulation. Fenfuro is patented and clinically evaluated. For more information, visit


The statement and product mentioned in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Diabetes and its complications


Diabetes is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India with more than 62 million diabetic individuals currently diagnosed with the disease. If you’ve got diabetes, that’s not the only disease you should be concerned about. Diabetes is linked to a host of other health problems. 

These are conditions to look out for if you’re prediabetic or have diabetes:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular disease is the leading causing of death for people who have diabetes. That’s because high blood sugar can cause a gradual buildup of fatty deposits that clog and harden the walls of blood vessels. And when blood vessels are partially blocked or narrowed, it can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Patients who have been diabetic for more than 15 years are more prone to cardiovascular diseases

  1. Nerve damage

Diabetes can often lead to nerve disorders called neuropathies. If your blood vessels have narrowed from fatty deposits, then your nerves may become damaged because they’re not getting the oxygen and nourishment they need. Nerve damage may also be caused by other factors, like inflammation. Diabetic neuropathy can give you symptoms of pain, numbness or tingling in your legs and toes, arms and fingers. Or you might have digestive complaints like nausea, indigestion or constipation. The nerve damage can even cause sexual dysfunction.

  1. Kidney disease/ Renal damage

Diabetes is a leading cause of kidney failure. At least half of all people with diabetes may have signs of early kidney problems. High blood pressure, or a family history of it, can raise your risk of chronic kidney disease. Raised blood pressure also seems to speed up the development of the disease. Unfortunately, as kidney problems increase they themselves can be a cause of hypertension, creating a vicious cycle.

  1. Vision loss

Diabetes can cause blockages or abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retina, the part of the eye that reads images. Blood vessel changes in the retina can lead to vision problems and even blindness. People with diabetes are also more likely to develop cataracts or glaucoma, two other serious eye condition

  1. Diabetic foot / Amputations

There are two reasons why diabetes can lead to amputations of your feet or legs. Because of narrowed blood vessels, circulation to your lower body parts may not be top-notch. That means cuts or sores on your feet or legs will have a tough time healing and can get worse instead of better. Second, if you have nerve damage from diabetes, you might not feel the pain of a foot problem. Sores that you don’t notice can become infected and fester, leading to the need for amputation. 

The risk of above mentioned health conditions can be reduced considerably by controlling the blood sugar level. Regular intake of FENFURO can control the blood sugar level effectively. FENFURO is a first of its kind, safe nutraceutical derived from fenugreek seeds through a patented process.  Through its unique scientific process, FENFURO concentrates the bioactive part of plants into a manageable dose, while removing the inert parts such as cellulose. Also, since a lot of healthy botanicals are not palatable, consuming their concentrate in capsule form in small dosage is a lot easier. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. These substances are known to lower blood lipid level and help in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is the first dual action insulin sensitizer.

A clinical evaluation of FENFURO was carried out on a total of 154 Type 2 diabetics for a period of 3 months, to determine its efficacy and safety. At the end of three months 83% of the patients reported decrease in fasting sugar levels and 89% patients reported decrease in PP sugar levels. The patients also showed significant decrease in HbA1C levels as compared to respective baseline value. 48.8% of patients reported reduction in dosage of anti-diabetic therapy after regularly taking FENFURO.


The statement and product have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  



Do Sugar, Alcohol & Diabetes Mix

People with blood sugar know they must carefully watch their sugar intake as part of their blood sugar diet and limit their alcohol consumption. But following a blood sugar diet does not mean you need to completely eliminate sugar from your daily meals and snacks. You just need to be smart about what you eat and keep close tabs on the sugars in foods.

Pirate drinking rum from bottle

The same goes for alcohol — if you pay close attention to your blood sugar levels, you should be able to drink a little when you attend a social gathering or are out casually with friends. Here’s how to do it safely.

A major part of blood sugar management involves keeping your blood sugar levels stable. No matter what type of blood sugar you have, this is an ongoing challenge:

  • Type 1. People with type 1 diabetes cannot produce insulin, the hormone the body uses to regulate blood glucose levels. The amount of sugar or alcohol consumed has a direct effect on the amount of insulin and other diabetes medication you must take.
  • Type 2. With type 2 diabetes, you’ve developed a resistance to insulin, but can still produce the hormone. Controlling blood sugar levels can help you avoid having to take insulin or diabetes medications.
  • Gestational. Diabetes during pregnancy means you have high blood glucose levels, which can do damage to both you and your unborn child.

Sugar is a form of carbohydrate that the body quickly converts to glucose, meaning that, when eaten, it has the ability to cause blood glucose levels to quickly rise and create a condition known as hyperglycemia. This is why doctors and blood sugar educators warn people to track and limit the amount of sugar they consume.

Alcohol has the opposite effect. The body normally stores excess glucose in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen and converts the glycogen back to glucose when your blood sugar levels fall too low. But alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to make that conversion, and researchers have found that the reaction is even more intensified in people who are taking blood sugar medications. If you aren’t careful, your blood glucose level could drop quickly, a condition called hypoglycemia.

These facts don’t take alcohol or sugar completely off the table when it comes to a diabetes diet, experts say. It just means that you need to think about how consuming them will fit into your overall blood sugar management plan.

For example, though sugar can rapidly increase your blood glucose levels, researchers now believe the total amount of all carbohydrates you eat affects your overall blood glucose level more than what type of carb you ingest. If you want to, you should be able to substitute small amounts of sugar for other types of carbohydrates in your diet and still be able to stay on track. Just keep in mind that most sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates in a very small serving and will not keep you as full as the starchy carbohydrates contained in whole grains and certain vegetables.

When it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages, as long as you’re not pregnant, you should be able to enjoy small amounts socially, but you should always eat just before or while you are drinking — never drink on an empty stomach. Women should limit themselves to just one drink per day, and men should limit themselves to two.

When you do indulge, sip your drink slowly, so that you enjoy it fully and make it last. Hypoglycemia can occur shortly after drinking, and the risk persists for up to 12 hours. If you are drinking alcohol in the evening, be sure to check your blood sugar before you go to bed and, if it is less than 100 to 140 mg/dl, have a bedtime snack.

The hypoglycemia symptoms of drowsiness and confusion can mimic the signs of drunkenness. You should always wear a medical alert bracelet if you will be drinking at a social event, so that if you experience these symptoms, health care workers will not dismiss them as being due to drinking.

Women with gestational diabetes should avoid alcohol altogether, though for reasons unrelated to their diabetes. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical and mental birth defects. Drinking while pregnant also increases a woman’s risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

If you’re not pregnant and want to make sure having a drink is okay, ask your doctor about any possible interactions with your diabetes medication. You might also consult a registered dietitian to see how occasional drinking, as well as eating sweets, could best fit in with your diabetes diet.

Use Supplement for Blood sugar

FENFURO Regular intake of FENFURO can control the blood sugar level effectively. FENFURO is a first of its kind, safe nutraceutical derived from fenugreek seeds through a patented process.  Through its unique scientific process, FENFURO concentrates the bioactive part of plants into a manageable dose, while removing the inert parts such as cellulose. Also, since a lot of healthy botanicals are not palatable, consuming their concentrate in capsule form in small dosage is a lot easier. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. These substances are known to lower blood lipid level and help in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is the first dual action insulin sensitizer.

The statement and product have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Manage your diabetes with these essential tips

Eat the Foods You Like


Having diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t eat your favourite foods. But you need to know how your choices will affect your blood sugar. A diabetes educator or dietician can help you learn skills — such as counting carbs, reading labels, and sizing up portions — that will let you keep your condition in check while still enjoying your favourite meals.

Define Your Plate


Use a rule of three to build a healthy, satisfying meal. This can help you lose weight and manage your diabetes by eating more non-starchy foods. Divide your plate in half. Fill one side with vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots, or green beans. Next, divide the empty side into two halves. Use one for starchy foods such as potatoes, whole grains like brown rice or quinoa, or whole-grain bread or pasta. In the last section, add meat or another protein. On top of that, you can also have an 8-ounce glass of low-fat milk and a half-cup of fruit.

Write It Down


Get in the habit of jotting down your important information. Record your daily blood sugar levels to track how food, exercise, and medicines affect your blood sugar and A1c test results. A written record can show you and your doctor whether your diabetes treatment is working and what about it can be changed. Writing down your goals and feelings in a journal might also help you stay on track and clearly discuss things with your health care providers.

Have a Sick-Day Plan in Place


Common illnesses like colds, flu, and diarrhea can raise your blood sugar. Having diabetes, in turn, might make it harder to fight off infections. Have a plan in case you get sick. Store snacks that are easy on the stomach but can still give you enough fluids and carbs. Check your blood sugar more often. Also, know when to check for ketones and when to call your doctor. Get a flu shot every year.

Manage Your Medicine Cabinet


If you take pills or injections to manage your diabetes, keep 3 days’ worth of your medicines and supplies on hand in case of an emergency. Also keep a list of everything you take. Since some of your diabetes drugs might affect other medicines — even ones that can be bought without a prescription — make sure to tell your doctor before you take any new medicine. And always take your list to your regular doctor and dental appointments.

Use Supplement for Blood sugar

FENFURO Regular intake of FENFURO can control the blood sugar level effectively. FENFURO is a first of its kind, safe nutraceutical derived from fenugreek seeds through a patented process.  Through its unique scientific process, FENFURO concentrates the bioactive part of plants into a manageable dose, while removing the inert parts such as cellulose. Also, since a lot of healthy botanicals are not palatable, consuming their concentrate in capsule form in small dosage is a lot easier. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. These substances are known to lower blood lipid level and help in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is the first dual action insulin sensitizer.

Get Active to Fight Everyday Stress


Living with diabetes can make you sad or unhappy at times. Stress not only affects your mood, but it can raise your blood sugar, too. Stress might also cause you to make poor food choices. But an easy way to feel better from everyday stress is to get active. Being active raises the levels of chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. If you don’t want to exercise in a gym, join a sports team or take dance lessons to keep moving.

Exercise in Short Sessions


Three 10-minute walks are as good as 30 minutes at once. So don’t hold out to exercise when you have a lot of time. Moderate levels of physical activity (both strength building and cardio) done regularly will help you control your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, and ease stress.

Try Strength Workouts


You can benefit from all kinds of exercise. But training with weights or other resistance equipment might help you prevent muscle loss. (Lost muscle often leads to more fat.) Several studies suggest that strength training — lifting weights, for example — improves how your body uses insulin and sugar. Of course, regular strength training can also improve your muscle mass and help you lose weight, too.

Check Your Feet Every Night


Use a hand mirror or ask someone to help you look for cuts, swelling, or color changes on your feet. Don’t forget to look between your toes, too. If you see unhealed cuts or broken skin, call your doctor right away. Make foot care part of your daily routine: Wash and moisturize your feet, and trim your toenails as needed. Talk to your doctor about treating corns or calluses. Have him check your feet during every visit.

Choose a Date to Quit Smoking


If you smoke, pick a date to quit. That gives you the chance to prepare for it. You might need help beating the mental and physical parts of nicotine addiction. Stop-smoking programs, support groups, and wellness centers can offer professional help. Whether you quit cold turkey or use other treatments to help you kick the habit, having time to prepare for it might boost your chances of success.

Drink Alcohol Only With Food

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Your doctor might say it’s OK for you to have an occasional drink. If you drink, have alcohol only when you can eat something along with it, because alcohol can cause low blood sugar. Also, have some water handy in case you get thirsty. Mixed drinks can raise your blood sugar if you use juice or a regular soda as your mixer. Women should have no more than one alcoholic drink per day, and men no more than two a day.

The statement and product have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



High Blood Glucose and obesity link to cancer


High Blood Glucose and obesity could make a person more vulnerable to certain types of cancers and the best way to counter the threat is to lose weight.


High Blood Glucose and obesity are associated with some types of cancer, including that of the pancreas, oesophagus and breast,” said Edwin Gale, professor of diabetes at Bristol University‘s division of medicine. He was in the city to address a conference organised byIntegrated Diabetes and Endocrinology Academy (Idea), Calcutta.

According to Gale, 40 per cent of these cancers are apparently caused by diabetes and obesity. “High Blood Glucose and obesity leads to insulin resistance in the body that can cause cancer. The best way to reduce insulin resistance is weight loss,” he explained.

Insulin resistance is a physiological condition, where the hormone becomes less effective at lowering blood sugar. This might increase blood glucose levels above the normal range.

“Fat and muscle cells need insulin to absorb glucose. But in an insulin-resistant person, these cells fail to adequately respond to circulate insulin and blood glucose levels rise,” said a doctor at the conference.


Gale said an obese person had a 30 per cent increased risk of suffering from cancer than a person of normal weight.

“An obese person with blood sugar is more susceptible to cancer than one who is not. Although the exact cause is not clear, the common belief is that insulin resistance is the underlying factor,” said Subhankar Chowdhury, head of endocrinology, SSKM Hospital.

Use Supplement for blood sugar

FENFURO Regular intake of FENFURO can control the blood sugar level effectively. FENFURO is a first of its kind, safe nutraceutical derived from fenugreek seeds through a patented process.  Through its unique scientific process, FENFURO concentrates the bioactive part of plants into a manageable dose, while removing the inert parts such as cellulose. Also, since a lot of healthy botanicals are not palatable, consuming their concentrate in capsule form in small dosage is a lot easier. FENFURO contains a rich variety of saponins and flavonoids. These substances are known to lower blood lipid level and help in insulin sensitization and glucose regulation. FENFURO is the first dual action insulin sensitizer.

The statement and product have not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.