Menupause PCOD PCOS PMS Women's health

PCOS and Menopause

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder in women, and once they hit menopause also, it doesn’t go away, though it is a common myth. Women of childbearing age are more likely to face PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in their life. Over the last few decades, PCOS has always been the most debated subject. Researchers quote PCOS as a condition related to hormonal balance, but many discussions still revolve around PCOS and Menopause.

Women want to get a clear insight into this issue, which is one of the most important things affecting their personal life for generations. So in this article, we’ll shed light on the interesting facts in the context of PCOS and Menopause. And thereby, we’ll expose some hidden secrets and myths remaining to be uncovered.

Do PCOS and Menopause have a relation?

You’re a woman at the age of menopause, and suppose it has been 12 months since you haven’t had your periods. So this is a clear sign of menopause. However, 51 years old age is deemed as the right age when women encounter menopause in their life. On the other hand, women with PCOS conditions hit menopause late. But it’s a myth that menopause can cure PCOS. Women can still experience PCOS systems even though they are going through menopause.

Hormone Roles

Both PCOS and Menopause encompass different hormone roles, as stated below-

Hormones in PCOS

PCOS is the result of sex hormones’ imbalance, and the main reason behind PCOS is still unclear and research is still going on to put forward the exact definition of PCOS.

According to experts, in PCOS, women produce higher levels of male sex hormone (testosterone) more than usual. Also, PCOS leads to lower progesterone levels (female sex hormone).

However, increased male hormone (testosterone level) in their body leads to insulin resistance, which also creates imbalances in the blood sugar level. It directly ticks off the fact that women with PCOS tend to have a higher risk of the most unwelcome ‘type-2 diabetes.’ (source)

Apart from diabetes, women with PCOS are likely to face the below-stated issues-

  • Unhealthy cholesterol level
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Chronic Inflammation

Hormones in Menopause

If we talk about menopause, it results from a decrease in estrogen and progesterone level in women. The drop in these female hormones begins before a woman hits menopause. This entire process is identified as a ‘perimenopause.’ Over time, women stop ovulating when the count of these female sex hormones becomes low enough.

Similarly, it leads to the end of her menstruating periods. But it doesn’t imply that this reduction in hormones can correct the hormone imbalances related to PCOS.

This comparison simplifies the conclusion that once a woman hits her 40s, she is close to menopause, but her menstrual cycle will stay normal if she already has PCOS.

What’s the best treatment for PCOS?

PCOS has no cure, but a few powerful clinically evaluated products can provide you promising results to trim down its symptoms to a high extent. FUROCYST® is one of them. It’s a clinically evaluated and patented product made up of single herb extract that is supposed to improve insulin resistance and hence, ultimately symptoms and root cause of PCOS.

Since it’s a natural product, you obtain maximum benefits without any negative impact on health.

People accept and appreciate the power of Furocyst globally. For effective PCOS management, it’s the top-quality product available in the market. You get this product with 60 capsules per bottle. It’s a reliable solution and delivers visible results within a few weeks. If you’re also fed up with your PCOS problem, then head to this product and end up buying it.





PCOD PCOS Women's health

6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder characterized by the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, elevated levels of the male hormone androgen, acne, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of infertility and Type-2 diabetes. While symptoms may vary, all women diagnosed with PCOS have irregular menstruation or an absence of menstrual periods. Here the the 6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS.

Finding the right medical treatment can depend on the age of the woman diagnosed although, since PCOS is a hormonal disorder, hormone therapy is often needed to treat PCOS. With the risk of infertility, treating this in addition to alleviating symptoms is often a primary goal of those affected.

While PCOS is the most common disorder diagnosed in women, it is difficult to hear. This, however, does not need to dampen your outlook on life. Below are 6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS you can use to manage you symptoms and treat your PCOS.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone treatment can include the use of contraceptive pills and medications for blocking the activity of androgen. Birth control can help regulate your menstrual cycle and may be needed to prevent endometrial cancer caused by the absence of periods.

Other symptoms related to elevated levels of androgen such as male pattern balding and hirsutism (abnormal hair growth in places with little to no hair) can be managed with hormone therapy and medications including cyproterone acetate,finasteride or spironolactone.

Fertility Treatment

The fertility drug clomifene is used to stimulate ovulation and works by treating hormonal imbalances that disrupt normal ovulation. When treatment with clomifene fails to stimulate the ovaries, hormonal therapy with the gonadotrophin hormone is recommended for restoring normal ovulating. This may, however, cause multiple pregnancies.


A more extreme method, infertility can also be treated with surgery. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is a minor surgical procedure that is recommended when ovulation cannot be stimulated with non-invasive processes and drugs. In this surgical procedure, the tissues in the ovaries that secrete male hormones are destroyed by laser or heat.

This helps to correct the hormonal imbalance by reducing testosterone levels and boosting the follicle-stimulating hormone level. LOD does not cause multiple pregnancies, therefore, it is considered an effective alternative to gonadotropin therapy.

Diabetes Medications

Reduced sensitivity to insulin is a common symptom of PCOS and can create rampant hormonal imbalances. Insulin sensitizers can help manage this symptom and improve the possibility of ovulation. Usually, insulin sensitizers are combined with the fertility drug clomifene.

Hair Removal Treatment

An often embarrassing side effect, PCOS patients with excess hair growth in places where hair does not normally grow can treat this symptom with eflornithine which slows down hair growth. It works by inhibiting the activities of an enzyme that stimulate hair growth. Hair depletion cream and other hair removal treatments are recommended for removing the excess hair from the face and body.

Restorative Supplements

After proper research, supplements can also be a great option. Consider adding Furocyst as a supplement to your healing journey. This product, extracted from the Fenugreek seed without using chemicals, is clinically proven safe and effective for managing PCOS and is shown to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and improve insulin sensitivity. For more information, visit our website

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6 Ways to Treat Your PCOS