Antioxidant Benefits Green Coffee Immunity Respiratory health Uncategorized Weight Loss




Green Coffee is derived from unrefined  and unroasted seeds or beans from the popular Coffee fruit. The green coffee bean extract is proven to show miraculous health benefits especially in weight loss. It is gaining popularity as more & more research work is proving the HEALTH BENEFITS OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS.

Green coffee beans extract vs black coffee

While most of its health benefits are due to the presence of its major  component, namely, chlorogenic acid, there are other HEALTH BENEFITS OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS which are because of some other compounds and factors. While the green coffee beans are in the natural state, the black coffee beans are roasted. Chlorogenic Acid is believed to be the main active component  in green coffee beans but  most part of the chlorogenic acids are destroyed when coffee is roasted Unlike green coffee beans, caffeine is present in a far greater percentage in black coffee, and the content of chlorogenic acids is lowered to 7% of the total bean weight.

How it works

It has been reported that the green coffee bean extract has a comparatively higher degree of absorption. Once green coffee bean extract is consumed, half the chlorogenic acid is quickly metabolized into caffeinated and ferulic acid, a very small percentage continues to function in the body in the original form, i.e CGA. The metabolism rate differs in individuals, but chlorogenic acid and its metabolites are detected in the body even 24 hours after administration. The other half is metabolized into benzoic (hippuric) acid.

The three major metabolites are responsible for the majority of HEALTH BENEFITS OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS.


Green Coffee for Weight Loss

A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine in march 2006 has stated that the daily consumption of green coffee bean capsules or extract in any form comparatively reduces the body fat as well as the fat composition present in the liver. The same experiment was conducted on other group using only the isolated chlorogenic acids and caffeine and the results were same. Thus, it was concluded that Chlorogenic Acids present in a green coffee bean can help in losing weight.


Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Regular consumption of green coffee beans extract reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and CGA is major bioactive compound in coffee that provides health benefits. It has been reported that daily consumption of 3 to 4 cups of decaffeinated coffee containing high percentage of CGA significantly reduces the risk for T2DM by 30% . Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is a great insulin sensitizer that improves the
insulin action. It had been reported that Chlorogenic acid (CGA) at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight exerts antidiabetic effect in nicotinamide induced diabetic rats.

CGA is reported to attenuate intestinal glucose absorption, indicating a possible role for CGA as a glycaemic index lowering agent as well as helps in reducing the risk of developing T2DM.

It was reported that consuming CGA significantly reduced early fasting glucose and insulin responses in overweight men during an oral glucose tolerance test.

Many Clinical trials establish that Chlorogenic Acid in coffee is able to harmonize glucose intake and gastrointestinal hormone and insulin secretion in humans.


Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for the advancement of cardiovascular disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Chlorogenic Acids are hypoglycemic agents and can affect lipid metabolism.
CGA is effective in the case of weight gain and fat accumulation by restriction of fat absorption and activation of fat metabolism in the liver.


Antioxidant Benefits

Green Coffee Bean extract is a powerful antioxidant, which helps in averting the damages caused by free radicals. Green coffee is reported to prevent the propagation of cancer cells, thus suggesting that green coffee may have cancer preventing properties as well. Antioxidants also improve skin texture & prevent it from oxidative damage.

Improved Mood and Cognitive Performance

Grecobe, the Green Coffee has recently been launched in the market as ready to drink sachets. It is a single ingredient product without any additives and excipients, thus ensuring better therapeutic value of each sachet. It’s a healthy drink, which is a taste paradise too.

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Antioxidant Green Coffee Immunity Respiratory health Weight Loss

GRECOBE- Green Coffee Bean Extract & its benefits

There are many health benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extract such as ​H​ealthy Weight Management, Healthy Blood Pressure Level, Healthy Blood sugar level & ​many  more.

First of all let us introduce with what is GRECOBE- Green Coffee Bean Extract & its benefits?
 Green coffee bean Extract has strong anti-oxidant properties. The Green coffee bean extract has dietary polyphenols, Chlorogenic acids which helps to reduce free radicals from the body. Chlorogenic acids​ (CGA)​ are phytochemicals​​ ​that​  are found in ​unroasted or green coffee beans but when the coffee beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acids are demolished. They ​are known for their beneficial properties. This active ​compound makes green coffee bean an excellent agent to ​absorb free radicals; as well as helping to avert hydroxyl radicals, both which contribute to degeneration of cells in the body. It has been​ touted​ as being able to reduce blood sugar levels ​as well as potentially ​assert an anti-diabetic effect. It has also been ​asserted in weight loss and exerting an anti-obesity effect.

Benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extract

  • Weight Loss: ​G​reen coffee​ beans​ extract has ​a conclusive ​effect on weight loss.
  • Lower​s​ Blood Pressure: Green Coffee Bean​s​ Extract has chlorogenic acid​s​; the consumption of ​which ​leads to an ​improve​ment in​ hypertension.
  • Insulin regulation: Insulin Regulation is improved with the consumption of Green Coffee Bean​s​ Extract.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract decreases the risk of cancer and makes the body more receptive to cancer treatment​ because of absorption of free radicals​.

For more information or any query, feel free to contact us. You can contact us by leav​ing​ your comment in ​the​ comment box below. You can also ring us on given numbers below.

Antioxidant Respiratory health



Oxidative stress is the ​disproportion between production of free radicals​ in the body​ and ability of the body to detoxify these free radicals with the help of antioxidants present in the body​.

Normal molecules in the body have two​(paired)​ electrons in their outer shell. A molecule with a single electron​, i.e ​unpaired​,​ in its outer shell is called a free radical. Thus, free radicals are highly​responsive molecules​,​ which are produced inside the body by various biochemical ​reactions. These free radicals are ​essential to carry out many biological processes such as intracellular killing of bacteria by the phagocytic cells.​But ​when these free radicals start to accumulate inside the body instead of using​ them ​up​,​ then they start harming the ​body cells by targeting lipids, proteins ​as well as DNA of the cells. This state of harmful effects​ caused​ by free radicals is termed as oxidative stress.



Oxidative stress is responsible for many diseases inside body. Some of these include​:​

  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease
  • Depression
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hypoxia
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Age-related development of cancer
  • Gastric cancer


Antioxidants are ​the molecules ​that neutralize free radicals by ​giving them an extra electron.​Our body produces antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH)​ naturally.​

These naturally available antioxidants are not​sufficient to neutralize all ​of​ the free radicals inside the body. As people grow older, th​is ​natural production of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) cannot keep up with the increasing levels of free radicals. Thus, constant supply of antioxidants either from additional diet or in the form of a drug is necessary for human body.



There are various sources of antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C, beta carotene, selenium, phytonutrients, etc. These sources are divided into three categories of antioxidants to fight against oxidative stress. These are:

  • Natural antioxidants: A ​human body has its own system of antioxidants which is activated ​when oxidative stress ​is ​originated inside the body. These include superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase.
  • Synthetic antioxidants:Another source of antioxidant​s​ is synthetic antioxidant which ​are manufactured by the industries. These antioxidants are in the form of medicines ​and​ are available in the market for consumption.
  • Plant antioxidants: ​Like ​us, plants also have antioxidant systems. Various parts of the plants such as fruits, leaves, seeds etc contain bioactive components which can be used as antioxidant​s​ for human consumption. These forms of antioxidants are ​very effective with almost negligible​ side effects. They are either prepared in the form of extracts or can be consumed along with diet. These include flavonoids, catechins, carotenoids, beta carotene, terpenes, etc.



  • Antioxidants in cardiovascular disease: Free radicals produced from LDL are ​considered to be a major part of cardiovascular events. Antioxidants may inhibit atherosclerosis by targeting LDL associated free radicals and ​therefore, ​help to ​prevent the complications of cardiovascular diseases.


  • Antioxidants in stroke treatment: Oxidative stress is a potential contributor to stroke​s​. Excess​ive​ oxidative stress result​s​ in apoptosis, inflammation, DNA damage, lipid per-oxidation and protein denaturation – all of which contribute to and ​magnify signals leading to damage, ​followed by stroke. Antioxidants are ​considered to be a treatment strategy for stroke. They are reported to reduce cell damage caused by stroke ​by blocking the production of excessive free radicals in the body.



  • Antioxidants for cancer: There are common antioxidants which ​are involved in cancer treatment. These are lipoic acid, Vitamin C, beta carotene, Vitamin E, etc. ​T​hese antioxidants increase the activity of immun​ity​ cells against cancer cells. These antioxidants also ​constrain the damage caused by free radicals​ to the DNA



  • Antioxidants in brain health: Antioxidants are commonly used as treatment for ​different forms of brain injury. Superoxide dismutase mimetics such as sodium thiopental and propofol are used to treat reperfusion injury and traumatic brain injury.


  • Antioxidants in neurodegenerative diseases: Neuronal proteins and structural components get ​altered due to oxidative stress in different neurological disorders leading to neuro-inflammation and loss of cognitive function. Antioxidants are very effective for neuroprotection. Antioxidants target calcium mediated neurotoxicity and prevent the ​commencement of neurodegenerative diseases. Antioxidants also prevent the oxidation of proteins, lipid peroxidation and prevent the ​formation of free radicals, ​therefore act​ing​ as a barrier to the oxidative stress.

(Uttara B et al.: Oxidative stress and neurodegenerative diseases: A review of upstream and downstream antioxidant therapeutic options. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2009 Mar; 7(1): 65–74)

  • Antioxidants in liver damage: Antioxidants are considered to have the beneficial effects in the management of liver diseases. Clinical study ​has ​showed that antioxidants alone or in combination with anti-HCV therapy have shown biochemical efficacy with ​a decline in serum ALT levels. Antioxidants have ​proven to be a treatment therapy for alcoholic cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.


“You can’t possibly avoid free radicals but you can make sure you have enough antioxidants to minimize the damage”

Antioxidants blog Cancer Respiratory health


Chemotherapy is used for managing acute or chronic leukaemia, malignant lymphomas or other tumors in the intestine, lung, breast and other organs. The use of chemotherapeutic substances is common when combating tumor cells and pathogens such as viruses and fungal infections.

Different medications are used, depending on the type of illness and condition of the patient. Cytostatic agents which are frequently used in chemotherapy and which cause severe side effects are for instance the anthracycline.  1

The use of drugs (whether chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or targeted therapy) constitutes systemic therapy for cancer in which they are introduced into the blood stream and address cancer at any anatomic location in the body. Systemic therapy is often used in conjunction with other modalities that constitute local therapy (i.e. treatments whose efficacy is confined to the anatomic area where they are applied) for cancer such as radiation therapy, surgery and/or hyperthermia therapy.



The occurrence of acute or long-term side effects which occur later in connection with the chemotherapy, include the side effects to: 3

  • Skin
  • Mucous membranes
  • Increased sensitivity to herpes viruses or fungal infections
  • Alopecia – Temporary partial or total loss of hair
  • Psychological damage, particularly in women

Side effects to skin include

  • Dry or scaly skin
  • Itchy skin swellings
  • Red patches
  • Formation of blisters
  • Skin lesions with low-level mechanical impacts
  • Allergies
  • Skin discoloration along the infusion veins
  • Pigment spots
  • Hand and foot syndrome (PPE)


It was found that chemotherapeutic substances which are administered systemically or intravenously quickly penetrate from inside-out onto the skin via sweat and are distributed homogeneously over the skin surface. Then they penetrate the skin from outside in the same manner as the topically applied substances. The highest concentration of chemotherapeutic substances on the skin is observed in places where the highest sweat glands occur, e.g. on the forehead, the axilia and the balls of the hands & feet. The majority of skin irritations also occur here.

Chemotherapeutic substances frequently accumulate in the hair follicles. They are in part expelled there together with the fat from the sebaceous glands and this contributes to rapid loss of hair during a chemotherapeutic treatment.

Chemotherapy also increases the free radical activity inside body, which, in turn, can overcome the body’s natural antioxidant defenses causing diseased state in the body.


5It has been found by the scientists that the occurrence of side effects from chemotherapeutic substances on the skin or on the hair can be prevented or significantly reduced when antioxidant agents or such substances which are known as radical scavengers are used during or subsequent to chemotherapy together with microparticles. Obviously, to ensure an effective protection or treatment it is necessary to neutralize the free radicals on the skin or scalp surface before they penetrate the skin from outside and are stored there over a long period of time causing the side effects.




Green coffee bean extract has become one of the top selling weight loss products in the market. Green coffee bean extract has good health-related benefits. The highest quality green coffee bean extract comes with higher polyphenol anti-oxidants such as chlorogenic acid.

The majority of coffee drinkers miss out much of the benefits that coffee contains because the deep roasting process of green coffee beans significantly reduces the anti-oxidant content of it. Now-a-days, green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acid is being studied for its effect on the management of the side effects of chemotherapy.

Here are four studies that show green coffee bean extract and its chlorogenic acid may benefit cancer patients: 7

  • A June 2014 study in The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry found that chlorogenic acid showed promise in fighting breast cancer and recommended that it “would be a promising candidate for further evaluation as an antioxidant and anticancer agent.”
  • A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistryalso looked at breast cancer cells. Researchers in this study also found that the chlorogenic acid could potentially serve as cancer fighter and have a “chemopreventive” effect.
  • A January 2015 study published in the Journal of Cellular Oncology showed breast cancer is not the only cancer that appears to be helped by chlorogenic acid. This study looked at the effect of chlorogenic acid on lung cancer cells. That study proposed that chlorogenic acid could “represent a novel therapeutic option for the treatment of (lung) cancer.”
  • A February 2015 study published in Anti-Cancer Drugsshowed that chlorogenic acid could actually help a cancer patient’s body be more receptive to chemotherapy treatment. That study shows potential in making chemotherapy for liver cancer more effective.

This scientific evidence suggest that the green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acid can be opted as management strategy to get relief from the side effects of chemotherapy treatment.


Antioxidants News Respiratory health

GRECOBE- Proud winner as ‘Best Tasting Functional Beverage’ at Vitafoods Asia, Hongkong

We have exhibited in Vitafoods Asiaworld-Expo,Hong Kong on 1-2 September’ 2016  & we are pleased to inform you that our product GRECOBE is the winner as ‘Best Tasting Functional Beverage’