Vitamins you need as you age
Vitamins you need as you age

Natural aging is linked with a number of changes that incorporate nutrient deficiencies and poor health conditions. The less diet intake and low absorption levels create a lot of difficulties in staying fit. As we age, our body becomes more prone to disease so getting strong immunity requires regular consumption of vitamins and minerals.

Fortunately, medical science has developed some supplements that are a perfect substitute for lacking diet and exercise. You can take these healthy supplements regularly as they do not have any bad effect on the body, plus there are no habitual risks.

How aging affects body’s nutritional needs?

Aging is responsible for a myriad of changes that include loss of muscle, less stomach acid, thinner skin and much more. All these changes in the body open the door to various diseases and ill effects. The stomach acid also gets lower with time and less stomach acid means lower absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Another major challenge that comes with aging is less calorie absorption, which results in nutritional dilemma. Older people have a habit that they cannot eat much to satisfy the body requirements, along with this their bodies absorb less out of what they eat.

This creates scarcity and the body feels the thirst and hunger every time. No intake of vitamins can lead to dehydration and the consequences can get even worse.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a major requirement of the body. It helps in generating new nerve and blood cells. You can get adequate Vitamin B12 from dairy, eggs, fish and meat. Many people who are vegans have fair chances to lack with this vitamin, but thankfully there are several products that are extracted from natural and organic means.

These vitamin supplements can substitute the need of eating meat and the body can churn out the vitamin need for proper functionality.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin helps the body to fight against germs, while generating energy. In babies, Vitamin B6 has a major role as it helps their brains to develop and grow.             With aging, the need of Vitamin B6 increases and the sources to get this are limited. The most inexpensive and available source is chickpeas, fatty fish and liver.


Calcium is one of the vital components our body needs. With time, our body starts loosing the calcium balance that leads to weak bones and osteoporosis. More than men, women are affected by this and with aging the requirement of calcium also increases. You can eat calcium rich foods like cheese, yogurt, milks and eggs.

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is also known as the best antioxidant. It halts the natural aging process and eliminates the risk of cell damage. Additionally, Vitamin C makes the immune system robust and helps the body to fight with unwanted issues. You can add fruits to your diet that have citric acid.

You need more nutrients and fewer calories

Aging people have schedules which include very less work out sessions, so getting more calories is surely a NO in order to remain fit. You need something that promises more nutrients and at the same time lesser calories. Some vitamin supplements available in the market can be absorbed easily and have zero calories in them.

Vitamins are essential for each and every human being. For a healthy gut, you need to maintain vitamin levels and make sure that you never lack in it. If you are not able to eat the above mentioned foods or you are following a strict diet, then substituting to vitamin supplements is a wide move.

You can rely on these supplements for you daily requirements. Before taking any medication and supplement, it is advised to consult your doctor.







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