Green Coffee Weight loss Immunity

Drinking Green coffee is best for Weight Loss

Green coffee for weight loss gained momentum after being featured on “The Dr. Oz Show”.

Green coffee beans are unroasted coffee beans. Coffee beans contain active compounds, Chlorogenic Acids, which are generally destroyed if roasted at high temperatures. These compounds are touted to be great antioxidants, helpful in weight loss. Thus, green coffee and weight loss are one of the most searched for topics on the internet these days.

Green coffee is available in the market in the form of raw green coffee beans, green coffee beans powder as well as green coffee beans extract. Now the question arises as to which is the  most effective and convenient for weight loss and how to use green coffee for weight loss.

Green coffee beans will have to pe processed by grinding, soaking and boiling for a few hours and even then it won’t be a concentrated dosage and there might be a risk of pesticides prevalent in the drink. Simply powdered green coffee beans are better than raw coffee beans in terms of convenience but again it’ll have to be consumed in larger quantities to actually get a dosage that works for your body.

Green coffee extract is the best form of consuming green coffee. This is in powdered form and has already gone the extraction process to extract Chlorogenic Acids and 5CQA, the active compounds in green coffee beans. It will be available in a convenient dosage form too, to get the maximum benefit out of a small quantity. Hence, green coffee beans extract for weight loss is the best way to utilise green coffee.

Green coffee has myriad benefits even though it is the most famous for its weight loss properties. It is an ultimate antioxidant and is a great immunity booster. Due to its antioxidant properties, it also is beneficial for your skin health. It helps in lowering blood pressure and also is considered to be beneficial for blood glucose in the body. It also decreases production of free radicals in the body and preserve natural antioxidants in the body.

Thus, green coffee is an ultimate health beverage or supplement.

The main question that is left to discuss here would be ‘is green coffee effective for weight loss’. The active compounds in green coffee help to burn both sugar and fat and also helps to maintain a healthy metabolism. It also helps in better absorption of sugar in the body and regulates your appetite too.

Many studies have been conducted showing the weight loss properties of green coffee in humans with negligible side effects. Of course the weight results can be better optimised with a healthy diet and exercise, but green coffee acts as a catalyst in your weight loss journey.

Grecobe-the Green Coffee is a pure green coffee beans extract available as instant green coffee in convenient sachets. It is a sachet full of health and happiness and has no known side effects.

The takeaway from this is that green coffee beans extract is famous for its weight loss properties but has many other health benefits in addition and should definitely be added to one’s lifestyle for better health.




Antioxidants are man-made as well as natural elements that can offset free radicals and protect the body from cellular damage. Antioxidants inhibit or delay certain types of cell damage. Some antioxidants are produced by the body, while others can be procured through dietary sources. Antioxidants are present in a variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables. They are also available as dietary supplements.
Free radicals are chemicals that are typically formed in our bodies as the byproduct of calories being converted into energy. In addition to this, they can be found in natural sources, like air and sunlight whenever they react with the skin. They can easily damage cells and genetic material. Other sources of free radicals are present in the form of food that you eat and the air that you breathe. Some are generated by sunlight’s reaction with skin and eyes.

Examples of antioxidants include



  • Free radicals ​are presentnaturally as ​a result of chemical reactions that take place in our bodies. However, exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke and sunlight can ​manifold increase the number of ​these ​free radicals.
  • Free radicals can ​cause ​damage​ to the​tissues, cell membranes and DNA, which may ​then ​lead to certain cancers and other diseases.
  • Free radicals can be ofmany shapes, sizes, and chemical configurations. What they all ​have in common is​ an​insatiable appetite for electrons, stealing them from ​close-by substances that will ​surrender This electron​s’​stealing can ​completely ​change the “loser’s” structure or function. Free radical​s​ can damage​ or​ change the instructions coded in a strand of DNA causing ​numerous diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and eye diseases such as cataract and age-related macular degeneration.


  • Antioxidants help to ​keep thefree radicals​ steady​ and prevent them from ​causing any

  • The human body, long used to this harsh attack, makes antioxidant molecules that ​quashfree radicals. Antioxidants ​can also ​be​ extracted from food products. They work by generously ​conferring electrons to free radicals without turning into electron-scavenging substances themselves. 



  • Toxins produced ​by the body ​are stored in fat cells inside​ our​ The body holds on to the fat cells as a defence mechanism to ​keepthe body from being ​assaulted and flooded with toxins. Toxins slow down ​body’s ​metabolism and ​it becomes difficult to lose weight even if you are eating less.
  • Toxins also affect the brain cells and ​ can​interfere with ​hunger control and hormone regulation such as ​management of blood sugar.
  • Antioxidants ​equalizethe free radicals and help to ​exclude the toxins ​from the body. This helps every cell in the body to function more ​efficiently in ​dealing with waste, hereby, ​improving Antioxidants also make the fat cells ​reduce their production of triglycerides.


Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, mulberry, goji berries are the best sources of antioxidants without any doubt. Berries contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, which help to lower inflammation and improve the immune system.

Nuts & Seeds:The powerful combination of Vitamin E and fiber in nuts and seeds make them great sources of antioxidants.

Green leafy vegetables: Dark green leafyvegetables like spinach, methi,coriander have beta-carotene as well as are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and even calcium. They are also a rich source of potassium and magnesium.

Whole grains:Try replacing refined grains like white rice or all purpose flour (maida) with brown rice or whole wheat flour, and one can drastically increase the antioxidants level in their diet. These whole grains provide the antioxidant nutrients like selenium and zinc. They are also rich in phytochemicals.



GRECOBE- An Ultimate Antioxidant

GRECOBE – Green coffee bean extract has strong anti-oxidant properties. The Green coffee bean extract has Chlorogenic acids, dietary polyphenols which act to help reduce free radicals in the body. Chlorogenic acid is a phytochemical found in green coffee beans but when the coffee beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acid is destroyed. This active ingredient makes green coffee bean an excellent agent to absorb free radicals; as well as helping to avert hydroxyl radicals, both of which contribute in the degradation of cells in the body.It’s now available in sachets as instant green coffee. It is a great health drink, which is a taste paradise too.

Antioxidants blog Cancer Respiratory health


Chemotherapy is used for managing acute or chronic leukaemia, malignant lymphomas or other tumors in the intestine, lung, breast and other organs. The use of chemotherapeutic substances is common when combating tumor cells and pathogens such as viruses and fungal infections.

Different medications are used, depending on the type of illness and condition of the patient. Cytostatic agents which are frequently used in chemotherapy and which cause severe side effects are for instance the anthracycline.  1

The use of drugs (whether chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or targeted therapy) constitutes systemic therapy for cancer in which they are introduced into the blood stream and address cancer at any anatomic location in the body. Systemic therapy is often used in conjunction with other modalities that constitute local therapy (i.e. treatments whose efficacy is confined to the anatomic area where they are applied) for cancer such as radiation therapy, surgery and/or hyperthermia therapy.



The occurrence of acute or long-term side effects which occur later in connection with the chemotherapy, include the side effects to: 3

  • Skin
  • Mucous membranes
  • Increased sensitivity to herpes viruses or fungal infections
  • Alopecia – Temporary partial or total loss of hair
  • Psychological damage, particularly in women

Side effects to skin include

  • Dry or scaly skin
  • Itchy skin swellings
  • Red patches
  • Formation of blisters
  • Skin lesions with low-level mechanical impacts
  • Allergies
  • Skin discoloration along the infusion veins
  • Pigment spots
  • Hand and foot syndrome (PPE)


It was found that chemotherapeutic substances which are administered systemically or intravenously quickly penetrate from inside-out onto the skin via sweat and are distributed homogeneously over the skin surface. Then they penetrate the skin from outside in the same manner as the topically applied substances. The highest concentration of chemotherapeutic substances on the skin is observed in places where the highest sweat glands occur, e.g. on the forehead, the axilia and the balls of the hands & feet. The majority of skin irritations also occur here.

Chemotherapeutic substances frequently accumulate in the hair follicles. They are in part expelled there together with the fat from the sebaceous glands and this contributes to rapid loss of hair during a chemotherapeutic treatment.

Chemotherapy also increases the free radical activity inside body, which, in turn, can overcome the body’s natural antioxidant defenses causing diseased state in the body.


5It has been found by the scientists that the occurrence of side effects from chemotherapeutic substances on the skin or on the hair can be prevented or significantly reduced when antioxidant agents or such substances which are known as radical scavengers are used during or subsequent to chemotherapy together with microparticles. Obviously, to ensure an effective protection or treatment it is necessary to neutralize the free radicals on the skin or scalp surface before they penetrate the skin from outside and are stored there over a long period of time causing the side effects.




Green coffee bean extract has become one of the top selling weight loss products in the market. Green coffee bean extract has good health-related benefits. The highest quality green coffee bean extract comes with higher polyphenol anti-oxidants such as chlorogenic acid.

The majority of coffee drinkers miss out much of the benefits that coffee contains because the deep roasting process of green coffee beans significantly reduces the anti-oxidant content of it. Now-a-days, green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acid is being studied for its effect on the management of the side effects of chemotherapy.

Here are four studies that show green coffee bean extract and its chlorogenic acid may benefit cancer patients: 7

  • A June 2014 study in The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry found that chlorogenic acid showed promise in fighting breast cancer and recommended that it “would be a promising candidate for further evaluation as an antioxidant and anticancer agent.”
  • A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistryalso looked at breast cancer cells. Researchers in this study also found that the chlorogenic acid could potentially serve as cancer fighter and have a “chemopreventive” effect.
  • A January 2015 study published in the Journal of Cellular Oncology showed breast cancer is not the only cancer that appears to be helped by chlorogenic acid. This study looked at the effect of chlorogenic acid on lung cancer cells. That study proposed that chlorogenic acid could “represent a novel therapeutic option for the treatment of (lung) cancer.”
  • A February 2015 study published in Anti-Cancer Drugsshowed that chlorogenic acid could actually help a cancer patient’s body be more receptive to chemotherapy treatment. That study shows potential in making chemotherapy for liver cancer more effective.

This scientific evidence suggest that the green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acid can be opted as management strategy to get relief from the side effects of chemotherapy treatment.