TEAM FENFURO sponsored State Executive Meet of National Integrated Medical Association Panjab Unit at A G A Heritage Club, Amritsar on 16/10/2011. Team FENFURO was represented by Mr. Gopesh Lamgora, Mr. Kamal Gupta & Mr Nitin Goyal Dr. Sareen Chauhan the organising secy. NIMA (Amritsar Unit) welcomed the delegates and the participants of this meeting. Dr. Chauhan invited Mr. Gopesh Lamgora to give the presentation on diabetes and FENFURO. More than 50 doctors attended the meet. Delegates listened to the presentation with rapt attention. Mr. Gopesh on conclusion of presentation asked for queries on FENFURO and answered the queries deftly and convincingly. Dr Amanpreet Singh thanked FENFURO TEAM and all the participants. There was presentation of mementoes. NIMA President and other dignitaries presented a memento to FENFURO TEAM.