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Diet tips to help your knees

Struggling with knee problems can be frustrating, difficult, and downright painful. However, there are a number of things that a person can do to help improve their knee health by changing their diet. While this will not resolve everyone’s knee issues, it can help to ease the pain many experience, and lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive life.

Reduce Calories

1One of the most important things about knee health is to try and reduce the amount of excess weight a person carries on their body. This extra weight causes more stress on the knee joint. By simply reducing the calories and controlling portion sizes, a person is able to help to reduce the weight their knees have to carry. There are a number of ways to do this without going to extremes. For instance, substituting water for a sugary drink daily is a great way to reduce calories. Or opt for a piece of fruit when craving something sweet instead of reaching for a cookie or candy bar. Even small changes can add up over time and help to reduce the stress on your knees.

Increase Fiber Intake

2Increasing fiber intake can help the body to reduce calories consumed, and can also help you to feel fuller for longer. The most common sources of fiber are plant-based foods, like fruits and vegetables. Other sources of fiber include whole grains. However, by opting for more fruit and vegetables, you are eating more antioxidants, which results in a reduction of the inflammation in the body’s joints. When inflammation is reduced naturally, there is less of a need for medication and an increase in the person’s ability to move free from pain. More movement also means a reduction in weight, and a healthier life.

Eat Omega-3s

3Omega-3 is a natural anti-inflammatory. As a result, it helps the body to rid itself of inflammation. This makes joint pain in the knees less, and makes it easier to get up and move about your day. One of the most common ways to get more Omega-3 in your diet is to eat fatty fish. By simply eating two meals of fatty fish a week, the body is able to get enough Omega-3 to help naturally reduce the amount of inflammation in joints. Some excellent sources of Omega-3 include tuna, trout, and salmon.

Consume Oleocanthal

4Oleocanthal is a natural compound found in olive oil. Like Omega-3, it helps to reduce inflammation in the body similar to many medication anti-inflammatories do. However, many people opt to reach for olive oil that has been filtered and processed. When this happens, the oleocanthal compound can be removed from the oil. Instead, look for an olive oil that has a more dominant natural flavor instead of one with a lighter flavor. These usually contain more of the oleocanthal compound in them. Substituting olive oil for other fats, like butter and margarine is a great alternative, and way to get the healing properties in your diet without adding additional calories.

Get Enough Vitamin C

5Vitamin C is often thought of as being beneficial for helping a person fight off an illness. However, vitamin C is also helpful in building connective tissue and collagen in the body. This is important for proper joint health. Vitamin C is found naturally in a lot of different fruits and vegetable, not just oranges and other citrus fruits. By eating a handful of strawberries, some bell peppers, or broccoli with your meal a few times a day, you will be able to eat the recommended dose each day.

Lower the Cooking Temperature

6Often times, meat is cooked at a higher temperature to sear it. But, this causes advanced glycation end products (AGEs) to form in the meat. These compounds have been connected to other problems in the body like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. For those who are concerned about knee health, avoiding AGEs can be important in the prevention of inflammation and being able to move freely and without pain. Instead, opt for lower temperatures and cooking for a longer period of time.

Avoid Processed Foods

7Whenever possible, it is important to opt for fresh foods or those which have the minimum amount of processing possible. This is because processed foods often have additives in them, but also because they are often cooked at a higher temperature, which results in AGEs forming in the food. The more processed a food is, the more AGEs present, and the more inflammation a person will experience in their joints. One general rule of thumb to reduce the amount of processed foods consumed is to shop only the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the center or middle aisles.

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Can Optimism Affect Your Health?

People love to say “stay positive” or “be optimistic”, especially in the face of adversity. But does staying positive or being optimistic all the time, or generally, most of the time have any bearing on your health? The answer is Yes!

Many scientists have conducted series of qualitative and quantitative tests and surveys and have arrived at a general consensus that staying positive is good for you. Not only does being optimistic limit your chances of contracting many health risks but it also helps you fight diseases, recover quickly, and increase your lifespan. If you have ever been part of a training or a regimented physical activity, your trainer may always stress the need for “mind-muscle connection”. As superficially unconnected as that may sound, your mental wellbeing has various effects on your physical wellbeing as well. As an abstraction, optimism cannot be detected in a test or precipitated by some experiment. However, scientists devised ways to determine the effect of optimism, and have concluded that being optimistic affects our lives in the following ways:images


Lesser Stress

When you’re optimistic it means you choose to see the good side of things. Being optimistic fights stress, it’s like the opposite of being stressed. When you look at the brighter side of things, this positive outlook helps you fight stress and all the physical and non-physical health-related problems that come with it. Stress has been connected to so many problems and disorders like increased aging, balding, skin problems, heart attacks and much more. Stress is bad for your health and optimism is a good cure for it.



Many health experts and researchers have shown that optimism increases your longevity. People who have a positive outlook in life are less likely to engage in harmful behavior or develop psychological disorders like depression and anxiety. Moreover, optimism also lessens your risk of age-related illness, which in turn helps you live longer.


Better Immune Systemimages

Your immune system also has also been linked to optimism. A University of Kentucky study showed that people who had an optimistic disposition showed a stronger release of immune cells when invaded by a foreign body (bacteria or virus). This study was also replicated by many scientists with similar results. This is another benefit of being optimistic, the more you stay positive, the better your body fights diseases, and the healthier you live.


Less Risk of Heart Diseasesdownload

When it comes to the heart, perhaps there’s no organ that is affected by stress like it. Many heart diseases have been associated with constant stress, depressions, and other negative dispositions. As a result, being optimistic will remedy that. This fact has also been corroborated by many studies. In one study published by Harvard, doctors found that optimistic patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases were twice less likely to be re-hospitalized as pessimistic patients. On another note, the study showed that pessimistic people were three times more susceptible to suffering from heart attacks than optimistic people. It makes total sense given how relieved your heart is when you see things positively and hope for good things.

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Lesser chance of Hypertension

The word “tension” is already implicit in this sickness and I’m sure you already know what that means. Being optimistic is one of the main fighters of hypertension, or its most common name, high blood pressure. One of the first things the doctor tells a hypertension patient is “Avoid Stress” and the best way to do that is by being optimistic. Optimism keeps you away from getting a high blood pressure.

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Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. If you’re always seeing the negative aspects of things and being despondent all the time, then it’s very likely that you’ll have a limited social circle, at best. Pessimism pushes people away. On the other hand, optimism is an attractive trait that is generally loved and accepted by people. Having a positive disposition will expand your social interactions and relationships. This, in turn, leads to a joyful life, rich in happiness and devoid of sadness.

Optimism is not just a disposition or a recourse when we face adversity. It is a good trait that most of us should inculcate, especially these days. Let’s strive to stay positive, after all, it’s good for our health.