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Maintain a Balanced Diet While Dieting

It is safe to say that 90% people might have tried dieting at least once in their lifetime to either maintain or achieve their ideal figure. It can also be said that most people dread dieting or find it difficult to diet as one has to eat the same flavorless food day after day. 
However, it is in the interest of dieters to remember a few key tips to achieve their weight goal in a way that is healthy and also increases the chances of successfully completing their diet of choice.

Variety 385-md

Dieters who get bored while dieting may be relieved to know that variety is an important key to remaining healthy. Foods come in a rainbow of colors. These colors contain certain nutrients. For instance, bright colored fruits and vegetables are high in Vitamins A and C. Incorporating foods of different colors every day is an effective way to include diversity in a diet plan and, more importantly, to consume a balanced diet.


Another key to maintaining a healthy body weight and metabolism is to avoid ingredients that add more flavor to your food along with other unhealthy elements. Excessive sodium and butter consumption are examples. You should try substituting these with healthy alternatives like healthy spices and oils. For example, extra virgin olive oil is a rich source of heart healthy fats and adds ample flavor to salads. Many fragrant herbs like thyme, rosemary, and basil can be used and also offer health benefits when added to food. Finding the right combination of herbs and spices can eliminate the urge to add salt, sugar, or butter to your meal.



Staying hydrated is utmost important for everyone. Dehydration can play a major role in weight loss as people sometimes take body’s thirst signals for hunger. Dieters should ensure they are consuming at least eight ounces of fluid each day along with their diet. By avoiding dehydration, people may be less tempted to snack unnecessarily throughout the day.

Feeling good and healthy are two of the most obvious benefits of dieting. By remembering to diversify their nutrient intake, drink enough water, and keep a balanced intake of nutrients, dieters can greatly enhance their ability to remain on their diet program and in turn achieve their weight loss goals in a healthier fashion.

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Are you struggling with obesity and unusual weight gain? Are you fed up with taking all the 2medicines for weight loss and doing hard exercise? Then, you come in the categories of slow metaboliser. When we eat food, it undergoes several processes like absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion(ADME). Metabolism is a complex process that involves several steps. For a common person, it is difficult to understand the term –  metabolism. In simplest way, metabolism is a process whereby the body converts food and fluids into energy that is required for various activities. When a person has slow metabolism, the calories from food do not get used to form energy and get converted into fats, which increases the body weight.


Slow metabolism affects the body in several ways. It minimizes the body ability to burn fat and results in weight gain even if the diet is right. Moreover, slow metabolism slows down the conversion of food and fluid into energy, due to which a person feels tired and fatigues all the time. So it is essential to have a healthy metabolism. Fast metabolism is also not good for health. Only a healthy metabolism is necessary for a healthy life. There are numerous factors that slows down the metabolism process.


AGE: Have you seen your uncle who was lean at his young age and has put on the weight in the later stage? This is due to the age factor. As we grow older, our cells begin to degenerate and our body’s capacity to produce energy also lessens, causing the metabolic rate to slow down. Regular exercise is the best way to reduce weight.4


Physical activity: We all are living in an era where getting everything is so easy. Technology and advancement are reducing the physical work day by day. Lack of physical activity is also one of the reasons to slump your metabolism. Sitting down for long periods of time can affect energy levels. So it is necessary that during the day, we make attempts to leave the desk to stretch and walk around.

Stress: N5owadays, everyone is dealing with lot of stress. Work stress, family stress, health stress and emotional stress. But we are unaware of the fact that stress level slows down the metabolism. Stress level increases the cortisol. Raised levels of cortisol due to stress can cause you to eat more and the spike in caloric intake will make you to gain weight.

Hormones: You may wonder that hormones levels can also affect the metabolism. Lack of estrogen in women and the amount of testosterone in both men and women can change the muscle/fat ratio. Testosterone helps to regulate muscle mass, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.

6Insomnia: Chronic insomnia can cause irregular hormones. Insulin is a hormone that tells your body to store fat. Sleep deprivation appears to have a harmful impact on carbohydrate metabolism. When carbohydrates are not metabolized properly, it results in elevated blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels raise insulin level, signaling your body to store unused energy as fat.


Inconsistent meal time: In the race of becoming wealthy, we are rarely thinking about our diet and 7the meal timings. Sometimes we skip our breakfast and then have a heavy lunch. Sometimes our meal timings don’t match. When your meal timing comes at regularly spaced intervals, your body uses up the calories for fuel and burns more calories in between meals. If the eating pattern is erratic, your body gets confused and gets unsure when the next meal will come.  So, it goes into conservation mode. Calorie consumption gets reduced and more food is put into storage

Shortening of diet: We all live in a myth that dieting helps to reduce the weight. But, it is absolutely wrong. If you have started dieting for weight loss then you are actually slowing down your metabolism. Cutting the calories too low will put the body into starvation mode and slows down the metabolism. Make sure you get enough calories and a balance of macronutrients to keep your metabolism healthy.9

Medications: There are some medicines which slows down your metabolism. Drugs like antidepressants, diabetic medications, steroids, anti-thyroid agents and hormone therapies.

Temperature: You believe it or not, but temperature also affects your metabolism. It has been proved that people who are living in the hotter regions have slow metabolic rate as compared to people living in colder regions. Cold weather burns more calories in human body.

Obesity becomes a major problem among people nowadays. There are several medicines which are available in the market for obesity and weight loss. But GCB70 is the most innovating product that gives promising effect. It is enriched with chlorogenic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant. Chlorogenic Acid may have biological effects in the small intestine that alters the patterns of glucose uptake, helping to regulate the metabolism. It has also been implicated in weight loss and exerting an anti-obesity effect

Key Points:11

  • Inconsistent meal time, dieting, stress and lack of physical activity are the major factors that can slow your metabolism.
  • Regular exercise is the biggest asset that can improves your metabolism
  • Antioxidant rich diet also helps to maintain your metabolism.







blog OBESITY Weight Loss



Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive body fat. People who are medically obese usually are affected by behavior, genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control with dieting. Obesity increases the likelihood of certain diseases and other related health problems.

1Obesity is due to an individual taking in more calories than they burn over an extended period of time. These “extra” calories are stored as fat. Although there are several factors that can lead to this energy imbalance in obese individuals, the main contributors are behaviour, environment and genetics.

Stages of overweight are medically defined by body mass index (BMI). An individual with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 kg/m2 is clinically classified as overweight. A BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more is classified as obese.

Obesity has been linked to a host of illnesses including

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Breathing disorders

Rapid urbanization along with rising income and sedentary lifestyles have all been associated with rising levels of obesity.


2India is the third most obese country in the world. A country where 270 million people live below the ‘poverty line’, obesity seems to be a distant issue, meant for the rich kids of first world.

But India is under siege: junk food, alcohol and sedentary lifestyle are leading us to silent self destruction, making one in every five Indian men and women either obese or overweight.

A study published in the noted medical journal Lancet says India is just behind US and China in this global hazard list of top 10 countries with highest number of obese people.



Individuals affected by obesity often face obstacles far beyond health risks. Emotional suffering may be one of the most painful parts of obesity. Society often emphasizes the importance of physical appearance. As a result, people who are obese often face prejudice or discrimination in the job market, at school and in social situations.


African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) is a tree that is native to West African countries. The seeds from this tree are used to make medicine. Irvingia gabonensis has become so popular because it has been shown to help people lose weight.



Researchers believe that African mango helps promote weight loss in several ways.

  • 5It helps boost a person’s leptin level.
  • Leptin is a hormone that helps suppress appetite. Obesity is associated with an increase in leptin levels, which is unusual for the standard mechanism of action in leptin. The reason associated to this is that obese individuals are believed to be resistant to the effects of leptin.
  • Leptin resistance stimulates obesity. Therefore, leptin resistant people find it difficult to lose weight.
  • A hearty appetite can prevent a person from reaching their weight loss goals.
  • African mango helps delay stomach emptying. This helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Blood sugar spikes can lead to food cravings. Additionally, there has also been evidence to suggest that African mango helps increase the breakdown of fat.


There have been numerous studies done on African mango by researchers 


  • There was a clinical study done back in 2005 that tested the effectiveness of African mango on weight loss. There were a total of 40 participants. Twenty-eight of the participants took 350 mg of African mango abstract for one month while the other 12 were given a placebo. The results of the study were that the people who took the African mango extract were able to lose about 5% of their body weight. The subjects who were given a placebo only lost one percent of their body weight.
  • Recently, there was another clinical study done on African mango. Half of the participants were given African mango while the other half was given a placebo. The results of the study were that the participants who took African mango were able to lose 7 pounds in just a month. The results of this study can be found in the Journal for American Health and Disease.


7It is easy to try one diet after another but this will never be a long-term solution. The right way to lose weight safely is to understand the science and research behind natural supplements and apart from this one should change eating habits and then ensure that those new, healthier eating habits become a way of life.

There’s no point in adopting strict measure that prevent you from living life to the fullest. After all, food is there to be enjoyed. You need a way of eating where you can eat out with friends, socialize without having to give up the meal. Real and permanent fat loss (not just weight loss) has to be gradual and it takes time. The important thing, however, is that this approach works, and your weight will stay off.

FUROSLIMIrvingia gabonensis helps to improve the sensitivity of leptin. Fortunately, it not only reverses leptin resistance, but also facilitates the breakdown of body fat by reducing an enzyme (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) that enables glucose to be stored as triglyceride in adipocytes.

FUROSLIMIrvingia gabonensis also increases the insulin-sensitizing hormone adiponectin and inhibits the digestive enzyme amylase that allows ingested carbohydrates to be broken down and absorbed into bloodstream.